Matches 26,001 to 26,050 of 32,986
# | Notes | Linked to |
26001 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/7/1953 STAHL - Frank E. Stahl Sr., 87, of Lapp Rd., Clarence Center, died last night, July 6, 1953, after a five-week illness. Born in Germany, he was a former resident of the Tonawandas and the Town of Amherst. He was formerly employed for 26 years by Columbus McKinnon Chain Corp. where he was a member of the union. He was a former member of the Re- publican committee in the-Town of Amherst. Mr. Stahl was the hus- band of the late Margaret Klein and Winifred Miller. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Edwin J. Wolf of Buffalo and Mrs. Fred Luchterhand of Clarence Center; four sons, Reuben W. and Otto P. of Tonawanda, Elmer A. of Clar- ence Center and Allen F. of Getz- ville; two brothers, Fred Stahl of Getzville and Edward Stahl of Lancaster; 17 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. He was father of the late Frank E. Stahl Jr. Friends may call at the Hilliard Funeral Home, 147 Delaware St., where services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday, the Rev. Leo J. Griffin officiating. Burial will be in Williamsville. | STAHL, Frank E (I110153)
26002 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/7/1955 PLANT-Willard L Plant. 50, of Route 1, Crittenden Rd., Akron, N. Y., former resident of North Tonawanda, Wednesday evening at Buffalo Genlral Hospital after a (long illness. A draftsman at Bufjfalo Arms Co., he is survived by his wife, Rachel Clark Plant; his father, William Plant: a brother, Donald Plantt, two sisters. Mrs. Herman Knople and Mrs. Paul C. Jackson, all of the Tonawandas. He was a member of First Baptist Church in Akron. Friends may call at the Wattengel Funeral Home, 307 Oliver St., where services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, the Rev. Allan Skiff, officiating. Burial in White Chapel Memorial Park. | PLANT, Willard L (I86041)
26003 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/7/1958 ACKERMAN -Evelyn C. Ack- erman (nee Gonyaw), 50. of Creekside Dr., Tonawanda, died, Saturday afternoon (July 5, 1958) after a lingering illness. She was born in Bay City, Mich., and had resided in the Tonawandas for 30 years. Surviving are her husband, Glen- wood C. Ackerman, two daugh- ters, Miss Mary Ann Gougeon and Jean Marie Ackerman, her moth- er, Mrs. Ethel Gonyaw, and a sister, Mrs. Charles (Isabellle) Hodge, all of Tonawanda; another sister, Mrs. Stuart (Dorothy) Bak- er of Burbank, Calif., and one brother, Louis Gonyaw of John- son Creek, N.Y. Mrs. Ackerman was the daughter of the late Capt. Charles Gonyaw. Friends may call at the Hilliard Funeral Home, 147 Delaware St., Tonawanda, where services will be held at 3:15 p.m. Tuesday. The Rev. Donald Gardner will of- ficiate. Burial in White Chapel Cemetery. | GONYAW, Evelyn C (I112069)
26004 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/7/1961 KRAUSE - George Stanley Krause, 61, of 2829 Stenzil Ave., Town of Wheatfield, died unex- pectedly Tuesday (July 4, 1961) in an automobile accident in Clif- ton, N.J. He is survived by his wife, Vera (new Brauer) Krause; a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Henry; two grandchildren; mother-in-law, Mrs. Anna Brauer; a brother Anthony of Ohio; two sisters, Mrs Frank Stasik of Lynnhurst, N.J., and Miss Josephine Krause. Friends may call at the Fretthold Funeral Home, 1241 Oliver St., at Ward Road, where service will be Saturday at 3:30 p.m. The Rev. R. R. Myer will officiate. Interment in Acacia Park Ceme- tery. | KRAUSE, George Stanley (I55055)
26005 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/7/1961 Mrs. Lillian F. Struebing, 71, a long-time resident of Tonawanda before moving nine years ago to Eau Gallie, Fla., died yesterday, according to information received here. She was the wife of the late John E. Struebing, who served as a Tonawanda alderman in 1920 and was Republican chairman of the 7th Erie County Assembly District in 1930. He was a plumb- ing and heating contractor. Mrs. Sreubing, who formerly resided at 112 Grove St., is sur- vived by a son, Harold J. of Wil- liamsville; a brother Reuben Bredau, and 10 grandchildren. She was secretary of the Buf- falo Club in Eau Gallie. Funeral services and burial will be in Eau Gallie. | BREDLAU, Lillian F (I168244)
26006 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/7/1964 Herman H. Ullrich, 84, of 110 Lake Road, Youngstown, a former Tonawanda alderman, died yesterday afternoon at Ransom- ville, General Hospital after a brief illness. He operated a grocery and m e a t bu s i n e s s a t Young and Scott Streets more than 35 years. He started working in the grocery store owned by the late John G. Wallenmaier at the age of 14. Later mr. Ullrich purchased the business and building and re- mained at the same location un- til 1938 when he and his family moved to Youngstown, N.Y. He was a Tonawanda alder- man in 1910 and served as trus- tee of Salem Church Council for many years. He was a director of Niagara Savings & Loan As- sociation more than 25 years. Mr. Ullrich is survived by his wife, Anna H. Proy; four daugh- ters; five grandchildren; a great- grandson; a sister and a broth- er. He and his wife celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary Feb. 16. Services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. at Creasey Memorial Chapel, 138 Delaware St. Burial will be in Elmlawn Cemetery. ALSO North Tonawanda NY Evening News ULLRICH - Herman H. Ullrich, 84, of 110 Lake Road, Youngstown, N.Y., entered into rest on Monday (July 6, 1964) at Ransomville General Hospital after a brief illness. Survivors include his wife, Anna H. (nee Proy); four daughters, Mrs. Clifford (Juliana) Westphal of Tonawanda, Mrs. Chester (Eleanor) Wein of North Tonawanda, Mrs. Electa Houseman of Medina and Mrs. Thomas J. (Orma) Lee of Jackson, Miss.; five grandchildren and a great-grandson. He was grandfather of the late Ann Elizabeth Wein. A sister, Mrs. Anna Malchow, and a brother. Gust Ullrich, both of Tonawanda, several nieces and nephews also survive. Friends may call at Creasey Memorial Chapel, 138 Delaware St.. Tonawanda. where services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. The Rev. James A. Akin will officiate. Burial in Elmlawn Cemetery. | ULLRICH, Herman H (I89057)
26007 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: SEELY, Thomas Lee / BELLING, Ellen Edna (F21166)
26008 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: BROECKER, Kent D / GROVE, Kerrie (F63861)
26009 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1921 The marriage of Miss'Ruth H. Lenz- ner, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Samuel Lenzner of 1226 Hubbard street. De- troit Mich to Mr. Edgar G. Braun was solemnized at the home of the bride on Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Rev. Clarence Braun, brother of the bridegroom and pastor Of the Grace Lutheran church of this city officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Braun came to Niagara Falls yesterday. A wedding reception was held by the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Braun, of Willard avenue Niagara Falls, They left this morning for a motor trip through the Adirondack mountains and will re- side in Detroit when they return. | Family: BRAUN, Edgar G / LENZNER, Ruth H (F60688)
26010 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1924 Mis. Florence B. Rech. twenty-seven years old, died last night at her home No. 228 Broad street Mrs. Rech was bom in Ogdensburg, N. Y. She had been a resident of Tonawanda since her marriage to Clyde Rech three years ago. Besides her husband, Mrs. Rech is survived by her mother, Mrs. Lulu Border; three brothers, George, Joseph and Edmund Border and a sis- ter, Miss Blanche Border all of North Tonawanda. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 6:30 o'clock from the late residence and half an hour later from the St. Francis church. Rev. John A.. Weismantel officiating. Burial will be at Mt. Olivet. | BORDER, Florence (I106207)
26011 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1924 The funeral of William Ribbeck, a former, resident of North Tonawanda. who died at his home in Clarence Center Sunday, will he held from the late residence at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon and half an hour later from the Lutheran church at Clarence Center. Ribbeck is survived by his wife, a daughter, Miss Luetta. and parents. at Niagara aFlls. The Falls club had Clarence Center. Mrs. Ribbeck was 44 years old. | RIBBECK, William (I94938)
26012 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1927 Mrs. Pauline K o w s k y, 45 y e a r s old, 324 Schenck street died last night at the General hospital Buf falo. Born in Clarence N. Y., Mrs Kowsky haa been a resident of North Tonawanda the greater part of her life. She is survived by husband, Charles J. Kowsky; four, daughters, Mrs. Dr. Charles Umland, Buffalo, and the Misses Pauline, Ethel and Mabel Kowsky, North Tonawanda; two sons, Levant and Edward Kowsky - balance unreadable | ZIMMERMAN, Pauline (I81341)
26013 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1936 Mr. and Mrs Harvey P. Baker of 250 Fletcher street announce the engagement of their daughter Mildred E., to Ernest L. Vigrass Jr., of Park avenue, son of Mr and Mrs. Ernest L. Vigrass of Ransomville, formerly of Tonawanda. The wedding will take place in the fall. ALSO North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 10/16/1936 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey P. Baker of 250 Fletcher street announce the marriage of their daughter, Mildred E., to Mr. Ernest L. Vigrass. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Vigrass of Ransomville w h i c h w a s solemnized Wednesday October 14th at 4:30 o'clock at t h e p a r s o n a g e of t h e F i r s t P r e s. byterian Church, the Rev. Wesley Baker officiating. The attendants were Miss Ruth Baker and Harvey P. Baker, Jr., brother and sister of the bride. The bride wore a gown of Olympic blue transparent velvet with matching accessories. Her corsage was of talisman rose buds and baby breath. The maid of honor wore a rust crepe gown with brown accessories and her corsage was of pink rose buds and baby breath. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride for the bridal party and parents of the bride and groom. In the evening a reception for the immediate families was given at the bride's home, which was decorated throughout with fall flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Vigrass have left for a motor trip and upon their return will be at home in 351 Westgate avenue, Kenmore. | Family: VIGRASS, Ernest L / BAKER, Mildred E (F38629)
26014 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1937 The body of Hiram T. Rose, manager of the Rose Ice company of Tonawanda, who died suddenly from a heart attack while on a fishing trip to Turkey Point, Ont, last night, arrived at his late home, 176 Young street today. Accompanied by his wife and several friends, Mr. Rose left Tonawanda a few days ago for a fishing trip to Turkey Point, where he had been in the habit of spending his vacation each summer. Yesterday afternoon he was stricken with a heart attack, from which he failed to rally. He was born in Tonawanda 50 years ago and had resided here all his life. He is survived by his wife, Jessie, nee Blackmore; a mother, Mrs. Laura Rose; a brother, Harvey and four sisters, Elsie, Mrs. Clarence Goodman, Mrs. George Miller and Mrs. Clifford Skillin, all of the Tonawandas. Rites will be held at the late residence Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. He was a member of North Tonawanda Lodge, No. 860, BP.O.E., and Tonawandas aenie, No. 1411, F.O.E. | ROSE, Hiram T (I149471)
26015 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1939 TAYLOR-STEASSEL-Mr. Albert F. Strassel announces the engagement of his daughter Regina Catherine to Jasper James Taylor of Buffalo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Taylor .hTwee E. Taylor. The wedding will take place September second. ALSO North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/3/1969 Mr. and Mrs. Jasper J. Taylor of 118 Hillcrest Road, Tonawanda, were guests of honor Sunday at a party on the occasion of their 30th anniversary. The surprise affair, given by their daughters, Mrs. John R. Mangrum and Miss Donna Taylor, was in the Mangrum's Tremont Street home, North Tonawanda. The buffet table was graced with a centerpiece of white gladioli and winecolored asters. Friends and relatives from the Twin Cities, Buffalo; Forestville and Cleveland attended. | Family: TAYLOR, Jasper James / STRASSEL, Regina Catherine (F38249)
26016 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1939 Miss Grace Lozo, daughter of Mr Arthur Lozo, Goundry street, was married to Mr. Chester Bronson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D Bronson, 330 East avenue, Saturday July 1st at 9:30 o'clock in St. Francis church. The bride wore a gown of baby blue mousseline de soie and a corsage of roses, sweet peas and babybreath. Mrs. Albert Reinke, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor wear- ing a blue marquisette gown and a corsage of sweet peas and roses. Mr. Albert Reinke cousin of the bride was best man. A breakfast was held at the bride's home, also in the evening a dinner reception was held at the home of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Bronson left for a week's trip to the Adirondacks and upon their return visited Elmira, N. Y. They will reside st 1330 East avenue. | Family: BRONSON, Chester R / LOZO, Grace M (F24060)
26017 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1947 Large vases of white gladioli, peonies and snapdragons decorated the altar of St. Francis of Assisi Church on Saturday, July 5 at 10 a.m. for the marriage of Miss Alberta M. Brock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Brock of 72 Longs avenue, to Robert H. Brenon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert A. Brenon of 355 Utica street. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John A. Weismantel officiated at the double ring ceremony. Miss Louise Bacon sang the nuptial mass accompanied by her mother, Mrs. William Bacon at the organ. Given in marriage by her brother, Lionel Brock, the bride chose a gown of white marquisette with low neckline, and short puffed sleeves, trimmed with rose point lace. Her fingertip veil of illusion fell from a tiara of seed pearls. She wore long net gloves and carried white carnations and delphinium centered with gardenias in a cascade bouquet. A single strand of pearls completed here costume. Miss Marian Harman, maid of honor for her cousin, wore a gown of delicate pink and carried a cascade of red carnations and Japanese lilies with matching lilies in her hair. John C. Brenon was his brother's best man, and his cousin, Edward Brenon, and brother-in-law, John E. Ward were ushers. The mother of the bride was attired in a brown and white print dress with brown accessories and the bridegroom's mother wore a black and white silk jersey dress with white accessories. Their corsages were of gardenias and pink roses. Breakfast for the bridal party in the home of the bride's parents was followed by a reception in the evening at Fangers. For traveling, the bride wore a brown suit with white accessories and gardenias. After a wedding trip to Washington, D. C. and points East, Mr. and Mrs. Brenon will be at home in Utica street Out of town guests were Miss Cora E. Brenon, sister of the bridegroom and Mr. and Mrs. John W. Winship of Detroit Mrs. John E. Ward, the bridegroom's sister, and Mr. Ward of Horn | Family: BRENON, Robert H / BROCK, Alberta M (F53864)
26018 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1947 Mr. and Mrs. Chester Broeker of Ward road announce the engagement of their daughter, Dallas Lila, to Joseph LaBarber, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. LaBarber of Niagara Falls. The wedding will take place in August. ALSO North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/17/1947 Baskets of pink and white gladioli, palms and candelabra decorated the altar of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, August 30 at 7 p. m. for the marriage of Miss Dallas Broeker, Broeker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Broeker of North Tonawanda, to Mr. Joseph La- Barber, Jr., of Niagara Falls. The Rev. J. W. Thiemecke performed thedouble ring ceremony. Mrs. Edna Warblow, organist, accompanied Lee Brown who sang "Because" and "O Promise Me". Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white satin with fitted bodice, offshoulder neckline and a wide bertha of Chantilly lace. The long fitted sleeves were edged in lace and the lace also formed a peplum over the hooped skirt which fell into a court train. Her full length veil of illusion was bordered with imported heirloom lace and fell frpm clusters of orange blossoms. She wore a rhinestone necklace, gift of the bridegroom, and carried white gladioli centered with orchids. Mrs. Louis Schebell, aunt of the bride, as matron-of-honor, wore a gown of pink Stardust crepe, long matching gloves and a braided headdress, and carried burgandy gladioli centered with pink roses. The bridesmaids, Miss Norma LaBarber, sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Geraldine Broefrock, cousin of the bride, wore gowns of yellow and green Stardust, respectively, with matching gloves and headpieces and carried bouquets of harmonizing gladioli and roses. Miss Charlotte Plaliseno and Miss Dorthea La- Barber, the bridegroom's'nieces as flower girls, carried colonial bouquets, and were dressed alike in pitik taffeta gowns, long gloves, and braided headpieces, to match their gowns. Francis Paliseno, ring bearer, wore a white coat and dark trousers. ' Mr. Jerauld LaBarber, attended his uncle as best man, and the ushers were Rico Ianni and Rollin Broeker, brother of the bride. Mrs. Chester Broeker, the bride's mother, wore a black crepe I dress with a lace top and black accessories. The bridegroom's mother chose a black crepe dress, trimmed with sequins, and black accessories. Both wore corsages of pink rosebuds and gardenias. Mrs. Anna Broeker, grandmother of the bride, chose a black and white print dress with black accessories, also wearing a corsage. A reception was held in the Delaware Hotel for 200 guests where an orchestra played for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. LaBarber spent their honeymoon in New York City. For traveling the bride wore a black crepe dress, trimmed with black satin, a black satin hat and a corsage of orchids. | Family: LABARBER, Joseph F / BROEKER, Dallas Lila (F23622)
26019 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1966 Funeral services will be conducted at 3 p.m. Wednesday at White Chapel Memorial Park for Elmer C. Rhodes, 72, a former resident of North Tonawanda. Word was received today that Mr. Rhodes died May 12 at Orlando Florida Hospital. His body was cremated. A retired carnival concession worker, be resided for the past 25 years in Florida. He was a member of Sutherland Lodge 826, F&AM, and Orlando Shrine and Consistory. | RHODES, Elmer C (I108767)
26020 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1969 Mr and Mrs Fred Ammerman, formerly of North Tonawanda, who live in Panama City, Fla., celebrated their 50th anniversary at an open house with their children in the Buffalo area. The party took place June 28 in the home of a son, Louis Ammerman, and his wife, of 1233 Ruie Road The couple was married March 12, 1919 in Mecosta County, Mich. Hosting the party were Edward Ammerman and Mrs. JosephSkuce (Freda), of North Tonawanda, Mrs. William Barrand (Ruth), of Sanborn; Mrs. Charles Bridge (Lois), of Buffalo; and Mrs. Edward Krueger (Zola), their husbands and wives, 32 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Also attending were guests from Canada, Michigan and the Buffalo area. The couple lived in Krueger Road, North Tonawanda, before they moved to Florida. Mr. Ammerman was employed at the Bell Aircraft Corp. before his retirement. The couple will leave Thursday for Michigan returning to the Tonawandas in August for a stay before leaving for their home in Florida in September. | Family: AMMERMAN, Fred M / SEATON, Alta (F40251)
26021 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1974 BRACKEN - Richard T. Bracken, 47. of 437 North Federal Highway. Hallandale, Fla., a former resident of North Tonawanda. Thursday (July 4, 1974). He was a member of St. Martin's American Lutheran Church and was a World War II Army Veteran. He is survived by his wife, Waldtrout Ruediger Bracken; two sons, Staff Sgt. Rolf R., of the U.S.Air Force in England, Reid C, of North Tonawanda. a daughter, Diane F., of North Tonawanda; his parents, Harold and Flora Belling Bracken; a sister, Miss Phyllis (Fay) Bracken; an aunt. Miss Irma Belling, both of North Tonawanda. Funeral services were conducted Monday at the Wattengel Funeral Home, Inc., 307 Oliver St., North Tonawanda, the Rev. David B. Kaplan officiating. Burial was in White Chapel Memorial Park. | BRACKEN, Richard Thomas (I134825)
26022 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: NORDHAUSEN, Erwin / ZUCH, Joanne Ruth (F36164)
26023 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1974 QUESTER - Frieda C. Quester of 1810 South Ave.. Niagara Falls. N.Y., suddenly July 7,1974. Mother of Edison H. Quester of the Town of Wheatfield: Mrs. Harold (Gertfttde) Carr of Niagara Falls, and the late Franklin H. Quester: sister of Mrs, Helena Ellman of North Tonawanda and Mrs. Charlotte Wendt of Lockport, also survived by 12 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren | ZASTROW, Freida C (I59416)
26024 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: BEHRNS, Kurt Arthur / BROWN, Debra Lynne (F47258)
26025 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/9/1927 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Lamont of the Tonawanda Creek road announce the engagement of their daughter, Mildred H. to Carl J. Ziehl of Niagara Falls boulevard. The wedding will take piace in the near fut- ure. | Family: ZIEHL, Carl J / LAMONT, Mildred H (F23610)
26026 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/9/1927 Mrs. Myrtle M. Brown of 205 street announces the engagement of her daughter, Ruth Marion to Walter H. Zebulske. The wedding will take place in August ALSO North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/10/1927 A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized Monday evening at eight o'clock in the Friedens German Evangelical church, when Miss Ruth Mrytle Brown, daughter of Mrs. Mrytle Brown of Schenck street, was united in marriage' to Walter Zebulske of Schenck street, the Rev. ?? Maier officiating in the presence of eighty-five relatives and guests. The bride wore a gown of ?? coral georgette, with picture hat to match, white satin slipers and carried a shower bouquet of pink rose buds and baby breath Miss Onolee Schumacher, who was Miss Brown's bride's maid wore a gown of orchid crepe back satin, with hose to .match, and carried a bouquet of pink rose buds and snap dragons. Mr. Zebuiske was attended by Alvin Strassel. Mrs. Brown, the bride's mother, wore a gown of pink flowered georgette, and her corsage bouquet was of pink sweet peas. Mrs. Charles Zebulske, mother of the groom wore a gown of pink and her corsage bouquet was all of pink sweet peas. Following the ceremony there was a reception at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zebuiske of Schenck street. Covers were laid for twelve at the bride's table", which was centered with a wedding cake, and over which hung a large wedding bell. The house was attractively decorated with roses and snap dragons. Out of town guests included Mrs. Cora Mahler and daughter, Lucille, of Yonkers, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Petit of Wilson, Mrs. William Percy and daughters, Edna and Hilda, Mrs. Verne Beehler and Mrs. Edwaard Hawkins of Niagara Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Zebulske have gone on a motor trip to the Thousand Islands, Mrs. Zebulske's going away costume being a navy blue twill en- semble with black panne velvet hat. Mr. and Mrs. Zebulske will be at home after September first in 326 Schenck street. | Family: ZEBULSKE, Walter H / BROWN, Ruth Marion (F35068)
26027 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/9/1928 Joseph Streck, 30 years old a former resident of North Tonawanda was stantly killed in a factory in which he was employed at Richmond Hill, L.I. Saturday of last week. A broken neck, broken back and fractured skull caus- ed his death. Streck was caught between an elevator and the wall in some unknown manner. He was last seen alive at 12 o'clock, noon. "Three hours later his body was found in the elevator shaft. Streck was a veteran of the world vyar. He was one of the first men from the Tonawandas to go 'overseas and saw mujch fighting during his stay in France. He went to Richmond Hill to reside at the close of the war. Surviving are a wife, Anna; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Streck of this city; three brothers, John Michael and Charles Streck of North Tonawanda, and four sisters, the Misses Elizabeth and Mary Streck. Mrs. Henry Schroeder and Mrs. Jameb Woods of the Tonawandas. Funeral services were held Tues day at Richmond Hill. Full military honors were accorded the deceased war veteran. | STRECK, Joseph (I107256)
26028 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/9/1936 August C Wienke 78 years old died last night at the home of his son, Edward, 57 East Felton street, after a brief illness. Born in Germany he had resided in the Tonawandas and vicinity for the past 49 years. He was a member of Friedens Evangelical church and the Mutual Benevolent Association of Martinsville. He leaves four sons, Herman, Lockport; Hubert, Lyndonville; Carl Tonawanda: and Edward; nine grandchildren, four great grandchildren, a brother Albert and a sister, both of Germany. Funeral announcement later. ALSO North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/10/1936 The funeral of August C. Wienke will be held at 3:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the late residence, 57 East Felton street. Rev. Theodore Mayer will officiate and burial will be in Elm- lawn. | WIENKE, August (I58198)
26029 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/9/1937 Mrs. Julia Litwinska, died yesterday morning at her home, 37 Eighth avenue. Born in Poland, she had lived in North Tonawanda the past 34 years. She leaves a husband, Jacob; two sons, William and Casmir; three daughters, Mrs. Felix Belczak and Mrs. Joseph Salasazage, all of North Tonawanda, and Sister M. Honorencya of the Villa Maria convent, Buffalo; ten grand children and five brothers, Joseph, Anthony, Casmir and Leon Pasciak. all of North Tonawanda, and John Pasciak, Buffalo. Rites will be held Monday morning at 9:30 from the residence and Half an hour later at Our Lady. of Czestochowa church. Burial will be in Mt Olivet, | PASCIAK, Julia (I133495)
26030 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/9/1943 Mrs. Wiihelmina Braegas, 68, died this morning at her home, 287 Morgan street. Born in Germany, she had resided in Tonawanda the past 38 years. She was a member \ of the Immanuel Lutheran church. Surviving are her husband, Carl; three daughters, Mrs. William Koepsel and Mrs. Rudolph Neuman of Tonawanda and Mrs. Robr art Corrigan of Thorold, Ont; t wo sons, William and Carl Jr., of Tonawanda; 24 grandchildren, one great grandchild, a brother, Frederick Schnittker of Lockport, and seven sisters, Mrs. Walter Westphal of Tonawanda and six residing in Germany. Rites will he held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the residence. The Rev. Theodore Schroeder will of- ficiate. Burial will be in Rest Haven. | SCHNITTKER, Wilhelmina (I165004)
26031 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/9/1956 Miss Martha Vigrass, 81, for- merly of Tonawanda, died yester- day in St. Catharines, Ont. Miss Vigrass is survived in Tonawanda by a brother, Ernest L. Vigrass of 16 Park Ave., and by seven ne- phews and nieces. The funeral will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at th ewinters & Win- ters Funeral Home at 89 Ontario St., at St. Catharines. | VIGRASS, Martha (I111396)
26032 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/9/1975 HORAN - Samuel S Horan, 72, of Tonawanda, Tuesday (July 8, 1975) at DeGraff Memorial Hospital after a brief illness. A native of North Tonawanda, he was the brother of Albert Horan who died in 1970 Mr Horan owned and operated Horan's Supermarket in Pendleton from 1954 to 1974 and Bell's IGA Supermarket in Eggertsville for the past 16 years. He was a member of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, 50-50 Club of Good Shepherd Church, New York State Food Merchants Assn , Electoric City Lodge 663, F&AM, Lockport Saddle & Bridle Club, US Trotting Assn., New York State Harness Racing Assn , Erie County SPCA, Eldredge Club and an honorary member of the Lion's Club in Pendleton He is survived bv his wife, Olive (nee Vigrass) Horan: two sisters, Mrs Harold (Bessie)' Gebhardt and Mrs William (Emma) Smith of North Tonawanda: a brother, Harry Horan of Tonawanda and several nieces and nephews Friends may call from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m.. at John O Roth Funeral Home, Morgan and William Sts . Tonawanda, where services will be conducted at 11 am, Friday by the Rev George C Ruof Burial will be in White Chapel Cemetery If desired, memorial contributions may be made to the Kidney Foundation of Western New York. | HORAN, Samuel S (I111387)
26033 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/9/1979 George Krueger, former commander of Tonawandas Post 264, American Legion, and a North Tonawanda resident for 57 years, died Saturday at the age of 81 after a lengthy illness. Until his retirement in 1962, Mr. Krueger was clerk and business manager for North Tonawanda public schools for, 20 , y e a r s. He also worked as a bookkeeper and paymaster for the Rudolpf Wurlitzer Co. from 1917 to 1932, and was . an engineering aide in the Niagara County Highway Department from 1933 to 1942. A veteran of World War I, Mr. Krueger was a life member of Post 264. He was a member of St. Matthew Lutheran Church and a charter member of the Lutheran Laymen's League. He also served as director of the Lutheran Service Society for 15 years. At the time of his death, he was living with his daughter, Mrs. Jeanne Greer, of Pendleton. Other survivors include Mr. Krueger's wife, Edna Ida Krueger; a daughter, Mrs. Ruby S c h m e i c h e l of N o r th Tonawanda; four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren; a brother, six sisters and many neices and nephews. A private memorial service is slated at St. Matthew Lutheran Church at the convenience of the family. The funeral was arranged by Fretthold Funeral Home Inc | KRUEGER, George Edward (I119949)
26034 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: BUDNIK, Raymond J / MILLER, Melva J (F50161)
26035 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/1/1922 John Williams, 65 years, old a lifelong resident of the town of Wheatfield, died yesterday. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late residence, Ward road, and half an hour later from St. John's church. Rev. Walter Thiemecke officiating. Burial will be in the Lutheran cemetary, Niagara Falls boulevard. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Charles Achterberg, Pickanls Bridge; Mrs. Louis Holland and Mrs. Louise Newman of North Tonawanda; four sons, William F.. Alvin. Edmund and Walter Williams of St. Johnsburg; three sisters, Mrs. Christ Ziemendoif ot St. Johnsburg. Mrs. Henry Bruning of Royalton and Mrs. Herman Holland of Erie, Pa. and four brothers. William Williams of Portland Ore., Gustav Williams of Royalton, Henry Williams of Barker and Phillip Williams of Shawnee. | WILLIAMS, Johannes Wilhelm Ferdinand (I63633)
26036 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/1/1942 Word of the death of Frank H Bredlau, former well-known res dent of North Tonawanda, in Miami, Fla., where he made his home, was received here today He died yesterday. Mr. Bredlau, a lifelong resident of the Twin Cities until he moved to Florida in 1923, was a prom- inent contractor and builder and had many personal and business friends in the Tonawandas. He is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. John E. Struel ing of North Tonawanda and Mrs Joseph Bryan of Miami, Fla., and one son, Reuben, of Florida. | BREDLAU, Frank H (I152477)
26037 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/1/1945 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andres of 20 Park avenue celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary Sunday by entertaining relatives and friends at a lawn party in the rear of their home. Dinner was served on tables on the lawn. The guests included Mrs. Edith Pohlman of Kansas City, Kan. | Family: ANDRES, Charles / WHITE, Violet (F40708)
26038 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/1/1953 FUTURE BRIDE: Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Pastor of 65 Allen St. announce the engagement of the latter's daughter, Miss Mari- lyn Joyce Broecker, to Leroy Eugene Boehnke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boehnke of 7 Maple St. The wedding will be performed Oct. 3 in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. | Family: BOEHNKE, LeRoy Eugene / BROECKER, Marilyn Joyce (F39305)
26039 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: BROMKA, John Edward / BELCZAK, Mary Jane (F47434)
26040 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/1/1955 LEONARD - Mrs. Mary Leon- ard, 61, of 16 State St., Tonawan- da, N. Y.. Saturday (July 30. 1955) at DeGraff Memorial Hospi- tal .after a short illness. She was a lifelong resident of Tonawanda and was a member of Tonawanda Church of Christ. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. James (Mar- garet) Hughes of Tonawanda; two brothers, Charles Bruske, of Ton- awanda and August Borofke of Gold Bar, Wash; a niece, Mrs. Clara Borofske Lane of Tonawan- da. Friends may call at the Hil- liard Funeral Home, 147 Delaware St., where services will be held Tuesday at 2 o'clock, the Rev. ax Engle officiating. Burial in Elmlawn Cemetery | BOROFSKE, Mary (I158418)
26041 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/1/1972 STECHER- Catherine Stahl Stecher, of Lutheran Church Home. 217 East Delavan Ave., formerly of East Amherst, N.Y., wife of the late Louis and Albert Stecher; sister of Mrs. James (Cora) Knight, Mrs. Albert (Elsie) Liscoff, the late Mrs. Helen Muck. Mrs. Emma Pfanner. Mrs. Amelia Semper and Alvin Stahl; mother of Mrs. James (Audrey) Love and Robert Brost. Services from Beach-Tuyn Funeral Home, 5541 Main St. at Cayuga Rd.. Williarrmville Thursday afternoon at one o'clock. Friends are invited. The family will be present from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial contributions may be made to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Building Fund, 8760 Transit Rd., Amherst. N.Y. | STAHL, Catherine (I110079)
26042 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/1/1973 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brock of 1766-1/2 Elmwood Ave,. North Tonawanda. announce the June 22. 1973. marriage of- their daughter, Mary Maude, to Daniel John Gurba of 142 Ontario St., Buffalo | Family: GURBA, Daniel John / BROCK, Mary Maude (F63489)
26043 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: TAYLOR, Reginald / ROUNDTREE, Marianne (F37503)
26044 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/1/1984 SCHAEFER Arthur C Schaefer, 61, of Grand Island, entered into rest Tuesday (July 31, 1984) at Kenmore Mercy Hospital Mr Schaefer was a member of the First Presbyterian Church and Tonawandas Post 264, American legion where he was Building Manager for the past 25 years He was a veteran of World War II, having served in the Euro pean Theatre. Beloved husband of Jean L. (nee Albon) Schaefer; father of David A (Susan) Schaefer, James (Daryl) Schaefer and Miss Susan L Schaefer; brother of Mrs Patrick (Doris) DeCillis; one grandchild, all of Grand Island. Friends may call Wednesday 7 to 9 p.m.. and Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., at the CREASEY MEMORIAL CHAPEL, INC , 138 Delaware St., Tonawanda where services will be conducted Friday at 11 a m . the Rev Walter L C Wenhold official ing Interment Elmlawn Cemeter. . Memorials may be made to the W.N Y Heart Assoc Memorial services under the auspices of Ton awandas Post 264, American legion Thursday at 7 30 p m. | SCHAEFER, Arthur C (I106343)
26045 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/10/1921 Announcement is made of the marriage of Elizabeth Irene Becker to Charles L. Hoyer, both of North Ton awanda. Wednesday, August 10, at the Grace Lutheran Church, the Rev. Braun officiating. | Family: HOYER, Charles L / BECKER, Elizabeth L (F46272)
26046 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: NEWELL, Glenn / BEHRNS, Mildred M (F47239)
26047 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: RUSS, John Leonard / DVORSKY, Alice Carolyn (F5548)
26048 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: HINMAN, James Robert / BISTOFF, Kathleen Ruth (F52996)
26049 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/10/1964 NORTH TONAWANDA -William H. Brauer, 83, father of Wilbur E. Brauer, former city alderman, of 186 Rumbold Ave., died Sunday (Aug. 9, 1964) in his home after a long illness. Mr. Brauer was born in Germany, but lived for more than 79 years in this city. He was a volunteer fireman for 62 years, 30 of which he served as a paid fireman, before.:^ tiring in 1946. He was a member of St. Peter's American Lutheran Church, the Sweeney Hose Co. No. 7, an honorary member of Gratwick Hose Co., and a member of the North Tonawanda Paid Firemen's -Association and Firemen's Benevolent Association. " Survivors include his wife, Emma Kohl Brauer, two daughters, Mrs. K e n n e t h Voetsch,' Mrs. Andrew Thomas; a brother, Ernest Brauer; a sister, Mrs. Edward Schuler; and three grandchildren, all of the Tonawandas. Rev. Alfred Walck will conduct funeral services at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Wattengel Funeral Home. Interment will be in White Chapel Memorial Park. | BRAUER, William H (I81463)
26050 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: KRIEGER, Howard Sutton / ROLLINS, Patricia Ann (F54528)