Matches 26,701 to 26,750 of 32,986
# | Notes | Linked to |
26701 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - abt 4/12/1903 Helena Minnie Wollenberg, aged 17 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Godfried Wollenberg of Hoffman station, died yesterday | WOLLENBERG, Helena Minnie (I68112)
26702 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - February 13, 1914 A pretty wedding will be solemnized at the St. John's church at St. Johnsburg on Sunday afternoon, when Miss Clara Steig, daughter of Mrs. Augusta Steig of St. Johnsburg, and Edwin Moeller of the same place will be married by the Rev. Jacob Albrecht. ALSO North Tonawanda NT Evening News A pretty wedding occurred at the St. John's church at St. Johnsburg yesterday" afternoon at 3 o'clock when Miss Clara Steig, daughter of Mrs. Augusta Steig of St. Johnsburg, and Mr. Edward Moeller of the same place were married by the Rev. William Albrecht. The bride was gowned in white embroidery. She wore a wreath and veil, and carried a large bouquet of bride's roses. Miss Lydia Steig was the maid-of-honor while Miss Grace Steig and Miss Lucy Smith were bride's maids. Mr. Clarence Moeller was best man. Raymond Moel ler and Harry Grove were the ushers A reception was held at the bride's home. About 100 guests were pres ent. | Family: MOELLER, Edwin Evart / STIEG, Agnes Clara Pauline (F62937)
26703 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: MUSCATO, Thomas C / BUCUR, Anna Louise (F67322)
26704 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News -- 6/28/1951 Mrs. Anna M. Bollier, 84, died this morning in her home 34 Felton St. Wife of the late John H Bollier, Mrs. Bollier was born in Pittsburgh and had lived here the greater part of her life. Sur viving are her sons, Harold E., North Tonawanda; Chester A Kenmore a daughter, Mrs. Alvin Jedele; North Tonawanda; a sister, Mrs. Sophie Kehres, Miami, Fla., six grandchildren and three greatgrandchildren. Services will be at 1:30 Saturday in the residence; at 2 p.m. in Third Presbyterian Church. The Rev. William H. Saye will officiate. Burial will be in City Cemetery, Tonawanda. | Anna M (I155969)
26705 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News -1/6/1917 CARD OF THANKS. We d e s i r e to e x p r e s s our t h a n k s to f r i e n d s , n e i g h b o r s and also singers for k i n d n e s s e s shown and floral gifts sent during our recent sad bereavement, the d e a t h of h u s b a n d and father. MRS. FRED S T R E H L OW AXD FAMILY ALSO North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 1/2/1917 Frederick J. Strehlow, 71 years old, died Sunday noon at his home at No. 100 William street. Death followed lingering illness. He was born in Germany and had lived in the Tonawandas during the past 26 years. He is survived by a wife, four sons, Albert and Herman of Buffalo, August of Tonawanda, and Emil of Midland, Ont., and two daughters, Mrs. Philip Lang and Mrs. Frank Hahn of Tonawanda. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the late residence and half an hour later from the Emanuel Lutheran church on Morgan street. Rev. F. O. Scholz officiating. Burial will be L Elm lawn. | STREHLOW, Frederick J (I100179)
26706 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News -7/10/1929 Carl Batka, 37 years old, 892 Oliver street, died yesterday at the DeGraff Memorial hospital. He is survived by a wife, Mary; two sons, John and Stanley, and three daughters, Margaret, Helen and Anna, all of North Tonawanda. The funeral will be heid Friday morning at 8:30 o'clock from the residence and half an hour later from the Polish Catholic church on Oliver street. Burial will be at the St. Francis cemetery. | BATKA, Karl (I127077)
26707 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: KENNIS, John S / ANASTASI, Wende Sue (F40419)
26708 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News 10/12/1923 The marriage of Miss Maude Palmer of Buffalo to Aloysius Hartman son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hartman of 274 Broad street, will take place onSaturday, October 20 in Buffalo. | Family: HARTMAN, Aloysius J / PALMER, Maud M (F50394)
26709 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: BALLNER, Francis Niehus / ADERMAN, Ann Marie (F39163)
26710 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News 9/11/1922 The funeral of Mrs. Alice C. Affarde, 36 years old, whose death Satu r d a y followed the birth of a son, who also died a few hours later, was held this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the late residence, 343 Oliver street Mrs. Affarde was born in t h e town of Wheatfield. She had lived in North Tonawanda one and a half years. She is survived by a husband, Charles F. Affarde; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Treiher of the town of Lockport; four sisters, Mrs. Gustv Schultz of the town of Wheatfield, Mrs. Jacob H. Boyer of Wilson and t h e Misses Hedwig and Opal Treiber of 'Lockport and two brothers, Otto Treiber, Jr., of North Tonawanda, and Clarence Treiber of Lockport. Rev. L. W. Harper of Central Church of Christ conducted the services and burial was at Elmlawn. | TREIBER, Alice C (I94894)
26711 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News- 11/17/1967 Mr. and Mrs. Marshall T. Baker of 848 Revere Avenue, North Tonawanda, announce the engagement of their daughter Marsha to Samuel Cugalj, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cugalj of 25 Brinker Road, Lackawanna. Both are employed at the Spaulding Fibre Company where Mr. Cugalj is labor relations supervisor. He is a graduate of the State University of New York at Buffalo and currently attending a program sponsored by the Harvard Business School Club of Buffalo. Miss Baker and her fiance are planning a Feb. 24 wedding date. ALSO North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 2/24/1968 A gown of peau de soie and Alencon lace was worn by Miss Marsha Baker for her marrage at 2 o'clock this afternoon to Samuel Cugalj in St. Stephen's Serbian Orthodox Church, Lack- awanna. The Rev. Miodrag Djurich of- ficiated for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall T. Baker of 848 Revere Ave., North Tona- wanda. The bridegroom, of 25 Brinker Road, Lackawanna, is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cugalj. The sheath bridal gown was accented with scalloped lace and beading on the bodice and an attached train with matching lace. A capette of matching lace and peau de soie held her sift illusion veil. She carried white roses. Mrs. Gordon Marinoff was maid of honor. Miss Helen Du- kich, Miss Sue Carnduff, Miss Shirley Dujanovich and Miss Sharon Baker, sister of the bride, were bridesmaids. They wore identical sheath jacketed gowns of velvet Mona- co turquoise with satin trim. Matching satin coiffure bows held their bouffant veils and they carried pink carnations. Gordon Marinoff was b e st man. Ushers were Nick Klaich, Dennis De Masi, George Birach and Pedrag Mirolovich. The bride's mother wore a pink dress of satin and lace with matching accessories. A reception was given at New- ton - Abbott Hall, Hamburg. After a two-week honeymoon in Mexico City and Acapulco, the couple will be at home in Lackawanna. | Family: CUGALJ, Samuel / BAKER, Marsha (F42639)
26712 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family: PELLITIERI, Paul Richard / ZASTROW, Gladene Ann (F19389)
26713 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News- 3/30/1985 MUSALL - Edward. W. 80, of North Tonawanda Friday (March 29, 1985) in DeGraff Memorial Hospital after a lengthy illness. Mr. Musall was a charter member of Messiah Lutheran Church, Lewiston, NY., and a former employee of Buffalo Bolt Co. with 27 years service. He is survived by his wife Virginia (nee Martin); a daughter, Mrs. William (Catherine) Bennion of Lewiston; two grandsons, and many nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Fretthold Funeral Home Inc., 1241 Oliver St. at Ward Road, Saturday from 7-9 p.m. and Sunday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Services will held at the funeral home Monday at 10:30 a.m., the Rev. Milan J. Slahor will officiate. Interment in North Ridge Cemetery. If so desired, memorials may be made to the Messiah Lutheran Church. | MUSALL, Edward W (I137062)
26714 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News- 5/28/1976 POULTON - H o w a r d H. Poulton, 63, of North T o n a w a n d a , Friday (May 28, 1976) at Buffalo General Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Bernice Poulton; his mother, Henrietta Poulton; two daughters, Mrs. Conrad (Karen) Stoll and Mrs. Joseph (Linda) Steiert, and two grandchildren, Kenneth and Sandra Stoll. Memorial services will be conducted at 1 p.m., Tuesday (June 1st) in the Chapel of the Zion Lutheran Church, 10th and Michigan Streets in Niagara Falls, N..Y. Flowers gratefully declined. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. | POULTON, Howard H (I130487)
26715 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News- 6/1/1937 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rasch of 916 Stenzel street announce the marriage of their daughter, Edna Louise, to Robert Brick, son of Anthony Brick of Vandervoort street, on Saturday, May 29. Miss Shirley Mesler of Buffalo attended the bride, and the groom was attended by Peter Grier. Mr. and Mrs. Brick left for a short trip to Watkins Glen. They will be at home at 298 Schenck street, after June 1. | Family: RASCH, Alvin Ernest / MENDE, Clara Bertha (F43745)
26716 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News- 7/8/1938 Alfred Phillips, 78 years old, died this morning at his home, 408 Main street, Tonawanda, after a lingering illness. Born in England, he had resided in Tonawanda the past 30 years. He was a member of Nest 110, F. O. O. and King Court. No, 1, F. O. O., Buffalo. He leaves' a wife, Eliza; two daughters, Mrs. Edwin D. Webb and Mrs. Elmer Wurl, and two grandchildren, all of the Tonawandas. Rites will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the late residence. The Rev. Joseph Maffett will officiate. Interment will be in White Chapel Memorial Park. | PHILLIPS, Alfred (I100610)
26717 | North Tonawanda NY Evenings News - 1/14/1947 William F. Wilke, 86, a lifelong resident of North Tonawanda, died at noon today in his home, 399 Wheatfield street. He was preceded in death by his wife. Bertha W., who passed away last Friday. He was a member of St. Matthews Church, and a lake tug captain for manv years. Survivrs include four nieces, Miss Louise Fuerch, of Lockport, and Mrs. Edward Kenyon, Mrs. Lynn Griffis and Mrs. Oscar Muck, all of North Tonawanda. The funeral will be from the late residence at 2:30 p. m. Thursday, the Rev. Carl Frankenstein officiating Burial will be in St. Paul's Cemetery. | WILKE, William F (I3310)
26718 | North Tonawanda NY Evenng News Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Hahn of 184 Adam St., Tonawanda, announce the engagement of their daughter. Donna Jean, to Russell John Golato, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golato of 84 Dnmoat Ter., Town of Tonawanda. The future bride is a 1175 graduate of Tonawanda High School, and her fiance is a 1174 Kentnore West High School graduate. A Nov; 15 wedding is planned la First Free Methodist Church with the Rev. Rov Goodrich officiating. | Family: GOLATO, Russell John / HAHN, Donna Jean (F41174)
26719 | North Tonawanda NY Evenng News - 1/30/1943 Charles A. Brock, 72, died at his home, 347 Oliver street, yesterday afternoon. He was bom** in Canandaigua, N. Y. but had lived in the Twin Cities for 62 years. He is survived by two brothers, John L. of Tonawanda and Albert H. of North Tonawanda. Funeral services will be conducted Monday afternoon at 2:30 from the Wattengel Funeral Home, 307 Oliver street with the Rev. Herman Barbery of the First Methodist Church officiating. Burial will be in Elmlawn. | BROCK, Charles A (I174018)
26720 | North Tonawanda NY Evenng News - 11/3/1966 ZAPPENDORF - Mabel M. Zappendorf of 1779 Linden Ave., North Tonawanda, in Buffalo Thursday (Nov. 3, 1966) after a long illness. Beloved wife of Elton Zappendorf; sister of Mrs. William (Margaret) Mould of DuBois, Pa., Stroad Hibbert of Erie, Pa., Robert Hibbert of Falls Creek, Pa., Graydon Hibbert of Phoenix, Ariz., and aunt of several nieces and nephews. Friends received by the family from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Brunner Funeral Home, 156 Robinson St., North Tonawanda, where services will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5. The Rev. Enno Schmoock will officiate. Interment in Resthaven Cemetery. | HIBBERT, Mabel M (I102379)
26721 | North Tonawanda NY Evenng News - 2/21/1951 The marriage of Miss Margaret Mary Mullen to Richard Brodfuehrer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brodfuehrer will take place April 14. in Ascension Church, the bride-elect's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Mullen announced today. Miss Mullen has chosen her cousin, Miss Mary Rose O'Connor as maid of honor and her sister, Mary Catherine Mullen, will be the flower girl. Raymond Brodfuehrer will attend his brother as best man. Miss Mullen attended Sacred Heart Academy and is a graduate of the D'Youville College School of Nursing. Her fiance is a graduate of North Tonawanda High school and the University of Detroit School of Engineering. ALSO North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 4/16/1951 The marriage of Miss Margaret Mary Mullen, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Mullen to Richard E. Brodfuehrer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brodfuehrer was solemnized at 10 a.m. Saturday in Ascension Church. The Rev. Francis Hunt, assisted by Rev. Aloysius Kelsch of Canisius College officated at the double ring ceremony. Lois Jean Marquis of Eggertsville was soloist at the Nuptial High Mass that followed. The altar was decorated with Easter lilies and palms were placed in the sanctuary. White carhations tied with satin bows marked the family pews. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a strapless Hosgown fashioned with a lace bod- ice and tiered skirt of net over taffeta. A brief cape of lace covered the shoulders and long lace mitts completed the cos- tume. Her fingertip veill fel from a lace cap trimmed with seed pearls and she carried a cascade bouquet of white roses and stepha-notis. Mary Rose O'Connor, cousin of the bride, was maid-of-honor, wearing a ballerina gown of white net over pale green. Long mitts of net and a lace trimmed cap completed her ensemble. She carried a cascade bouquet of yellow roses and white car- nations. Mary Catherine Mullen was her sister's flower girl. She wore a dress similar to the maid-of-honor's and carried a colonial bouquet of yellow roses and white carnations. Raymond Brodfuehrer w a s his brother's best man and the ushers were James Brodfuehrer and Stephen Small of Lancaster. The mother of the bride wore a dress of navy blue with pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a brown print dress with matching accessories, a corsage of gardenias. Breakfast was served at the Delaware Hotel after the ceremony and a re- ception was held in the after- noon at the Ascension school hall. For a motor trip to Quebec, the bride chose a navy bllue suit with pink accessories. Upon their return the couple will re- side at 296 Wheatfielld St. Pre-nuptial parties for Miss Mullen were given by the Miss- es Mary Rose O'Connor, Shir- ley Czysz; Mrs. Elmer Brod- fuehrer, Mrs. Gerald Burngasser, Mrs. Duane Leadersdorf, Mrs. William Phelan, Mrs. Edward Bishop. Mrs. Peter Breier and Miss Anne Holeran of Buffalo. | Family: BRODFUEHRER, Richard Elmer / MULLEN, Margaret Mary (F63617)
26722 | North Tonawanda NY Evenng News - 8/15/1953 KROPF - Mrs. Lillian Kropf, 70, of 174 Delaware St., died Thursday, Aug. 13, 1953 in the Buffalo General Hospital after a long illness. She was born in La Salle, N. Y., and resided in Tonawanda for the past 45 years. She was a member o* the First Presbyterian Church. She , was the widow of August C. Kropf, and is survived by one son, Norman A. Kropf, Peakskill. N. Y.; three grandchildren, Philip, Albert and Norman M. Kropf. Friends may call at the residence at 174 Delaware St. where services will be at 1:45 p. m. Monday, the Rev. William Saye officiating. Burial will be in Elmla- vn Cemetery. | BOLLIER, Lillian (I155986)
26723 | North Tonawanda NY Evenng News - 8/26/1970 YENSAN - Max Yensan, 86. of North Tonawanda, Monday (Aug. 24,1970). Husband of the late Fanny Rohde Yensan; father of Mrs. Elsie Becker and Mrs. Leieh (Onnolee) Clouser, both of Tonawanda, Mrs. Eric (Mildred) Cipollone of Lemon Grove. Calif., Mrs. Roswell (Mil licent) Herman and Miss Roberta Yensan, both of North Tonawanda, Albert Yensan of Medford, Ore., and Oscar H. Yensan of Syracuse, N.Y.; brother of Benjamin Yensan. Also survived by 17 grandchildren and 37 great-grandchildren. Friends received from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Hamp Funeral Home Inc., Adam- Seymour Streets, tonawanda where services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Thursday. The Rev. Homer C. Cooper of the Evangelistic Center will officiate. Interment in Rest- haven Cemetery. | YENSAN, Maximillian (I78607)
26724 | North Tonawanda NY Evneing News - 12/8/1914 Fred Thode, sixty-nine years old, a well-known resident of Tonawanda died at his home at No. 260 Fletcher street this morning from an attack of pneumonia. He was born in Ger many and came to Tonawanda forty two years ago. He was a member of the Salem church and of the Men's club of that church. Two daughters Mrs. Charles Behrens of North Tonawanda and Miss Adella Thode of Tonawanda: one son Charles Thode of Tonawauda; three sisters, Mrs Charles Gau and Mrs. Charles Browv of Tonawanda and Mrs. Wilhelmine Ebbert of Buffalo and five grand children survive. The funeral will be held from the home of Charles Thode at No. 159 Clinton street on Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock and a half hour later from Salem church on Morgan street, the Rev. Adolph Hill officiating. Burial will be made in Salem cemetery | THODE, Fred (I132803)
26725 | North Tonawanda NY News - 12/6/1965 CRETSINGER - Rose (nee Taylor) Cretsinger of 148 Heim Rd., Williamsville, Sunday (Dec. 5. 1965'. Wife of Alvin Cretsinger; daughter of Mrs. Phoebe Taylor of Buffalo, sister of Mrs. Sarah Dodds of Hylands, Calif.; James and Sam Cretsinger of North Tonawanda, Leroy and Lytle Cretsinger of Tonawanda and Clifford Cretsinger of Inkster, Mich. Funeral at Beach- Tuyn Funeral Home, 5541 Main St. at Cayuga Road, Williamsville, at 1 p.m. Wednesday. Friends invited. The family will be present from 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. | TAYLOR, Rose (I518)
26726 | North Tonawanda NY News - 6/13/1969 Mrs Emma (Brunner) Lead erstorf, 90, wife of the late William Leaderstorf of Tonawanda, died yesterday in San Diego, Calif. A resident of Tonawanda for 35 years, she had resided in California for the past 15 years A member of the Daughters of America, she is survived by a son, Herbert Leadersdorf of North Tonawanda, and a daughter, Mrs. John Osborn of San Diego, five grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. She was the former Emma Brunner. Services will be conducted Wednesday in San Diego. | BRUNNER, Emma (I192460)
26727 | NORTH TONAWANDA John Schulmeister, 87 years old, of 325 Goundry Street, died this morning at the Millard Fillmore Hospital, Buffalo. He was removed to the hospital two weeks ago after a fall at his home which resulted in a fracture ofthe left hip. Complications developed and resulted in his death. Mr. Schulmeister was born in Germany and came to this country 73 years ago. He resided in Bergholtz, NY for some years before coming here. He became the owner and operator of a leading dry goods store here and for 43 years conducted the business in Webster Street which bore his name. He retired in 1927. He was a member of St. Matthews Lutheran Church in Wheatfield Street. Surviving are a son, Ferdinand C. Schulmeister, two grandsons, Vincent J and Arnold R Schulmeister a great-grandson, Deak Sergeant Arnold R Schulmeister, of Camp Phillips, Kansas, and a brother, William Schulmeister, of North Tonawanda. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2:30 at the Wattengel Funeral Home in Oliver Street. Interment will be in Elmlawn Cemetery. Niagara Gazette - 6/14/1943 | SCHULMEISTER, John (I69551)
26728 | NORTH TONAWANDA Charles H. Wright, of North Tonawanda, age 57, passed away suddenly November 28, 2010. Mr. Wright was born July 25, 1933 in North Tonawanda, son of the late Harry and Isabelle Wright. Mr. Wright graduated from North Tonawanda High School and Erie Community College. Mr. Wright was a Welfare Examiner for the Niagara County Department of Social Services in Niagara Falls. Prior to this he had worked for ABC Photo. Mr. Wright was a longtime member of the Gratwick Hose Fire Company, a member of "The Group" and a Buffalo Sabres fan. He also enjoyed hunting and cooking. Beloved husband of 31 years to Christine (Vanderlaan) Wright; devoted father of Allison, Michael and Kelsey Wright; brother of the late Sherry (Paul) Kenyon; son-in-law of Donald and Patricia Vanderlaan; brother-in-law of Donald Vanderlaan, John (Jennie) Vanderlaan, Amy (Doug) Pike and Donna Vanderlaan; uncle of Shawn, Jamie, Jennifer, Sydney, Frank, Adam and Amy; also survived by aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. No prior visitation. Family and friends are invited to attend a Memorial Mass of Christian Burial SATURDAY at 10:00 AM from St. Jude the Apostle Parish, 800 Niagara Falls Blvd., North Tonawanda. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to by Wattengel Funeral Home. Online guest registry at | WRIGHT, Charles H (I3289)
26729 | North Tonawanda Donna Lee (Papoi) Madole, age 60, passed away at DeGraff Memorial Hospital on Saturday, April 24, 2010, under the care of Niagara Hospice. Born February 5, 1950 in North Tonawanda, she was the daughter of the late Joseph and Doris Papoi. She enjoyed cooking, gardening and visiting the casino. She is survived by a son, Scott (Christine) Madole of St. Petersburg, FL; a daughter, Jennifer Madole of North Tonawanda; five grandchildren, Meagan, Justin and Nicholas Madole of Florida and Matthew Davis and Nathaniel Brown of North Tonawanda; also survived by a sister, Diane (Vince) Pearson; a nephew, David Pearson; a niece, Deanna (Kirk) Vincent; along with several cousins. "To good times and bad times, she will be missed.Ó Friends and family are welcome to come and share in the memories and life of Donna on Wednesday, April, 28th from 2-4 and 7-9 PM at the Taylor & Reynolds Funeral Home, 70 Niagara St., Lockport. Donations may be made to the Upstate New York Transplant Services (UNYTS). Please visit to post a message of sympathy. | PAPOI, Donna Lee (I79194)
26730 | NORTH TONAWANDA — Ella E. "Kelly" (nee Walck) Durkee, age 92, of North Tonawanda, June 25, 2010 in Northgate Health Care Facility. She was a longtime member of St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church (East Felton St.) She was the wife of the late Edward R. Durkee. Beloved mother of James (Helen) Durkee of Wheatfield; grandmother of Kristen (Keith) Reimers and Marc J. Durkee, both of Florida; sister of the late Agnes Turner, Minnie Zobrist and the Rev. Bernhard Walck; aunt of many nieces and nephews. No prior visitation. Family and friends are invited to attend a funeral service on Wednesday at 10:30 AM at the Fretthold Funeral Home, Inc., 1241 Oliver St. at Ward Rd. in North Tonawanda, the Rev. Devie Ellis will officiate. Interment in Acacia Park Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Paul Lutheran Church, 64 E. Felton St., North Tonawanda, NY. Guest book available at | WALCK, Ella Esther (I51487)
26731 | NORTH TONAWANDA — Frank L. Prohaska, of the Town of Cambria, passed away on Sunday, November 21, 2010, in Northgate Health Care Facility, North Tonawanda, NY. He was born in North Tonawanda, NY on June 7, 1921, the son of the late John and Anna (Prohaszka) Prohaska. Mr. Prohaska was a graduate of North Tonawanda High School. He moved to the Town of Cambria in 1957, where he owned and operated his dairy farm, along with raising grapes. Mr. Prohaska was a member of Niagara County Farm Bureau, the Niagara Milk Co-Op and The National Grape Cooperative Association, Inc. He enjoyed listening to music, reading, watching sports and spending time with his grandchildren. Mr. Prohaska is survived by his wife, Shirley A. (Westra) Prohaska; two sons, Thomas J. (Paula) Prohaska, Gary W. (Dawn) Prohaska; a daughter, Beth (Howard F. II) Wilson; three grandchildren, Matthew, Kristen and Miles; one brother, Paul (Lucy) Prohaska; one sister, Margaret Beringer; also survived by many nieces and nephews. He was the brother of the late John Prohaska, Catherine Butler, Helen Ludwig, Anna Gougeon, Sophie Bille, Louise Miller, Elizabeth Perry and Marie Toellner. The family will be present at the RHONEY FUNERAL HOME, 5893 Hoover Road, Sanborn, NY on Wednesday from 2-4 & 7-9 PM, where funeral services will be held Friday at 9:45 AM, followed by a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30 AM at St. Pius the X Church , 1700 North French Road, Getzville, NY, with Rev. James C. O'Connor officiating. Memorials may be made in his name to the Alzheimer's Association of WNY, 2805 Wehrle Dr., Ste. 6, Williamsville, NY 14221. Interment in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Tonawanda, NY. Visit for guest register. | PROHASKA, Frank L (I63775)
26732 | NORTH TONAWANDA — Mrs. Louise Heinrich, 81, died Monday (Aug. 28, 1961) in Lockport after a lengthy illness. Born In this city, she had made her home with her son, George Henry, of 631 Walck Road. She was a member of Redeemer Lutheran Church. She Is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Arthur Peltz, Tonawanda, and Mrs. Irvln O'Neill, Niagara Falls; and a sister, Mrs. Lena Hefferman, Tonawanda. Also surviving are six grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Rev. Hugo G. Kleiner, D.D., will conduct funeral services at L30 p.m. Thursday at the Frethold Funeral Home. Burial will be in Tonawanda City Cemetery | ROGALSKY, Louise (I193060)
26733 | NORTH TONAWANDA, April 3. - Mrs. Sarah Frieling, 46 years old, 28 Fllner avenue, died Saturday at the DeGraff Memorial hospital after an illness of two weeks. She wag born in st. Johnsburg and had lived in the town of Wheatfield and North Tonawanda all her life., She is survived by her husband, Herman; three daughters, Viola, Loretta and Theresa; a son, Gilbert; mother, Mrs. Wllhelmina Neubauer; sister, Mrs. Fred Meyer, arid two brothers, John and Benjamin. All are of North Tonawanda, except the brother, Benjamin, whose home is Thibodeux, La. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday at the home and half an hour later at St. Paul's church, the Rev. F. A. Hinners officiating. Burial will be in St. Paul's cemetery. | NEUBAUER, Sarah Albertine Emilie (I64326)
26734 | North Tonawanda, April 8 - Mrs. Wilhelmina Graffman, 47 years old, wife of William Graffman of Bergholtz, died at her home yesterday. She was born in Bergholtz, Germany. She had lived at Bergholtz, Niagara county, for the last 32 (I think that's what it is) years. Besides her husband, three daughters, Mrs. Herman Strassburg and Mrs. George Eichborn of Buffalo and Mrs. Henry Witkopf of La Salle, and one sister, Mrs. John Kolbe of Bergholtz, survive. The funeral will be held on Monday afternoon. | RUBBERT, Wilhelmine Caroline (I71217)
26735 | NORTH TONAWANDA, Feb. 27 - Mrs. Wilhelmina C. Miller, 79, wife of Julius C. F. Miller, died Tuesday night at her home, 263 Stenzel street, after a brief illness. Born in St. Johnsburg, she had resided in North Tonawanda the greater part of her life. Besides her husband she is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Edward Elsworth, Buffalo; Mrs. Elizabeth Robbert, Riverside, N. J.. Mrs. Adam Maurer, Tonawanda, Mrs. Molly Korff, North Tonawanda and Mrs. Mary Lindsay, Detroit; three sons. Julius. Jr., Frederick, North Tonawanda and Herman, Detroit; three grandchlldren. five great grandchildren: two sisters, Mrs. Anna Broeker. North Tonawanda and Mrs. Edward Krueger, St. Johnsburg and three brothers, John Schuler. Pendleton Center. Henry Schuler. North Tonawanda and Albert Schuler. Cambria. Funeral announcement later. | SCHUELER, Wilhelmina Friedericke Christine (I81584)
26736 | NORTH TONAWANDA, Feb. 8 - Sergeant Richard Duerr, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Duerr, 28 Munroe street, has been missing over Germany since January 10, a War department telegram informed his parents today. The parents believe he was on his 15th mission as a turret gunner aboard a B-17 Flying Fortress when the ship failed to retuen to its base. he wrote the family on January 9 from an Eighth Air Force base in England that he had just completed his 14th mission. A native of this city. Sergeant Duerr graduated from the local high school In June of 1943. He enlisted in the Air Forces in November of that year. He received his wings at Las Vegas, Nevada, in May 1944 and went overseas in September of the same year. He won the Air Medal on his sixth mission. Richard D. Duerr, age 97, of North Tonawanda, December 8, 2022, in the VA Medical Center after a lengthy illness. Richard served in the U.S. Army Air Corp during World War II. He was a ball turret gunner on a B-17 and was shot down during the Battle of the Bulge and taken prisoner. He served as Lt. Colonel in the Civil Air Patrol and was a member of the Experimental Aircraft Association. Richard loved to fly. He was the husband of the late Jean (nee Broecker) Duerr. Dear father of Michael (Beth) Duerr of Sanborn, Lynn Jelodardezfooli and Scott Duerr both of North Tonawanda and Brian Duerr of Pendleton; grandfather of five grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. He was the brother of the late Robert Duerr and the late Donald Duerr. Uncle of many nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the FRETTHOLD FUNERAL HOME, INC., 1241 Oliver Street, at Ward Road, in North Tonawanda on Tuesday from 4 - 8 PM. Funeral Services will be held on Wednesday at 10 AM from St. Mark Lutheran Church, 1135 Oliver St., North Tonawanda. Interment in St. Mark Lutheran Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. Mark Lutheran Church. Guest register available at | DUERR, Richard Donald (I113142)
26737 | NORTH TONAWANDA, Ivan T. Walck, 41, of 1705 Third Ave., died Saturday (Feb. 4, 1978) in Memorial Medical Center after a lengthy illness. He was a lifelong resident of the Towns of Wheatfield and Niagara, a member of St. Peter Lutheran Church, and of the International Union of' Operating Engineers, Local 463. For 10 years he was self-employed, operating Walck's Trenching and was later employed by the John J. Gross Plumbing and Heating Co. He is survived by a son, Randy; a daughter, Terri; his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Walck of Wheatfield; two brothers, Roger A. Walck of the Town of Niagara and Duane V. Walck of Cuba, N.Y.; and a sister, Mrs. Karl (Gloria) Hildebrandt of Sanborn. The family will receive friends at the Fretthold Funeral Home Inc., 1241 Oliver St. today and Monday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will he held in St. Peter Lutheran Church Tuesday at 2 p.m. with the Rev. Paul Wittenberg officiating. Interment will be in St. Peter Lutheran Cemetery. Memorials may be made to SI. Peter Lutheran Church, the family said. | WALCK, Ivan Theodore (I49008)
26738 | NORTH TONAWANDA, Jan 25 - Mrs. Emma Andrees, 80, widow of William Andrees, Fall Town of Wheatfield, died at the home of her daughter, M Edward Heschke, 221 Robinson after a long illness. Born in Germany, she came to this country at the age of 18 residing the greater part of her life in the Town of Wheatfield. She was a member of St John's Lutheran Church, Ladies Aid Society of the church and the auxiliary of the Adams Fire Department. She is survived by three daughters besides Mrs. Heschke, Mrs, Carl Lureman. this city; Mrs.*Edward Hildebrandt and Mrs. Philip Moll, Town of Wheatfield; ;five sons, Henry, Norman and George, this city; William and Ernest, Town of Wheatfield: 24 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. William Runde, this city,'and a brother, Charles Schultz, Town of Wheatfield. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Hamp Funeral Home with the Rev, Walter Thiemecke officiating. Burial will be in St John's cemetery. | SCHULTZ, Emma Louise (I58027)
26739 | NORTH TONAWANDA, May 14 - Christian G. Hoffmeister, 84 of 22 Monroe St died yesterday (May 13, 1955), at Kenmore Mercy Hospital. Born in the Town of Wheatfield, he-had lived here for the last 60 years. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs Arthur Duerr; five sons: Benjamin, John, Edmund, Bernhardt and Christ Hoffmeister, all of this city, 13 grandchildren; three great grand children; a brother Carl of Altamont, Ill, and two sisters, Miss Minnie Hoffmeister and Mrs. Anna Mueller both of Niagara Falls. Services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at the Fretthold Funeral home: and at 2:30 at St. Mark's Lutheran Church. Interment will be in St. Matthews Lutheran Cemetery. | HOFFMEISTER, Christian Gottfried (I51530)
26740 | NORTH TONAWANDA, Sept. 10 - Albert Wienke, 60, of 36 Fillner Ave., died today (Sept. 10, 1955) at DeGraff Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Born in the Town of Wheatfield, Mr. Wienke lived in this city for 37 years. He was a member of St Martins Lutheran Church. Rescue Hose No. 5 and was employed by the Carborundum company at the Wheatfield plant. he is survived by his wife Helen, a son Leroy, a daughter. Mrs Augustine Cinquino, and seven grandchildren, all of this city; three brothers, Adolph Wienke, Sanborn, and John and Reinhard Wienke, Bergholz, and mrs. Ella Eggert, Gasport. last rites will be held Monday at 2 pm at the Hamp Funeral Home. Interment will be at the White Chapel Memorial Park Cemetery. | WIENKE, Albert Philipp Benjamin (I58349)
26741 | NORTH TONAWANDA-Fred W. Jagow, 79, of 2350 Jagow Road, Town of Wheatfield, died Tuesday (May 30, 1967) at his home after a long illness. He was a lifelong resident of the Town of Wheatfield and a member of Holy Ghost Lutheran Church in Bergholtz. Surviving are four sons, Howard A. and Erwin D. Jagow of the Town of Wheatfield. Victor Jagow, Thurmont, Md., and Rev. Frederick Jagow of Warren, Mich.; four daughters. Mrs. Hugo (Evelyn) Gade of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Melvin (Betty) Williams of North Ridge, Miss Elfreda Jagow,Town of Wheatfield and Mrs. Marilyn Warblow of North Tonawanda; 27 grandchildren and 19 great .grandchildren. Friends may call from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at the Fretthold Funeral Home and until 10 a.m. Friday. Services will be conducted Friday at 2 p.m. in Holy Ghost Lutheran Church, Rev. Albert Bahr officiating. Burial will be in Holy Ghost Lutheran Cemetery. | JAGOW, Friedrich Wilhelm (I52421)
26742 | NORTH TONAWANDA-Mrs. Mary Jane (LaBove) Hooper, 57, of 2938 Krueger Road, Town of Wheatfield, died Friday (March 14, 1969) at Kenmore; Mercy Hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Hooper was a former employee of Jenss Department Store, Niagara Falls, and a member of the Ladies Auxiliary of DeGraff Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Hooper is survived by her husband, Wayne Hooper; three sons, Curtis Haseley of Sacramento, Calif., Leonard Haseley of Niagara Falls and James LaBove, Town of Wheatfield; two stepsons, Norbert Hooper of Homestead, Fla. and Robert Hooper of New Orleans, La.; four daughters, Mrs. Richard (Grace) Lingenfelter, of Niagara Falls, Mrs. Frederick (Mary Jane) Skorik: of Town of Wheatfield, Mrs. Jack (Gail) Zimmerman of the Town of Lewiston and Mrs. Donald (Joyce) Hall of Niagara Falls; a step-daughter, Mrs. Genevieve Jamieson of Lewiston; a brother Arthur L. Hansler of Detroit, Mich. Also surviving are 26 grandchildren. Friends may call at the Fretthold Funeral Home today and Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services. will be conducted at the funeral home Monday 1:30 p.m. by the Rev. William J. Devine. Burial will be in North Ridge Cemetery. | CUSHMAN, Mary Jane (I48887)
26743 | NORTH TONAWANDA-Mrs: Emma M. Ellman, 81, died Thursday (April 20,1967) in DeGraff Memorial Hospital after a long illness. Mrs. Ellman had resided with her daughter, Mrs. Herman (Esther) Moll, 263 Zimmerman St., in recent years. She was a lifelong resident here and a member of St. Mark's Lutheran Church and the Ladies Aid of the church. Her husband, Albert, died in 1944. In addition to her daughter she is survived by a grandson, Gordon H. Moll, and two great-grandchildren. Friends may call at the Fretthold Funeral Home until 1 p.m. Sunday. Services will be conducted at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in St. Mark's Church. Rev. Albert W. Bahr officiating. Burial will be in St. Mark's Lutheran Cemetery | MUELLER, Emma (I77512)
26744 | NORTH TONAWANDA-Wilbert L. Schmeichel, 58, of 290 Falconer St., died Wednesday (Jan. 25, 1967) at DeGraff Memorial Hospital after a short illness. He was born in Sanborn and lived the greater part of his life in this area. He was employed for 30 years as a tester for Spaulding Fibre Corp. Mr, Schmeichel was a member of Redeemer Lutheran Church and the Lutheran Layman's League of the church. He was a member of the International Association of Machinists, Lodge 2106. Survivors Include his widow, Mrs. Minnie McGill Schmeichel; a son, S/Sgt. Daniel Schmeichel, stationed at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,; three daughters, Mrs. Betty Jane Kowalski, Buffalo, Mrs. Robert Kobernus and Mrs. George Gardei, both of the Tonawandas; a brother, Arthur Schmeichel, Sanborn; sister, Mrs. Donald (Leona) Black, this city, and ten grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted at 1:30 p.m. Saturday at the Wattengel Funeral Home by Rev. Robert H. Rose, minister of Redemer Lutheran Church. Burial will be in White Chapel Memorial | SCHMEICHEL, Wilbert Lawrence (I62199)
26745 | NORTH TONAWANDA. Jan 6 - Mrs Fredericka W. Badger. 52, wife of Clarence I. Badger, a past commander of Tonawanda Post. American Legion, died today at the DeGraff Memorial hospital. Mrs. Badger was stricken with paralysis four weeks ago and later pneumonia developed. Besides her husband, she leaves a brother, Edward Wink, of Kenmore, and a sister. Mrs. Elsie Brave, of Niagara Falls. Mrs. Badger was a member of the Women's auxiliary of the American Legion. The funeral will be held Monday at 2 p. m at the home 143 Schenk street, and at 2:30 from the Redeemer Lutheran church. Interment will be in St. Matthew's cemetery. | WIENKE, Fredericka (I120069)
26746 | NORTH TONAWANDA. Jan. 21. - Mrs. Pearl Zuch, 29, Klemer road, Town of Wheatfield, died today at the DeGraff Memorial hospital. She was born ln the Town of Amherst, but had resided in Wheatfield most of her life. She Is survived by her husband. William Zuch; a son. Allen; her father, William Wurl, two sisters, Mrs. Walter Ziehl and Mrs. Norman Bush, and a brother, Elmer L. Wurl, all of the Tonawandas and vicinity. She was a member of St. Paul's Lutheran church at Martinsville and of the Ladles' Aid. The funeral will be held Wednesday at 2 p.m. from the home and at 2:30 from St Paul's church. Interment will be in St Paul's Cemetery. | WURL, Pearl F (I63028)
26747 | NORTH TONAWANDA. Sept. 6. - Mrs. Wilhelmina C. Mueller, 78, of the Nash road, town of Wheatfield, died today at the DeGraff Memorial hospital. She was a life long resident of Wheatfield and the wife of the late William C. Mueller. Surviving are three sons. Walter and George, of Wheatfield, and William, of Pekin. N. Y.; five grandchildren; two sisters, Mrs. Matilda Herman, of Tonawanda. and Mrs. Anna Follendorf, of North Tonawanda. and a brother, August Goerss. of Wheatfield. Last rites will-be held Monday at 2 p. m. at the Hamp funeral home, 37 Adams street, and at 2:30 o'clock at St. John's church at St. Johnsburg. The Rev. Walter Thiemecke will officiate. Interment will be in St. Johns cemeterv. | GOERSS, Wilhelmine Caroline Maria (I53434)
26748 | North Tonawanda; June 16. - William Edward Forth, two years old, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Forth. No. 200 Niagara street, died yesterday after a brief illness with scarlet fever. The funeral will be private and will be held at the late home today, the Rev. C. L. Braun of the Grace Lutheran church officiating. Burial will be at Elmlawn. | FORTH, William E (I181107)
26749 | NORTH TONAWANDA— Funeral services for Fred W. Salefske, 67, of 452 Bennett St. will be conducted at 1:30 p.m.,-Thursday at the Brunner Funeral Home. Rev. Howard Funk officiating. Burial will be in Friends Cemetery. Mr. Salefske died Monday (March 2, 1964) in Veterans Hospital, Buffalo, after a lengthy illness. He was a lifelong resident here and a member of Grace Lutheran Church, Active Hose' Co., and the Firemen's Benevolent Association. He was a veteran of World War I. Mr. Salefske was retired from the New York Central Railroad. Survivors include his widow, Mrs. Agnes E. Salefske; a daughter, Mrs. Joseph (Barbara) Takaes Jr,, and a son, Paul F. Salefske, both of this city, and a stepsons Allen C. Hieden, -Hawthorne, Calif.; three brothers, William, Harold and Charles Salefske, all of this city, and four grandchildren. | SALEFSKE, Frederick W C (I192350)
26750 | NORTH TONAWANDA—Edmund D. Kenyon, 75, of 280 Rrywrt St., died unexpectedly Tuesday (March 8, 1966) at his home. Born in Buffalo, he lived in this city for 49 years. He was a member of Redeemer Lutheran Church and the Lutheran Laymen League. He was a former Wurlitzer Co. employe. He retired in 1964 after 30 lears service. He is survived by his wife, the former Emelia Wilke; a daughter, Mrs. LaGrand it it it (Marguerite) Siefke, this city; a son, Edmund J. Kenyon, Tonawanda; four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Robert Rose at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the B r u n n e r Funeral Home. Burial will be in St. Paul's Cemetery. | KENYON, Edmund D (I192596)