Matches 25,951 to 26,000 of 32,986
# | Notes | Linked to |
25951 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/3/19956 The engagement and approach- ing marriage of Miss Beatrice Dorothy Reinbolt, daughter of Mrs. George Reinbolt, 56 Klaum Ave., and the late Mr. Reinbolt, to Pft. Marvin Tooke, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Tooke, 117 Hill- creat Rd., is announced by the fu- ture bride's mother. The wedding will be Saturday in Grace Lutheran Church, Payne Ave. | Family: TOOKE, Marvin C / REINBOLT, Beatrice Dorothy (F36560)
25952 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/30/1936 Mr. and Mrs. George Guinther of 1793 Military road, Kenmore, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lauretta M. to John H. Breitenbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Breitenbach of North Tonawanda. The wedding will take place in September. | Family: BREITENBACH, John H / GUNTHER, Lauretta M (F9685)
25953 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/30/1937 Elmer C. Lang, long a resident of North Tonawanda, died early Friday morning after a long illness. He is survived by his wife. Mabel, his mother, Mrs. William Woodrich and three brothers, Walter Lang and Howard Lang of Middleport and Edward Lang of Buffalo. The funeral will be held Monday at 2:30 o'clock, DST time from the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Woodrich, Ridge Road, Town of Ridgeway. | LANG, Elmer C (I98953)
25954 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/30/1938 William T. Andrews, 79 years old, one of the better known farmers in the Town of Pendleton residing on Beach Ridge road, Beach Ridge, dropped dead yes terday afternoon while delivering eggs to a customer on Schenck street. Mr. Andrews was a life-long resident of Pendleton and a charter member of Pendleton Grange, No. 1307. For many years he had made deliveries of eggs and other produce in the Tonawandas and was well known here. He leaves two sons, Elmer W. and Forest: a daughter, Mrs. William D. Miller, three grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, all of Pendleton, and four brothers, Bert and Joseph, Pendleton, John, Buffalo and Charles, Lockport Rites will be neld Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, daylight saving time, from the residence. Burial will be in Bear Ridge cemetery. | ANDREWS, William T (I116949)
25955 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/30/1945 10 YEARS AGO Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Belling of 342 Falls boulevard announce the marriage of their daughter. Edna C, to Franklin Wilke. son of Mr. And Mrs Philip Wilke of Pierce avenue, Friday evening, July 26. | Family: WILKE, Franklin / BELLING, Edna Clara (F31139)
25956 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/30/1956 BRUSH - Thomas A. Brush, 54, of 7 Fremont St. Tonawanda, Sat- urday evening (July 28, 1956) in DeGraff Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born in Buffalo, he had lived in Tonawanda 34 years. He was a member of Salem Evan- gelicall and Reformed Church and was a past master of Tonawanda Lodge 247 F&AM. He also was a member of the Erie County Past Masters Assn.,, the Erie County Wardens Assn.,, National Fedr- ated Craft 131 of Niagara Falls, Tonawanda Chapter 278 R&AM, the Twin Cities Rifle, Revolver and Pistol Club, and the Masonic bowl- ing team. He was an employe of the U.S.. Customs Service for 30 years and a member of the Cus- toms Assn. and the National Cus- toms Service Assn. Surviving are his wife, Alice J., (nee Ens- minger); three daughters, Mrs. Robert (Jean) Hutchinson and Mrs. Wallace (Alice) Helwig, both of North Tonawanda, and Mrs.. Bernard (Ruth) Ross of Grand Is- land; a son, Robert of North Ton- anwanda; eight grandchildren, and a brother, Howard G. of Bangor, Maine. Friends may call at Hil- liard Funeral Home, 147 Delaware St.,, where services will be at 2 p.m. Tuesday, the Rev. Walter F. Hetzel officiating. Buriall will be in Elmlawn Cemetery. Msonic serv- ices will be at 8 p.m. Monday in the funeral home. | BRUSH, Thomas A (I106129)
25957 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/30/1960 At 4 o'clock this afternoon in a ceremony in St. John's Lutheran Church, Miss Mary Magdalene Haba, daughter of Mrs. Sophie Jackson of 326 Warner Ave., North Tonawanda became the bride of Ronald Frederick Behnke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Behnke of Falls Blvd., North Tonawanda. Shasta daisies and palms formed a background for the ceremony which was performed by the Rev. Clarence Rabe. Alvin Pagels, nuptial soloist, sang the Wedding Prayer andO Promise Me. The bride wore a gown of Chantilly lace and tulle. The fitted bod- ice was enhanced with a se- quin - studded Dabrina neckline and short sleeves. The full skirt featured tiers of lace and tulle tuffles and formed a chapel length train. A sequin-embroidered crown held her veil of illusion. She car- ried a basket of glamellias with cascades of variegated ivy. The matron of honor, Mrs. Patrick Brown, wore a floor length gown of lace and pink nylon with a fitted bodice featuring up - standing lace ruffles and a shirred cummerbund. Layers of alternating lace and nylon ruffles fashioned the full skirt. Identically dressed in orchid were the bridesmaids, the Misses Nancy Stange and Nan- cy Taylor. They carried baskets of shasta daisies, orchid and pink glamellias and trailing ivy. Robert Behnke was the best man and William Bradt and Robert Hardy, ushers. The mother of the bride, who gave her daughter in marriage, wore a pink ensemble with white accessories and the bridegroom's mother chose a beige dress with mint - green accessories. Garden f l o w e r s decorated the Stephen Sikora American Le- gion Post for the reception. Guests from out of town included Mr. and Mrs. Victor Zwolinske, Canada and Jerry Chytstek of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Behnke will travel to the Adirondacks and the New England States and after Aug. 6 will be at home in 192 Bryant St Pre-nuptial showers for the bride were given by Mrs. W. Mittel- staedt, Mrs. Rollin Broeker and Mrs. Robert Shimschack and the bridesmaids and Psi Omega Beta Sorority. | Family: BEHNKE, Ronald F / HABA, Mary Magdalene (F32961)
25958 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/30/1981 MUIR Michael S. Muir, 19, of North Tonawanda. Friday, (July 17, 1981). Mr. Muir was a lifelong resident of No. Tona and a graduate of No. Tona. High School. Survived by his father, Melvin (Sharon) Muir of No. Tona.; his mother, Mrs. Richard (Patricia) Batt, of Wheatfield; his maternal grandparents, Joseph and Jane Wrazin, No. Tona.; his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Nora Elovsky, of Pennsylvania; three brothers, Joseph Muir, of Connecticut, David and Scott Muir of Wheatfield; stepbrother, Steven Batt; stepsister, Kristen Batt, both of Wheatfield. Friends may call today 2-4 and 7-9 pm at the Wattengel Funeral Home, Inc., 307 Oliver St., No. Tona. Mass of Christian Burial Tuesday at 10 a.m. in St Plus X R.C, Church, No. French Rd., -the Rev. Ramon Aymerich officiat- ing. Burial St. Mark's Lutheran Cemetery. | MUIR, Michael S (I127585)
25959 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/31/1939 LeGrand Pletcher, 52, of 815 East Robinson street, died yesterday at the Edward Meyer Memorial hospital, Buffalo. He was a l i f e - l o n g resident of North Tonawanda and a member of the Live Hose company and the North Tonawanda Firemen's Benevolent association. He leaves a son Irving, Tonawanda; three daughters, Mrs. Leslie Garrison, Mrs. Carl Fisher and Mrs. William Lafferty, North Tonawanda; eight grandchildren a father, Charles and three brothers, Roy, Orlee and Stanley, North Tonawanda. Rites will be held tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the residence. The Rev. John H. Sprock will officiate. Burial will be in the City cemetery Mr Pletcher conducted a barber shop at 163 Thompson street. | PLETCHER, Legrand H (I106031)
25960 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: AMMERMAN, Ronald Lee / KATZENBERGER, Susan Rynd (F40296)
25961 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/31/1964 HILDEBRANDT - Edward Hildebrandt, 71. of 3436 Niagara Falls Blvd., Town of Wheatfield, Friday (July 31, 1964) at De- Graff Memorial Hospital Husband of the late Louise Hildebrandt (nee Andrees); father of Mrs. John (Dorothy) Rowland of North Tonawanda, Mrs. Lee (Betty) Klein of the Town of Pendleton, Mrs. Elmer (Ruth) Lamb of Saratoga, Calif., Karl Hildebrandt of the Town of Wheatfield, and Mrs. Robert (Janet) Duckworth of Marietta, Ga.; 10 grandchildren; b r o t h e r of Charles Hildebrandt and Mrs. Alfred Werth, both of North Tonawanda. Friends may call at the Fretthold Funeral Home, 1241 Oliver St. at Ward Road, North Tonawanda, where services will be at 2:30 p.m. Sunday. Interment in St Mark's Lutheran Cemetery. The Rev. Loren J. Shiley will officiate. Mr. Hildebrandt was a member of St. John Evangelical L u t h e r an Church. | HILDEBRANDT, Edward F (I39868)
25962 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/31/1968 MOSES - J. Theodore Moses, 69. of 226 Niagara St.. North Tonawanda, Wednesday (July 31, 1968) at DeGraff Memorial Hospital after a long illness. He was a lifelong resident of the Tonawandas and was an attorney. He is survived by his wife, Louise (Berry) Moses and a cousin, Miss Agnes Gamble of North Tonawanda. Friends may call at the Wat- tengel Funeral Home, 307 Oli- ver St., where prayers will be said Friday at 9 a.m. followed by a Requiem Mass at Ascen- sion Church. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Julius J. Szabo will officiate. Burial in Mt. Oliver Cemetery. He was a member of Ascen- sion Church, the First Friday Club and past exalted ruler of BPOE Lodge 860; past state president and past grand lectur- ing knight of the Elks; member of the Bar Association of the Tonawandas and a past president of the Niagara County Bar Association. He was a World War I Navy veteran, past commander of Tonawandas Legion Post 264 and past county judge advocate of the American Legion; a member of the North Tonawanda Knights of Columbus Chapter 2535 and member of the Fourth Degree; member of Gratwick Hose Company; former city judge of North Tonawanda, and was a director of Southwest Abstract Co. and Certified Finance Co. | MOSES, J Theodore (I142011)
25963 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: ALLARD, Thomas F / COLE, Peggy L (F17398)
25964 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: WILDE, David / BROSIUS, Pamela Jean (F64457)
25965 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/31/1979 ZIMMERMAN - E l s i e Marie Zimmerman, 84, of North Tonawanda in the F a i r c h i l d Nursing Home, Lewiston, Tuesday (July 31, 1979). Mrs. Zimmerman was a lifelong resident of North Tonawanda and a member of St. Mark Lutheran Church. She Is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Arthur (Loretta) Peterson of Hume, NY., Mrs. John (Erna) Harrington, Mrs. M a t t h e w (Vera) Konieczny and Mrs. Judson (Helen) Grubb, all of North Tonawanda; two sons, Walter A.(Audrey) Zimmerman of North Tonawanda and Otto R. Zimmerman of Bath, N.Y.; . thirteen grandchildren, 22 greatg r a n d c h i l d r e n ; a brother, Walter Wrege and two sisters, Mrs. Minnie Sattleburg and Mrs. Edna Holland, all of North Tonawanda. The family will receive friends at the Fretthold Funeral Home, Inc., 1241 Oliver St., at Ward Rd., North Tonawanda this evening from 7 to 9 and Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be held at the funeral home Thursday at 10 a.m., the Rev. Thomas K. Spahn will officiate. Interment St. Mark Lutheran Cemetery. (31-1) | WREGE, Elsie Elisabeth (I81258)
25966 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/31/1980 BRUCE - Colin R. Bruce, 72, of North Tonawanda, Thursday (July 31, 1980) at DeGraff Memorial Hospital, after a lenghty illness. Mr. Bruce was a member of St. Peter United Church of Christ, former employee of Columbus McKinnon Corp. working there for 38 years. He is survived by his wife Delphine (nee Hybil); a son, Colin Robert Bruce II of Iola Wis.; three grandsons, Colin Robert III, Jon- Michael and Kristin Patrick; four sisters, Mrs. Clarence (Olive) Hopkins, Mrs. Alvin (Laura) Gelette, Mrs. Howard Mason, Mrs. Ruth McDonald; one brother, Milton Bruce, all of Saskatchewan, Canada. The family will receive friends at the Fretthold Funeral Home, Inc., 1241 Oliver St., North Tonawanda, this evening from 7-9 p.m. and Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Services will be held at the funeral home Saturday at 9:30 a.m., the Rev. Howard A. Kuhnle will officiate. Interment in Acacia Park Cemetery. | BRUCE, Colin Reginald (I177302)
25967 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: DUEGER, Ronald Arthur / WILLIAMS, Lydia Elizabeth (F35282)
25968 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: CARNEY, Patrick James / BALLING, Valerie Ardyth (F43139)
25969 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/5/1922 The marriage of Miss Adella Glo- goza, daughter of Matthew Glogoza of 61 First avenue, to Frank Budnik was solemnized at solemn high mass at Our Lady of Czesachowa church, Rev Bernard Bendowski officiating, as sisted by Rev. Stanilaus Ogrodowic and Rev. S. Zenszak. The bride was gowned in bridal satin with a veil and carried a shower bouquet of roses and valley lilies. She was at- tended by Miss Lottie Budnik, sister of the groom, as maid of honor, wearing white silk. The bridesmaids were Miss Louise Gawrys, who wore peach colored taffeta and Miss Mary Bernas wearing lavender taffeta. The groom was attended by Walter Glogoza. brother of the bride, as best man and the ushers were John Budnik and Stephen Lazarewicz. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the bride's home. Mr. and Mrs. Budnik will make their home in 61 First avenue. | Family: BUDNIK, Frank / GLOGOZA, Adeline (F67698)
25970 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/5/1927 The death of Ruth Lucille, infant d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Rasch of llfl Stenzel street occurred Sunday at the home of her par e n t s . Funeral services were t h i s morning at 10:510 o'clock l a t a residence, the Rev. E. C. Mueller officiating. Burial was at Elm lawn cemetery | RASCH, Ruth Lucille (I124337)
25971 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/5/1949 Miss Emma Wolgast died July 3. She was the daughter of the; lets August and Catherine Wolgast, and the sister of Mrs. Adam, Kemp and Otto and Edward Wol- gast. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Wednesday from the residence on Sweet Home Road., Town of Amherst, the Rev. Hermann Miller officiating. Burial will be in Skinnerville Cemetery, Town of Amherst | WOLGAST, Emma (I98273)
25972 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: SCHULTZ, Chester / BENZINO, Betty Lou (F49247)
25973 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: ANASTASI, Thompson Warner / WEISSENBURG, Judith Ann (F40412)
25974 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/5/1973 BROECKER - Benjamin P. Broecker, 72, of 7288 Ward Road, Town of Wheatfield, Wednesday (July 4, 1973) at DeGraff Memorial Hospital after a lengthy illness. Mr. Broecker was a member of St. Joseph R.C. Church and a retired employe of the Wurlitzer Co. He is survived bv his wife. Bretta (nee Arbeiton) Broecker; two daughters. Miss Veronica Broecker at home and Mrs, Albert (Bretta) Watz of North Tonawanda: two grand children, Kevin and Daniel Watz; a brother, Albert Broecker of the Town of Wheat field; two sisters. Mrs Louise Dreior and Mrs Leonard (Evelyn) Maerten, both of North Tonawanda, and many nieces and nephews The family will receive friends at the Fretthold Funeral Home, Inc . 1241 Oliver St.. at Ward Rd . North Tonnwanda. where prayers will he said Saturday at 9:30 a.m.. with a Mass of the Resurrection in St. Joseph's Church at 10 a m Interment Mt. Olivet Cometerv | BROECKER, Benjamin Philipp Otto (I56307)
25975 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: SORO, Raymond / ZUCH, Anne Elizabeth (F36146)
25976 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/5/1982 BACON - Beatrice V. (nee Vigrass) Bacon, 81, of Tonawanda, Monday, July 5, 1982 at Millard Fillmore Hospital, Buffalo, after a brief illness. A native of Tonawanda she was the sister of the late Evelyn Voisinet, Ernest Vigrass and Arthur Vigrass. Mrs. Bacon was a member of St. Francis of Assisi Church, the Altar Society, Women's Auxiliary to DeGraff Memorial Hospital and the Historical Society of the Tonawandas. She is survived by her husband, George A. Bacon; three daughters, Mrs. Danny (Margaret) Asbury of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Mrs. Duane (Bernice) Townsend of Tonawanda and Mrs. Wendall M. (Veronica) Wilbar of Manchester, N.H.; two sons, George A. (Lois) Bacon, Jr. and John W. (Patricia) Bacon, both of Tonawanda; three sisters, Mrs. Alice Ekins, Mrs. Olive Horan and Mrs. W a l l a c e ( E m m a) Jaenecke, all of Tona.; two brothers, Wilbur (Dorothy) Vigrass, Tona. and Robert (Dorothy) Vigrass of Newfane; fourteen grandchildren; two great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. Friends may call Monday evening from 7-9 and Tuesday and Wednesday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at John O. Roth Funeral Home, Morgan and William Streets, Tona., where services will be conducted Thursday at 9:30 followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at St. Francis of Assisi Church at 10 o'clock. Burial will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. If desired, Memorial contributions may be made to the Muscular Dystrophy Assoc, or the Heart Assoc, of WNY. (5-6-7 | VIGRASS, Beatrice V (I111370)
25977 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: BRODFUEHRER, Mark James / CANDIDO, Paula Marie (F62470)
25978 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/5/1983 BROECKER - Lydia B Broecker, 85, of the Town of Wheatfield, Saturday (July 2. 1983) in Kenmore Mercy Hospital after a lengthy illness. Mrs. Broecker was a member of St. Matthew Lutheran Church She was the wife of the late Philip Broecker, who died in 1955 She is survived by four daughters. Miss Mildred Broecker of Wheatfield; Mrs AW (Lois) Moldenhauer of North Tonawanda; Miss Phyllis Broecker of Nashua, N.H., and Mrs Delwyn (Shirley) Arnold of Franklin, Mass.; one son. Burton (Lorena) Broecker of North Tonawanda; seven grandchildren, two great grandchildren and many nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Fretthold Funeral Home Inc., 1241 Oliver St at Ward Road, North Tonawanda, Monday and Tuesday 2 A p m and 7-9 p.m. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 10 am from St. Matthew Lutheran Church The Rev AW Moldenhauer will officiate. Interment in St. Paul Lu theran Cemetery If so desired, memorials may be made to St Matthew Lutheran Church | MITTELSTAEDT, Lydia Bertha Louise (I67894)
25979 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1923 Mrs. Bertha Pieper, sixty-seven y e a r s old, died this m o r n i n g at her home on t h e N i a g a r a ' F a l l s boulevard a f t e r a l i n g e r i n g ' i l l n e s s , i n d u c e d by a p a r a l y t i c stroke. Mrs. Pieper was born in G e r m a n y . During t h e p a s t fift y - t h r e e y e a r s she r e s i d e d h e r e . Sur Viving a r e a h u s b a n d , W i l l i am Pieper,. s i x d a u g h t e r s , Mrs. F r a n k Sasse, Bui falb, Mrs. William H e i d e n f e l d t , Mrs W i l l i am S t r a s s b u r g . Mrs. A l b e r t W a rb low and Mrs. Edward Hardy, North Tonawanda, and Mrs E d w a r d Doebler. N o r t h Ridge; two sons, W i l l i am Pan kow and A r t h u r Pieper, North Tona w a n d a ; t h i r t y - e i g h t g r a n d c h i l d r e n , one s i s t e r , Mrs., A u g u s t a Holler, Buffalo arid two b r o t h e r s , William Behm North T o n a w a n d a , and C h a f e s Behm R a n s o m v i l l e . The f u n e r a l will be held S u n d a y afternoon at 3:30 at the late r e s i d e n c e and half an hour l a t e r at the J o h n ' s c h u r c h , St. J o h n s b u r g , Rev Wa l t e r T h i e m e c k e officiating. Burial ill be at St. J o h n ' s cemetery, St. J o h n s b u r g . | BEHM, Bertha Ernestine Louise (I54885)
25980 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1925 Mr. and Mrs. James Brown announce the marriage of their daughter. Helen Alice, to Clarence Andres on Friday evening at 5 o'clock at the parsonage of the first Church of Christ. Rev. C. R. Sine officiating. Miss Brown wore a gown of white georgette with lace and silver trimming and a head band of silver, with a corsage of white roses. Her attendant. Miss Elisabeth Heiberger. was gowned in pink georgette with bead trimming and a corsage of pink roses The groom was attended by James Mulvey. After the ceremony a wedding supper was served at the home of the bride's parents. Covers for twelve were laid at the bride's table centered with a large wedding cake. The house was attractively decorated in yellow and white. The out-of-town guests ware Miss Cora Mahler and Miss Lucille Mahler of New York and James Mulvery of Lockport. Returning from a trip through Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Andres will be at home, after July 6, in 279 Grove street. | Family: ANDRES, Clarence H / BROWN, Helen Alice (F40683)
25981 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1926 Marie L.. Buike, 69 years old, died Sunday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred Engel, 76 Allen street, after a lingering illness. She was born in Germany. For the past 43 years she has been a resident of North Tonawanda. She is survived by her husband, Wiliam Buike; two daugh-- ters, Mrs Engel and Mrs Dale DeWire of North Tonawanda, three sons, Frank, Edward and Otto Buike, of North Tonawanda; nine grandchildren, two sisters, Mrs. Otto Karre of North Tonawanda and Mrs. Augusta Giode of Germany and a brother Frank Schultz of Germany. Mrs. Buicke was a mem- ber of the Ladies Aid Society of St. Paul's church, East Felton street. The funeral will be held tomorrow after- noon at 2:30 o'clock aat the Engel resi- dence, Rev. Ernest Schneppe, officiat- ing. Burial will be at Elmlawn. | SCHULTZ, Marie (I134485)
25982 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1935 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gierke of 180 Schenck stret announce the engagement of their daughter Muriel Luella, to Arthur Ziehm, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Ziehm of 49 Fredericka street. The wed- ding will take place in the near future. | Family: ZIEHM, Arthur W / GIERKE, Muriel Luella (F35452)
25983 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1937 Mrs. Minnie Volkstadt, 60 years old, died Sunday night at her home, 46 Ransom street. Mrs. Volkstadt, who had been in failing health for some time, was, stricken with paralysis a few hours before death. She was a life-long resident of North Tonawanda, a member of the Friedens Evapgelical church and the Ladies Aid Society of the church. She leaves a husband, Charles; two daughters, Ruth and Florence, North Tonawanda; two sons, Wilfred, Kenmore and Howard, Niagara Falls; two grand sons one granddaughter; two sisters, Miss Hulda Zebulske, and four brothers, Charles, Fred, John and Edward Zebulske, all of North Tonawanda. Rites will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the residence, Rev. Theodore Mayer will officiate. Burial will be in Frieden's cem- etery. | ZEBULSKE, Minnie (I102741)
25984 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1938 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Love of 142 Grove street announce the marriage of their daughter Marjorie H. Bell to Mr. Leonard W. Lance of North Tonawanda Sunday, July 3, at Ithaca. The ceremony was performed in the Cornell University chapel by the Rev. Edward T. Horn. The attendants were Miss Bernice Lance of Ithaca, sister of the groom, and Mr. Donald Bell of Tonawanda, brother of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Lance will make their home in 26 Hill Place. | Family: LANCE, Leonard William / BELL, Marjorie Helena (F47677)
25985 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1940 Miss Winifred Rose Andalora, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Andalora of Sanborn, was united in marriage to Earl William Wolcott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wolcott of a pretty wedding, solemnized in St. Peter's Evangelical and Reformed church, this morning at 10 o'clock, the Rev T. H. Twente officiating. The church decorations were baskets of garden flowers. Mr. Clarence Fischer sang, Because and At Dawning, with Mrs. Glenwood Warblow presiding at the organ The bride wore a long white embroidered vel-ray gown, with a train, and her long net veil fell from a halo trimmed with seed pearls. She carried a bouquet of white lilies, sweet peas and gypsophila. Her sister, Miss Mary Andalora, was maid of honor. She chose a long pink marquisette gown, trimmed with blue velvet ribbon and wore pink flowers in her hair. Her bouquet was of pink roses and sweet peas. The bridesmaids were Miss Flor- ence Andalora, sister of the bride, and Miss Florence Marcy, cousin of the bride. The former wore a long peach marquisette gown with matching quilted bolero, peach flowers in her hair and her bouquet was of red roses and sweet peas. Miss Marcy chose a blue mar- quisette gown trimmed with pink ribbon, wore matching flowers in her hair. She carried a mixes bouquet of sweet peas and roses. Mr. Frank Fix of East Amherst attended the groom as best man. The ushers were Ralph Blake and Angelo Stevens, of Lockport. Following the ceremony a din- ner and reception was held at the home of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Wolcott left for a motor trip to New York City, and upon their return, they will make their home in Niagara Falls. | Family: WOLCOTT, Earl William / ANDALORA, Winifred (F40477)
25986 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1956 ROLLAIN - Robert W. Rollain, 51, of 210 Lawn Ave., Buffalo, and formerly of 23 Chestnut St., T o n a w a n d a , Thursday morning (July 5, 1956) in Buffalo after a several years' illness. Born in Rochester, he lived in the Tonawandas 30 years. Surviving are his wife, Irene (nee Reisdorf) Rollain; six daughters, Mrs. James McNerney, Miss Flora Rollain and Miss Margaret Rollain, all of Bufand Mrs. Nicholas Campas, Mrs. John Durick and Mrs. Roberti Murray, all of the Tonawandas; six sons, Robert H., Phillip, Thomas, Andrew, Joseph and Frederick, all of Buffalo; a sister, Mrs. Robert Gilesppie of Perry, and 12 grandchildren. Friends may call at John 0. Roth Funeral Home, 60 Morgan St., where services will be at 8:30 a.m. Saturday and at 9 in St. Francis Church, the Rev. Wilbur Yaeger officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. | ROLLAIN, Robert W (I130723)
25987 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1961 BERNDT - Mrs. Marion E Berndt, 372 Broad St., Tonawanda, died unexpectedly Wednesday (July 5, 1961) in Kenmore Mercy Hospital. She was born in Buffalo and had resided in Tonawanda most of her life. She was a mem- ber of St. Francis Church, Ladies of Charity and the Altar Society of the church, Tonawnada Home Demonstration Day Unit, Ken- more Mercy and DeGraff Memo- rial Hospital Auxiliaries, St. Mary's of the Angels Aid Society and Wende Guild. She taught craft work to the Golden Age Club at the YWCA. She is sur- vived by her husband, Walter L. Berndt; three daughters, Miss Mary ann Berndt, Mrs. Charles (Eilene) Dalton of Tonawanda and Mrs. Richard (Betty) Papoi of North Tonawanda; one son, Walter W. Berndt of Tonawanda; four grandchildren, Deborah, Barbara and Judith Dalton, and Michael R. Papoi and one brother, George Groffenberger of Tonawanda. Friends may call at Hil- liard Funeral Home, 147 Delaware St., Tonawanda. Prayers will be said there Saturday at 9 a.m. and at 9:30 a.m. in St. Francis Church. The Rev. Wilbur Yeager will officiate. Burial in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. | GROFFENBERGER, Marion E (I141514)
25988 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1962 CHURCH WEDDING RITES: Married recently in St. Paul Lutheran Church, the Rev. Enno A. Schmoock officiating, were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cribbs, pictured above. The bride, the former Judith Ann Breitenbach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Breitenbach of 7243 Shawnee Road, wore a white Chantilly lace and tulle gown and a bouffant veil caught to orange blossoms. Her attendants, Miss Sharon Breitenbach, maid of honor; Mrs. Keith Wright, Miss Nancy Breitenbach, Miss Vivian Cribbs, bridesmaids and Michell Corraine, the flower girl wore mint green dresses. Attendants for the bridegroom, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cribbs of East Robinson St., North Tonawanda, were Harry Cribbs, best man; Donald Ray, Robert Wojewoda, Roger Mittelstaedt and Melvin Babcock, the ring bearer. The couple has returned from a Washington, D.C. wedding trip. | Family: CRIBBS, Thomas J / BREITENBACH, Judith Ann (F26039)
25989 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: STAUB, George Henry / SWINIUCH, Carol Ann Thecla (F43508)
25990 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: PAUL, Gary C / GRAPES, Marsha Beth (F42676)
25991 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1974 PAGEL - Elmer C. Pagel. Wednesday (July 3, 1974). Husband of the late Alice Buchart Pagel; brother of Howard C. and Mrs. Gladys P. Williams and the late Dorothy S. Pagel. Funeral services from the Carlton A. Ullrich Funeral Home Inc.. 3272 Bailey Ave . Buffalo. Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock Friends are invited | PAGEL, Elmer C (I181159)
25992 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1976 MILLIMAN - William H. Milliman, 64, of North T o n a w a n d a at his r e s i d e n c e , S a t u r d ay (July 3,1976). Beloved husband of F r a n c e s (nee Nycz) Milliman; father of Mrs. Michael L. (Nancy) Peck of Snyder, N.Y., William R. Milliman of West Seneca; grandfather of f o u r g r a n d c h i l d r e n; brother of Mrs. Elmer ( I r e n e ) Brodfuehrer, Mrs. Susan Bishop, Mrs. Peter (Dorothy) Breier a n d Mrs. Raymond (Polly) Benz, all of North T o n a w a n d a , a n d Mrs. C h a r l e s ( J e n n i e) Heimiller of the Town of Tonawanda, Mrs. Loretta Berndt of Tonawanda, Mrs. Helen Phelan and George Milliman, both of North Tonawanda and the late F r a n k and Jacob Milliman. Friends received by the family 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Brunner F u n e r a l Home, 156 R o b i n s o n St., North T o n a w a n d a w h e re p r a y e r s will be said Wednesday at 9:15 a.m., followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30 a . m . in A s c e n s i on Church. Interment Mt. Olivet Cemetery. | MILLIMAN, William H (I137944)
25993 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1978 SCHUSTER - Charles A. Schuster, 52, of Park Forest, Ill., formerly of North Tonawanda, Wednesday (July 5,1978). He is survived by his wife, Doris (nee Zimmerman) Schuster; two daughters, Gretchen and Kim; a sister, Nanette of Atlanta, Ga. Services will be held Saturday (July 8) in Park Forest. In lieu of flowers a memorial may be made to the Heart Fund. | SCHUSTER, Charles A (I104567)
25994 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: BENTHIN, Donald J / SMITH, Pamela L (F48986)
25995 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1985 BUTLER - Margaret (nee Clench) Butler, of Tonawanda, NY, Friday (July 5, 1985) at her residence Wife of the late Arthur W Butler; mother of the late Allen and Helen Brettle and Mrs. Fay Tag of Tonawanda; grandmother of James Arthur and Chad Joseph Tag; sister of the late Beatrice Bishop and Woodrow Clench. Mrs Butler was a Delaware School crossing guard for 22 years, a member of the First Presbyterian Church and Unit #264 American Legion Auxiliary Friends may call SUNDAY 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the Hilliard Funeral Home, Inc., 147 Delaware St., Tonawanda where services will be conducted Monday at 11:00 am Rev Walter LC Wenhold officiat ing Interment at Acacia Park Cemetery. | CLENCH, Margaret (I147374)
25996 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/6/1986 BROCHEY - Sarah Jane Brochey went home to be with the Lord, Friday (July 4, 1986). Wife of the late Harry C. Brochey, Jr. She was the mother of William C (Sue) Brochey, Mrs. Bonita (Bonnie) Diermyer and Mrs. John F. (Barbara) Barrett. Surviving are eight grandchildren and four great grand children; one brother, Edward Hartless; three aunts and many nieces and nephews. Private funeral services were held in Reynoldsville, Pa | HARTLESS, Sarah Jane (I125402)
25997 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/7/1920 Mrs. Wilhemina Kluge of Wheeler street announces the marriage of her daughter. Hertha to Mr. William Woodrich, Wednesday afternoon, June 30, at the parsonage of the Salem Church, the Rev. Andrew Hils officiating. The bride wore a gown of white chiffon and carried a bouquet of bride's roses. Miss Albertine Woodrich, the groom's sister, was the maid of honor, wearing a gown of apricot organdie, and carrying apricot sweet-peas. Mr. Paul Kluge. brother of the bride, was the best man. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrich, will be at home at 150 Wheeler streets. | Family: WOODRICH, William D / KLUGE, Hertha C (F33560)
25998 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/7/1927 Herman Schimschack announces the marriage of his daughter, Elsie to George Zaggel, Wednesday afternoon, July 6th at two o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Zaggel have left for an eastern motor trip, and will be at home after July 14th in 124 Ward road. | Family: ZAGGEL, George W / SCHIMSCHACK, Elsie (F22161)
25999 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/7/1942 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmerman of 81 Ward road celebrated their silver wedding anniversary Saturday afternoon and evening. Music and dancing were enjoyed by eighty guests, including the original bridal party. Mrs. Erna Ganley and Mr. Howard Ossman were the attendants. The out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mielke of Chicago, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Murphy of Auburn, N. Y. and Pvt Kenneth Broeker of Camp Chaffee, Arkansas. The tables were decorated with cut flowers and a four tier wedding cake. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman were the recipients of many beautiful gifts. | Family: ZIMMERMAN, Charles Frank / GARDEI, Matilda L (F27808)
26000 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/7/1942 WURL-FRITZ - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fritz of 1801 Ellwood avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Jane, to Frederick Wurl, Jr son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Wurl of Bergholtz | Family: WURL, Friederich Arthur / FRITZ, Betty Jane (F21687)