Matches 26,401 to 26,450 of 32,986
# | Notes | Linked to |
26401 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/12/1947 The marriage of Miss Leona Belling to Mr. John W. Ohlrich of 415 Young street was announced today by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Belling of Benton street. The ceremony was held August 9, in St Martin's Lutheran Church. Attendants for the bride were Miss Margaret Ohlrich, Miss Gertrude Ewald and Mrs. Paul Forth. Calvin Muck attended the bridegroom as best man, and the ushers were Clarence Hemple and Edwin Muck. A reception was held in the home of the bride. After returning from Washington, D. C, Mr. and Mrs. Ohlrich are making their home in 23 Hill street. ALSO North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 5/22/1947 Mr and Mrs. Carl H. Belling of 16 Benton street announce the engagement of their daughter, Leona E. to John W. Ohlrich of 415 Young street, son of Mrs. Ellen Ohlrich. The wedding will take place August 9. | Family: OHLRICH, John W / BELLING, Leona (F47920)
26402 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/12/1959 Miss Diane Virginia Wehrung, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen H. Wehrung, 210 Ilion St., and Charles Thomas Brodfuehrer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Brodfuehrer, 420 Stanley St., were married at 10 a.m., Aug. 29 in Ascension Church in a high nuptial Mass. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Francis Hunt. Vases of white pompons and yel- low gladioli arorned the altar and white satin ribbons marked the family pews. Flowers were placed at the Virgin Mary's altar. The bride's gown of white silk organza and Chantilly lace over taffeta was fashioned with a scalloped Sabrina neckline beaded with iridescnt sequins and seed pearls and short crushed sleeves. The skirt featured lace appliques caught with a large bow in back that fell into a chapel length train. A crown of Chantilly lace accent- ed with sequins and pearls held her finger tip veil of silk illusion. She carried a prayer book with a corsage of white roses and white shasta pompons. Mrs. John Dotterweich, matron of honor for her cousin, wore a white nylon dress embroidered with aqua flower motifs and fash- ioned with a scoop neckline and short sleeves. A fathered chiffon drape accented the front of the dress and formed panels in the back. She wore an aqua headpiece with a scalloped shoulder veil of silk illusion. She carried a colo- nial bouquet of rubrum lilies, pink rosebuds and white shasta sais- ies tied with aqua ribbon. Miss Amelia Brenon and Mrs. Donald Sears of Olcott wore identical dresses of white nylon embroidered with yellow flowers and matching headpieces and shoes completed their attire and they carried rubrum lilies, yellow roses, and white shasta daisies tied with yellow. Lloyd Tooke Jr. was the best man. Ushers were John Norris and James Brodfuehrer, brother of the bridegroom. The bride's mother wore a nylon chiffon dress in shades of Bermuda blue, with a gathered skirt and lace appliqued fitted bodice, V-neckline and short sleeves. She chose a feather hat and accessories to match and wore a corsage of white roses and white shasta daises. The bridegroom's mother chose r o y a l b l u e s h e a t h d r e s s with three-quarter length sleeves ac- cented with a pink feather hat and pink accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds and white shasta daises. The bride's maternal grandmother, Mrs. Edward Hempel, wore a beige lace sheath dress. .The bride paternal grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Wehrung, chose a bllue print silk dress with a full skirt. Both wore corsages of yel- low rosebuds and daisies. A wedding breakfast for the immediate family and a reception for 325 guests were given in Stephen Sikora Post Hall. Guests attended from the Tonawandas and vicinity and from Lorain, O. After a wedding trip to the Adirondack Mountains and New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Brodfuehrer are at home in 138 Adam St., Tonawanda. Pre-nuptial parties were given by the Mesdames: Joseph Pro- frock, Charles Kent, George Dris- coll, Edward Hempel, Margaret Wehrung, Carl Henning, Vincent DiVirgilio, Jerome Burngasser, Elmer Brodfuehrer, Richard BRodfuehrer, Raymond Brod- fuehrer and the bridesmaids. | Family: BRODFUEHRER, Charles Thomas / WEHRUNG, Diane Virginia (F49204)
26403 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/12/1960 ENGAGED: Mrs. Ellen M. Wolf of 38 Adam St., Tonawanda and Walter D. Wolf of 287 Schenck St., North Tonawanda announce the engagement of their daughter, Elaine Margaret to David Lee Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Snyder, 298 Montrose Ave., Kenmore. Miss Wolf is a graduate of Tonawanda High School and is employed by the Frontier Oil Refining Co. Cpl. Snyder, a graduate of Kenmore Higb School, serves with the United States Marine Corps .at Camp Le Jeune, N.C. No date has been set for the wedding. | Family: SNYDER, David Lee / WOLF, Elaine Margaret (F33202)
26404 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/12/1986 Mrs. Robert D. Phelps of North Tonawanda. and Kenneth J. Kirisits of Kenmore, announce the engagement of their daughter. Kathleen Marie Kirisits, to Frederick Eugene Zacher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Zacher of North Tonawanda. The future bride, a graduate of North Tonawanda High School, attended Niagara County Community College. Her fiance is a graduate of North Tonawanda High School. A Nov. 8 wedding is planned. | Family: ZACHER, Frederick Eugene / KIRISITS, Kathleen Marie (F16219)
26405 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1930 Stricken with paralysis a week ago, Mrs. Mary Netter, 73 years old, wife of the late John Better, a former Tonawanda official died late last night at her home, 187 Adam street. She was born in Cheektowaga. For the past 60 years she had been a resident of Tonawanda. She was a member of the Altar and Rosary societies of the St. Francis church. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Joseph LaTour, Tonawanda. and Sister Mary Magdalen, Lowell, Mass.; four son?, Joseph, Martin. Frank and John Netter; two sisters, Mrs. Helen Rathgeber and Miss Rose Batt, and five brothers, William, Frank, Edward and Charles Batt, all of the Tonawandas, and Casper Batt, Cleveland. The funeral will be held Tues- day morning at 8:30 o'clock from the residence and half an hour later at the St. Francis church. The Very Rev. John A. Weisman- tel will officiate and interment will be in the St. Francis Cere- tery. | BATT, Mary (I127144)
26406 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1940 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wisler of Chicago, Ill., will be among the out of town guests who will come to attend the wedding of Miss Elva Bohlman and Mr. Charles Graf which will be solemnized tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock in St. Peter's Evan- gelical Lutheran church. | Family: GRAF, Charles / BOHLMAN, Elva E (F33423)
26407 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1943 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brock of 884 Walck road announce the marriage of their daughter Ruth, to Pfc. Chester Barraclough, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Barraclough of 245 Payne avenue, which was solemnized on Friday , evening, September 10, on the lawn at the home Of the bride's parents. The bride wore a gray travelling suit with a mixed corsage. The attend* ants were Miss Vivian Lucore and Pfc Dale Lucore Following the ceremony a reception was held for thirty guests. The groom will Ieave on Tuesday for his post, at Camp Phillips, Kansas City, Kans., and the bride wffl remain at her parents' home for the duration. | Family: BARRACLOUGH, Chester / BROCK, Ruth M (F63440)
26408 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1950 White gladioli, palms and an aisle of candles in St. Martin's Lutheran Church, at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 9, formed the background for the marriage of Miss Carol Berner. and Mr. Harold Gebhardt. Jr. Rev. Theophilus Ber- ner, father of the bride, officiated at a candlelight ceremony. The bride wore an organdy gown over taffeta with roll collar, deep v-neckline. long pointed sleeves and full skirt over a hoop forming a long train. Her veil of illusion, scalloped at the edges, was held with a crocheted crown. She carried a bouquet of white roses and pompons. Miss Phyllis Berner, bride's sister and maid-of-honor chose a gown of pink organdy over taffeta fashioned like that of the bride. She wore matching mitts and hat. Miss Jean Gebhardt, sister of the groom, and Mrs. Gloria Hyleman, bridal attendants, were attired in yellow and blue organdy gowns over taffeta. All carried bouquets of roses, pompons, larkspur and rubrum lilies. Sally Huber. flower girl for her aunt, wore white organdy over green, with mitts to match, and carried a basket of flowers. Mr. Clark Schoonover was beet man and the ushers were Mr. Dexter Rosokoff and Mr. Glenn , Newell. The bride's mother favored a navy blue dress and the bridegroom's mother chose a burgundy crepe dress. Both wore corsages of roses and pompom. During the ceremony, Mrs. Ada Prohaska, accompanied Mr. Eugene Thiele, who sang "Because" and "The Lord's Pray- er" After the reception which was held in the church parish hall, the couple left for a trip to the Adirondacks and New York City. They will be at home in 100 Falls Blvd. after Sept. 18. | Family: GEBHARDT, Harold / BERNER, Carol (F17781)
26409 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1962 Miss J a n e Bridge, daugh- t e r of Mr. and Mrs. A r t h u r Bridge of 215 Gibson St., Tonawnda, and Donald L. Mauland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Mauland of Clarkfield, Minn., were married Saturday in the Riverview Evangelical United Brethren Church, Town of Tonawanda. White gladioli and yellow and white shasta pompons decorated the altar for the ceremony which was performed at 7 p.m. by the Rev. William F. Atkins. Miss Car- ol Dammann was the organist and Mrs. Leland McCoy, a cous- in of the bridegroom, was the soloist. The bride wore a ballerina- length gown of white chiffon with a lace bodice, Sabrina neckline and long sleeves. Her shoulder- length veil fell from a lace and pearl crown. She carried a cas- cade of white roses and carna- tions centered with an orchid. Miss Sandra Bridge, maid of honor for her sister, woe a white chiffon, ballerina - length dress with a lae jacket and wite ac- cessories and carried talisman roses and yellow shasta pompons. Melbourne Fjerkenstad, broth- er-in-law of the bridegroom, was the best man. The bride's mothr wore an aqua lace and silk sheath dress with beige accessories and the bridegroom's mother chose a nevy blue linen jackete sheath dress trimmed with white piping and white accessories. A reception followed the cere- mony in the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mauland will trave to Clarkfield, Minn. where they will makek their home. Pre-nuptial showers for the bride were given by Mrs.. Robert Hannel and Mrs.. Erval Young. | Family: MAULAND, Donald L / BRIDGE, Jane (F62337)
26410 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1963 Charles Benzino, 58, of 37 Carney St, Tonawanda, died today at DeGraff Memorial Hospital after he was stricken at his home with an apparent heart attack. The first aid squad of the Fire Department was called at 5:06 ajn. and gave him oxygen before be was takes to the hospital where be died at 5:30 a.m. Roth Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements ALSO Niagara Gazette TONAWANDA-*Charles-P; Benzino, 58, of 37 Carney St., died Friday (Septals, 1963) at DeGraff Memorial Hospital after a short illness. Born in Buffalo, he lived in this city for the last 49 years and was employed by the DuPont Co. at Niagara Falls for 20 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Elsie (Martens) Benzino; three daughters, Mrs. Chester S c h u l t z , ' and Mrs. John Creighton, both of California, and Miss Linda Benzino, at home; a son William Benzino, North Tonawanda; three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Leber, Buffalo, Mrs. Margaret Benzino, this city, and Mrs. Milton S h e 11 e r, Hamburg; three brothers, Clarence Benzino and Clyde Cain, both of this city, .and Christ Joclyn, Buffalo; and five grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Sunday at the Roth Funeral Home by the Rev. Frank Schwarz. Burial will be in Elmlawn Cemetery. | BENZINO, Charles Peter (I138052)
26411 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: WITKOP, Thomas F / KOBYLENSKI, Jacqueline (F23035)
26412 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1969 Ascension Church was the setting at noon today for the marriage of Miss Lenore Balling and James Thompson. The Very Rev. David Gernatt officiated at the Concelebrated Nuptial Mass and bestowed the Papal Blessing. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Balling of 267 Shartle Place, North Tonawanda, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thompson of 1169 Ruie Road, North Tonawanda. Alencon lace accented with seed pearls trimmed the bridal gown of peau de soie styled with an attached train. Her floorlength illusion mantilla was edged with matching lace. She carried a cascade of white gladioli and carnations. Attending the bride were her three sisters, Miss Jean Balling, maid of honor, Miss Joan Balling and Miss Deborah Balling, bridesmaids. Other bridesmaids were Miss Ann Thompson, sister of the bridegroom, Mrs. Donald Meagher and Miss Bonita Alberts. The maid of honor wore a maize chiffon gown accented with a mimosa satin band at the Empire waistline. Bridesmaids wore similar gowns of apricot and orange. Triple coiffure bows held their veils and they carried glamelias. Benjamin Dragan was best man. Ushers were Bernard, Kenneth and William Balling, brothers of the bride, Raymond Mangus and Ronald Harder. The bride's mother selected a pink velvet ensemble with matching accessories with an orchid corsage. The bridegroom's mother chose a blue shantung ensemble with matching accessories and pink rose corsage. A reception will be given in Gratwick Hose Company Hall. The couple will be at home in 51 Grove St., Tonawanda, after Sept. 21. | Family: THOMPSON, James E / BALLING, Lenore (F43075)
26413 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: DUMAIS, Gerald Alexandre / BRENON, Barbara Ann (F31459)
26414 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1972 BRANT - Ross O. Brant of 450 Oliver St., North Tonawanda, Friday (Sept. 8, 1972) at DeGraff Memorial Hospital. Burial Monday, Sept. 11 at Shannonville, Ontario | BRANT, Ross O (I166455)
26415 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: WOLANSKE, Walter Albert / LIUZZI, Louise Diane (F33127)
26416 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1976 CAMERON - Charles Cameron, Saturday (Sept. 11, 1976). Born in Scotland, Mr. Cameron was a former resident of Medina, N.Y., and had r e s i d e d in North Tonawanda the past two years. He is survived by his wife, Isabella (nee Allen) Cameron: one daughter, Mrs. May Benthin of North Tonawanda; two grandchildren, Howard (Betty) Benthin and Mrs. Edward (Mary Jane) Fusco, both of North Tonawanda; seven greatgrandchildren; one g r e a t - g r e a t - granddaughter and two brothers in Scotland. Funeral services were conducted this morning Monday (Sept. 13th) at 11 a.m., from the Larango- Pawenski Funeral Home, 652 Oliver St., (cor. 5th Ave.) North Tonawanda. Interment in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Medina, N.Y. | CAMERON, Charles W (I137421)
26417 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1976 Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Peters of 130 Walter Ave., Tonawanda, .-recently observed their 50th wedding anniversary at a surprise dinner party at Transit Valley Country Club given by Mr. Peters' sister, Thelma, and her husband, Walter Balling. Mr. Peters and the former Helen Wilke were .married Aug. 24, 1926, in Grace Lutheran Church, North Tonawanda, with the Rev. Clarence Braun officiating. The couple are life-long residents of the Tonawandas. They are the parents of two sons, Noel Peters of Tonawanda, and the late Daryl Peters of Clarence. They have five grand- children and three great- grandchildren. Andrew Peters and family of Chicago, Ill., attended his grandparents' celebration. | Family: PETERS, Chester A / WILKE, Helen (F31161)
26418 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: GILLOTTI, Dominic T / BUKOSKEY, Darla Jean (F68506)
26419 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1978 Salem United Church of Christ, Tonawanda, was the setting for the nuptial ceremony uniting in marriage Miss Amy Jo Remmele and Dr. Kent E. Bath at 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 2, 1978. The bride is the daughter of Richard Remmele of Newfane and Mrs. Joan Beringer of Tonawanda. The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Bath of Worchester, Mass., are parents of the bridegroom. The ceremony was officiated by the bridegroom's father assisted by the Rev. Richard H. Trump. Maid of honor was Beth Ann Remmele, sister of the bride. Janice Wierz- bic was bridesmaid. Brian Fowler was best man. Richard Doud and Alan Vanderbrook per- formed ushering duties. The newlyweds were honored at a reception in American Legion Post 264, Tonawanda, im- mediately following the ceremony. | Family: BATH, Kent E Dr / REMMELE, Amy Jo (F50350)
26420 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1979 Nottingham lace accented the silesta chiffon gown worn by Miss Laurie Elaine Sprenger when she became the bride of Charles Kenneth Schmidt at 4 p.m Saturday, Sept. 8, 1979. in St. Matthew Lutheran C h u r c h , N o r th Tonawwnda. The Rev. A. W Moldenhauer officiated for the nuptials. Mrs. Linda Robinson was soloist. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sprenger of 142 C r a m e r St., North T o n a w a n d a . The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schmidt of Niagara Falls, and the late Jeanette Schmidt. Miss Cynthia Sprenger was maid of honor for her sister. Bridesmaids were Miss Kathy Schmidt, sister of the b r i d e g r o o m ; Mrs. Laurie Schmidt, Mrs. Kathy Wright and Miss P a t r i c i a K r o p p. Christina Zastrow was flowor girl Lawrence Schmidt was his brother's best man. Ushers were Dennis Schmidt, brother of the bridegroom; Ross Zastrow; Donald Catino, and Douglas Robinson. After a reception in Adams Fire Company hall, North Tonawanda, the newlyweds left for a honeymoon trip to California and a tour of the United States. They will be at home in Bergholz. | Family: SCHMIDT, Charles Kenneth / SPRENGER, Laurie Elaine (F32465)
26421 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: EGGERS, Curt Mathew / SAHR, Joyce Paula (F37732)
26422 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1986 STRECK - Kenneth T. Streck, 42, of North Tonawanda, unexpectedly Friday, Sept. 12, 1986 at DeGraff Memorial Hospital. A lifelong resident of North Tonawanda, Mr. Streck was an employee of Battenfeld Grease and Oil Corp. and was an Army veteran. Beloved husband of Beverly (nee Davis) Streck; dearest father of Kenneth T. Streck Jr. of Tenn. Beloved son of Mrs. Kathyrn (nee Coughlin) Dorval and the late Michael Streck; dear brother of Richard (Connie) Streck, James Proefrock, Mrs. Richard (Patricia) Fox, Mrs. Michael (Sherry) Meindl, Roy (Sue) Proefrock and the late Michael Streck Jr.; son-in-law of John and Mary Toman. Also survived by aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. The family will be present to receive relatives and friends SUNDAY only 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at the Saber-Skomski Funeral Home, 549 Oliver St., North Tonawanda, where funeral services will be held on Monday at 8:45 a.m., followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at Our Lady of Czestochowa Church at 9:15 a.m. Flowers gratefully declined. | STRECK, Kenneth Thomas (I107271)
26423 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/13/1986 WESTPHAL - Juliana E. (nee Ullrich) Westphal, 80, of Tonawanda, Sunday, (September 14, 1986) at DeGraff Memorial Hospital. A native of Tonawanda, she was the sister of the late Eleanor Wein. Mrs. Westphal had been employed as cafeteria manager at Tonawanda Senior High Schoool for 15 years retiring in 1974. She was a member of Salem United Church of Christ where she served on many committees, past president of the Salem League and the Women's Guild, Sunday School teacher for more than 25 years, a member of the Philathea Class for 65 years and a 60 year member of Sirius Chapter 301 OES. She is survived by her husband, Clifford S. Westphal; a daughter, Mrs. Gordon H. (Diane) Beebe of Fairport, NY and two grandchildren Kevin D. Beebe and Beth Ann Beebe, also of Fairport, NY; two sisters, Mrs. Harold (Electa) Wolter of Medina, NY and Mrs. Thomas J. (Orma Mae) Lee of Terry Miss.; also survived by several nieces, nephews and grandnieces and nephews. Friends may call TUESDAY ONLY 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. at John O. Roth Funeral Home Inc., Morgan and William' Streets, Tonawanda. Funeral services will be held at Salem United Church of Christ Wednesday, September 17 at 11:30 a.m. The Rev. Richard H. Trump will officiate. Burial will be in Elmlawn Cemetery. If desired memorial contributions may be made to Salem United Church of Christ. | ULLRICH, Juliana Elizabeth (I98527)
26424 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/14/1932 Mrs. William Beales of Two Mile Creek road, Tonawanda. announces the engagement of her daughter, Audrey, to Alexander T. Bajorek of Ward road. NOTE: No record found of marriage | Family: BAJOREK, Alexander T / BEALES, Audrey (F42481)
26425 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/14/1936 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schuler of Stenzil street announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen Elizabeth to George Behm son of Mr. and Mrs August Behm of East Thompson street. The wedding will take place on Oc tober 3. ALSO North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 10/7/1936 A quiet wedding was solemnized Saturday afternoon October 3rd at 4 o'clock in the parsonage of St. Peter's church on Oliver street when Miss Helen E. Schuler, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schuler of Stenzil street became the bride of Mr. George J. Behm of East Thompson street. The Rev. Theophil Twente officiated. The bride wore a gown of rust crepe made on princess lines, with hat to match, and a corsage of talisman roses and baby breath tied with gold ribbons. She wore brown slippers with stockings to match. Miss Mildred Schuler, sister of the bride was her only attendant and wore a gown of brown crepe, with hat and slippers to match. Her corsage was of talisman roses and baby breath. Mr. Stanley Smith attended Mr. Behm as best man. In the evening a reception was held for twenty-five guests at the home of the groom's brother, Mr. Wilbur Behm of Kohler street. After a short wedding trip, Mr and Mrs. Behm will make their home in 620 East Thompson street. | Family: BEHM, George J / SCHULER, Helen Elizabeth (F46903)
26426 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/14/1945 Before an altar, lighted with candles, and banked with palms white astors and baskets of gladioli, Miss Frances Cindrich of Pekin, N. Y., and Rollin C. Broeker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Broeker, of Ward road. North Tonawanda, were united in marriage on September 1 in St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church at St. Johnsburg. Rev. W. J. Thiemecke performed the double ring ceremony. Mrs, W. J. Thiemecke played the wedding music and sang "I Love You Truly" and "O Promise Me". The bride wore a wedding gown of white net fashioned with tight bodice the yoke outlined with lace ruffles, long fitted sleeves extending over the wrists, and tiny buttons extending/down the back to below the waistline, and full skirt, finished with a wide lace ruffle extending into a long train. A full length veil fell from a Juliet cap of orange blossoms. She carried white astors and bridal wreath centered with a corsage of gardenias and wore a three strand pearl necklace and bracelet, the gift of the groom. Miss Dallas Broeker, sister of the groom, as maid of honor, wore a powder blue net gown with sweetheart neckline puffed sleeves and peplum edged with pink grosgrain ribbon over the full skirt. She wore a Dutch cap and elbow length gloves of pink net, and carried an arm bouquet of pink astors and blue delphinium tied with pink net ribbon. Bridesmaids, Mrs. Lottie Noworyta and the bride's sisters Mrs. Elwin Behnke and Miss Helen Cindrich, wore identically styled gowns of neon chiffon, two in pink and one in blue, with con- trasting Dutch caps and goves and carried arm bouquets of blue delphinium and pink astors. Miss Mildred Cindrich, another sister, wore a gown of yellow net, with matching cap and gloves and car- ried orchid astors and white del- phinium tied with orchid net rib- bon. John Cindrich, brothher of the bride, was the groom's best man and the ushers were Elwin Behnke, Haroldl Sitzman, Edward Schimschack and William Stress- burg. Mrs.. Cindrich, the bride's moth- er and Mrs. Broeker,, mother of the groom, both chose costumes of black and white and wore cor- sages of red roses. The wedding dinner for the im- mediate family was served at the St. Johnsburg Fire Hall at 6 p m. The bride's table was decor- ated with flowers and centered with a three tier wedding cake, topped with a miniature bride and groom. About 200 guests attended the reception which followed. Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mr. Paul Verko- vich of Cleveland, Ohio, Donald Broeker of Detroit, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sniff of Gains- ville, N.Y. and others from Lewiston, Buffalo,, Niagara Falls, Lockport and Kenmore. After a wedding trip to Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Broeker will make their home in 646 Ninety First street, Niagara Falls,, N.Y. | Family: BROEKER, Rollin C / CINDRICH, Frances (F23621)
26427 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/14/1949 Mrs. Anna L. Lorenz, 81, nee Sahr, died this morning in the Vona Nursing Home; after a long illness. Born in the Town of Wheatfield, Mrs. Vona (sic) had lived in North Tonawanda most of her life. She was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church and of the Ladies Aid of the church. She is survived by her son, Arthur; a sister, Mrs. Sophia DalL Youngstown; two brothers, Benjamin and Edwin Sahr of North Tonawanda. Funeral services will be Friday at 2 p. m. in the home of her son in 560 Falls Blvd. Rev. Paul Gassman will officiate. Interment will be in St. Paul's cemetery. | SAHR, Anna Louise (I62646)
26428 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: GROSE, Kenneth Norman / MAGORIEN, Kathleen E (F54115)
26429 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: BERARDI, Chester M / MODERACKI, Carole L (F32628)
26430 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/14/1970 Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. tomorrow for Ralph H. Ahrens, 33, of 721 Deerfield Drive, North Tonawanda, who died Saturday after his car struck a utility pole in Tonawanda. The services will be at Carlton A. Ullrich Funeral Home. 3272 Bailey Ave., Buffalo. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy Bielefeld Ahrens, a daughter, Cheryl Ann; two sons, David C. and Gregory J.; his mother, Mrs. Clara Huber Ahrens; a sister, Mrs. John Lenore Friedhaber, and a brother. John L. Ahrens. Police speculated that Mr. Ahrens might have suffered a stroke while driving and lost control of his car. He was pronounced dead at DeGraff Memorial Hospital. Niagara County Coroner William Brunner said his investigation has ruled out the belief that Mr. Ahrens might have suffered a stroke before the crash. Mr. Brunner said it is believed that the driver may have fallen asleep. Cause of death was listed as a crushed chest and internal injuries. Mr. Brunner said. The accident occurred at about 7:25 a.m. while Mr. Ahrens was returning from work at the Chevrolet plant in the Town of Tonawanda. His car crashed into the pole at Niagara and Kohler Streets. Mr. Ahrens was a member of the Local 774. UAW. at the plant, where he was employed as a journeyman electrician. | AHRENS, Ralph H (I96648)
26431 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: GRAHAM, Robert K / AGANSKI, Marilyn Paula (F49270)
26432 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/14/1971 BERHALTER - Cory Francis Berhalter, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Berhalter of 69 Ilion St., Tonawanda, Saturday (Sept. 11, 1971) at Children's Hospital. Also survived by a brother, James Paul Jr., and a sister, Jenine Marie Berhalter; his grandparents, Mrs. Cornelius P. Koelemeyer of Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Berhalter of North Tonawanda. Services were conducted at John O. Roth Funeral Home, Morgan and William Sts., Tonawanda at 11 a.m. today by the Rev. Raymond Mahar. Burial in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. | BERHALTER, Cory Francis (I140780)
26433 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/14/1973 PAPOI - Steven Papoi. 64. in Palo Alto. Calif.. Thursday (Sept 13. 1973) after a long illness. Beloved father of Steven Papoi. Lawrence (Karleeni Papoi. Mrs. Richard (Joan) Braeges. all of Tonawanda. and Mrs. Jack (Mary) Syposs of the Town of Tonawanda; brother of Joseph and John Papoi. both of North Tonawanda. Frank Papoi of Alhambra. Calif., Mrs. Rose Netter and Miss Elizabeth Papoi, both of North Tonawanda: grandfather of 10 grandchildren and uncle of several nieces and nephews. Friends received bv the family SATURDAY' and SUNDAY from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Brunner Funeral Home, 156 Robinson St., North Tonawanda, where prayers will be said Monday, Sept. 17th at 9 a.m., followed by a Mass of the Resurrection at 9:30 a.m., from Ascension Church. Interment Mt. Olivet Cemetery. | PAPOI, Steven (I85832)
26434 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: ELIAS, Mark A / JOHNSON, Sue Ellen (F59292)
26435 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/14/1981 BALL - Joseph G. Ball of North Tonawanda, suddenly Friday (Sept. 11, 1981). Mr. Ball resided in North Tonawanda for most of his life, he served on many boats on the Great Lakes and was a retired Captain from Niagara Mohawk Corp. Beloved husband of Vict o r i a ( C h r i s ) (nee Vitovitch)Ball. Private funeral services were held this morning from the Saber-Skomski Funeral Home, 549 Oliver St., North Tonawanda, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial from St. Joseph's Church. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. | BALL, Joseph G (I122307)
26436 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/14/1981 HOLLAND Margaret i nee Breitenbach) Holland, 76, of Williamsville, Friday (Sept. 11, 1981) after a long illness A resident of North Tonawanda for the greater part of her life, Mrs. Holland was a member of Friedens United Church of Christ She is survived by her husband, Raymond F. Holland; two daughters, Mrs. Francis (Peggy) Karekefi of Stamford", Conn , and Mrs. Daniel ( A n n ) S u l l i v a n of Northfield, Minn.; two sons, William (Frances) Holland of Alexandria, Va., and Roger (Jean) Holland of Philadelphia, Pa.; two b r o t h e r s , W i l l i am Breitenbach and Edward Breitenbach; two sisters, Mrs Arnold (Bertha) Zimmerman and Mrs. Louise Schwagler, all of the Tonawandas, also surviving are ten grandchildren and many nieces and nephews Funeral services were held at 11 am. today at the Hamp Funeral Home, Inc , Adam and Seymour Sts., Tonawanda, the Rev. Dr. Paul Hitter officiated. Interment at Friedens Cemetery In lieu of flowers, memorials to the Arthritis Foundation are preferred by the family. | BREITENBACH, Margaret (I101812)
26437 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/14/1981 ZUCH - Irvin G. Zuch, 64, of North Tonawanda, suddenly Sunday (September 13, 1981) at DeGraff Memorial Hospital. Mr. Zuch was a lifelong resident of No. Tona., a member of St. Matthew Lutheran Church, former employee of Na tional Grinding Wheel retiring in June after twenty- two years service He is survived by his wife Amanda (nee Otto); two sons, Terry M. Zuch of Gaithersburg, Maryland and Timothy M. (Brenda) Zuch, Napolean, Ohio; four daughters, Mrs. Richard A. (Susan) Meyer of No. Tona , Mrs. Robert (Judith) Jagow, Town of Wheatfield, Miss Melissa E. Zuch of Kenmore and Mrs. Raymond (Anne) Soro of Niagara Falls, NY.; three grandchildren Matthew Meyer and Erin , and Sean Jagow Friends may call at the Fretthold Funeral Home, Inc., 1241 Oliver St. at Ward Rd this evening from 7 to 9 and Tuesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. Services will be held in St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Wednesday at 11 a.m., the Rev. A.W. Moldenhauer will officiate. Interment in St. Matthew Lutheran Cemetery. If so desired, memorials may be made to St. Matthew Special School Fund. (14-15) | ZUCH, Irvin George (I63849)
26438 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/15/1913 Miss Ida H. Winter, 32 years old, a well-known resident of the Tonawandas, died at the home of. her father, Mr. Conrad Winter, of No. 456 Schenk street last night. She was born in North Tonawanda and had lived'here jail her life. Besides her father, three sisters, Mrs. Ellis Searing, and the Misses Emma and Marietta Winter and two brothers, Benjamin Winter of North Tonawanda and Henry Winter of Tonawanda, survive. Funeral announcement will be made later. | WINTER, Ida H (I94934)
26439 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/15/1914 Mrs. Charles Wolgast of Getzville died at her home yesterday morning after a lingering illness. The funeral will be held from the late home on Wednesday afternoon. Burial will he made at Getzville. | Augusta (I98246)
26440 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/15/1942 Glenn A. Rech, 51, a lifelong resident of the Tonawandas, died this morning at his home, 98 Elmwood Park, East. He leaves his wife, Genevieve, nee Woods, and two sons, William A. and Richard W. of Tonawanda. Rites will be held Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock from the residence. The Rev. Joe B. Maffett will officiate. Burial will be in Elmlawn. | RECH, Glenn A (I99134)
26441 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/15/1942 BRUNING-ZIEHM-Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ziehm of 28 Keil street announce the engagement of their daughter, Janice Helena, to Eric E. Bruning, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bruning of 1288 Sherwood avenue. NOTHING FOUND THAT THEY ACTUALLY MARRIED | Family: BRUNING, Eric E / ZIEHM, Janice Helena (F65152)
26442 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/15/1945 A pretty wedding was solemnized Saturday morning, September 1 at 11 a. m. in St Francis of Assisi rectory, when Miss Bernice Bacon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bacon, Sr., of 96 Scott street became of bride of Duane Townsend, son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Townsend, Sr., of 80 Elm street. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John Weismantel officiated at the double ring ceremony. Miss Jeannine Johns sang the "Ave Maria" accompanied by Mrs. William Bacon at the piano. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white faille fashioned in princess style with long fitted sleeves pointed over the wrists. Her fingertip veil fell from a heart-shaped tiara of net. She wore a single strand of pearls, the gift of the groom and carried a bouquet of white carnations, baby breath and gardenias. Mrs. Virginia Ostwald, matron of honor, wore a light blue net gown, with fitted bodice, and full skirt and carried pink carnations and white baby breath tied with blue ribbon. Pre-nuptial showers for the bride were given by Mrs. Frank Townsend, Mrs. Virginia Ostwald, Mrs. LeRoy Townsend, Sr., and Mrs. Robert Goltz, Mrs. Doris Doel and Mrs. Arthur Vigrass. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend are now at home at 57 A-Courtside Drive, North Tonawanda, after a brief trip to the Adirondack Mountains. | Family: TOWNSEND, Duane A / BACON, Bernice Ann (F38634)
26443 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: HOEFERT, Kenneth F / HUFFMAN, Diane Marie (F37802)
26444 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/15/1967 BEYETTE - Francis L. Bey- ette, 55, of 143 Franklin St., Tonawanda, died unexpectedly Thursday (Sept. 14, 1967). Born in Geneva, N.Y., he had been a resident of Tonawanda for more than 48 years. A vet- eran of World War II, he had been employed as office mana- ger at Remington Rand Office Systems Division of Sperry Rand Corp. in Buffalo for the past 10 years. Survivors include his wife. Marguerite (nee Sahr); two daughters, Miss Jacqueline Beyette of New Haven, Conn., and Miss Susan Beyette of Tonawanda; three sons, A2C Peter F. Beyette ISAF stationed in Saigon, Larry and Robert Beyette at home and a sister, Mrs. Donald Brown of Springville, N.Y. Friends may call at John 0. Roth Funeral Home, Morgan and William Sis., Tonawanda, where services will be conducted at 1:00 p.m. Sunday by the Rev. Enno V Schmoock. Burial will be in Resthaven Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Immaculate Conception Orphanage in Saigon, in care of A2C Peter F. Beyette, 143 Franklin St., Tonawanda | BEYETTE, Francis L (I92817)
26445 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/15/1973 CAMERON - Esther D Cameron (nee Dohring) of 246 Price St., Lockport, NY., Thursday (Sept. 13, 1973). Wife of Douglas M. Cameron; sister of Mrs. Albert (Evelyn) Allen of North Tonawanda, Mrs. F. Leslie (Mildred) Few of Lockport and Mrs. Clifford (Irene) Culver of Lockport; also surviving are several nieces and nephews. Friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., at the Gaul Funeral Home, 263 East Ave., Lockport, where services will be held at 2 p.m., Sunday. The Rev. Russell L. Shaffer will officiate. Interment Huskey Cemetery. | DOHRING, Esther M (I54063)
26446 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/15/1982 KRAMER - Willis E. Kramer, 71, of Tonawanda. unexpectedly Tuesday (Sept. 14, 1982) at his residence. Born in the Town of Amherst, he had been a resident of Tonawanda for more than 50 years and was the father of the late Allen Kramer. Mr. Kramer had been employed at Spaulding Fibre Co. for 53 years until 1973 and was a member of Niagara Hose Co.. Tonawanda Exempt Volunteer Firemen's Assoc, and Sutherland Lodge 826, F&AM. He is survived by his wife, Edna (nee Belling) Kramer; a son, Thomas E. Kramer, at home; two step-sons, David (Judy) Wilke of Sanborn, NY., and Richard (Mary Anne) Wilke of Kenmore, NY.; three brothers, LeRoy J. (Martha) Kramer and LeGrand (Jackie) Kramer, both of Tonawanda and Sherwood (Lois) Kramer of No. Tonawanda; eight grandchildren; one great-grandson and many nieces and nephews. Friends may call Wednesday evening from 7 to 9 and Thursday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., at John O. Roth Funeral Home, Morgan and William Sts., Tonawanda where services will be conducted at 10 a.m. Friday by the Rev. Charles H. Hobbs. Burial will be in Elmlawn Cemetery. | KRAMER, Willis E (I92843)
26447 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: BELLING, Roy Douglas / WOODS, Betty Jane (F31454)
26448 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/16/1919 Miss Lillian E. Sahr. twentynine years old. died last night at the home of her mother. Mrs Johanna Sahr of the Tonawanda creek road. Martins ville, after an illness of three weeks Besides here mother, three brothers Frank. Edward and Man in Sahr of Martinsville. and five sisters. Mrs. Christian Kumro of Tonawanda and the Misses Esther. Rose, Pauline and Mildred Sahr of Martinsville survive. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the late home and half an hour later at St. Paul's church. Martinsville. Rev. Jacobs of ficiating. Burial will be in St. Pau'ls cemetery. | SAHR, Lillian Emilie (I67620)
26449 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/16/1926 Ernest C. Broecker. 78 years old died yesterday afternoon at his home on the Nash road in the town of Wheat field after a lingering illness. He was born in Germany. He had been a resident of Wheatfield for the past 38 years He is survived by a wife, two sons, Henry F. Broecker and George Pankow; one daughter, Mrs. Anna Bergholz and two grandchildren, all residents of Wheatfield. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 9 o'clock from the house and half an hour later at the St John's church at St. Johnsburg. Rev. Walter Thiemecke officiated. Burial will be in the St. John's cemetery. | BROECKER, Ernest Christian Friedrich (I76446)
26450 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/16/1939 Mr. Albert J. Kowsky of 380 Morgan street announces the marriage of his daughter Mabel A. to Thomas F. Gray, son of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Gray, which was solemnized in the Ascension Rectory, Saturday morning, September 9, the Rev. Daniel Molloy officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Gray will be at home in 131 Lincoln avenue after September 20th. | Family: GRAY, Thomas F / KOWSKY, Mabel A (F35797)