Matches 651 to 700 of 1,039
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651 | Niagara Gazette - 8/12/1922 J o h n Russ, one of the city's most h i g h l y respected citizens, died this m o r n i n g a t t h e family home, No. 1601 Whirlpool street, at the ago of 85 y e a r s . He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Barbara Russ, and three sons. J o h n J. of LaSalle, William F. and P e t e r J., of t h i s city, and two d a u g h - t e r s , Mrs. F. H. Taylor of this city a n d Mrs. George Taylor of Chicago. He also leaves a sister, Mrs. Vitus Laur. of t h i s city. Funeral Monday a f t e r n o o n at 1.30 from the home and a t 2 o'clock from Trinity Lutheran church, South avenue, burial to be in Oakwood cemtery. Rev. Paul T. Gutknecht officiating. Mr. Russ was one of the pioneers of N i a g a r a Falls. He was born in W u r t e n b u r g , Germany, and came to N i a g a r a in 1866 where he has since made his home. He was in the emp l o y of the New York Central for m a n y years and was retired twelve y e a r s apo on a pension in recognition of his w o r t h as a mechanic. He celeb r a t e d his golden wedding annivers a r y J u n e 27 last. He was one of the o r g a n i z e r s of Trinity Lutheran c h u r c h . He had lived for 39 y e a r s in t h e house in which he ..passed away. He leaves t h i r t e e n g r a n d c h i l d r e n and two g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d r e n. | RUSS, Johannes (I9152)
652 | Niagara Gazette - 8/18/1945 Mrs. Elsie Marie Voelker. 47 years old. 1860 Pierce avenue, a lifelong resident of Niagara Falls, died this morning In Mount St. Mary's hospital after a brief Illness. Mrs. Voelker was born in Niagara Falls and during most of her life she had been an active member of Zlon Lutheran church. She Is survived by her husband, Mllford Voelker; two daughters, Mrs. Charles Allen, of Lewlston. N. Y., and Carroll Katherlne Voelker, this city; a son, Roy William Voelker, serving with the U. S. Army In Germany; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Demster; a sister, Mrs. A. Curry, and a brother William Demster, Jr., all of this city. ° Funeral services will be held from the Beatty funeral home In Main street, Tuesday at 2 p. m., with the Rev. Arthur H. Schmoyer officiating. Interment will be In Shawnee, N.Y. | DEMPSTER, Elsie Marie (I10449)
653 | Niagara Gazette - 8/19/1965 Elmore J. Wahl, 59. of 3035 Madison Ave, president of Wahl Printing and Binding Co. Inc. and secretary of the Power City Paper Corp. here, died at home today (Aug. 19, 1965) after a short illness. He was born in Niagara Falls Oct. 1. 1905, the son of the late Jacob and Louise Wahl. Jacob Wahl was founder of the firm his son later headed. Mr. Wahl was active in a number of local civic. Masonic and social organizations. He was a past president of the Niagara Falls Kiwanis Club; past high priest of Niagara Chapter No. 200, Royal Arch Masons: and a member of Niagara River Lodge No. 785, F&AM; Niagara Commandery No. 64, Knights Templar; Niagara Falls Shrine Club; the Niagara Club: LaSalle Yacht Club; Niagara Power Squadron; the YMCA where he served on the board of directors: the United Givers Fund; the Board of Appeals and a life-long member of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church. Surviving are his wife. Mrs. Mae Comerford Wahl and a brother, Gordon A. Wahl. Niagara Falls. Services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Zion Luth- eran Church. Rev. Carl G. Olin, associate pastor, will officiate. Burial will be in Gate of Heaven Cemetery. The family said that contri- butions to Zion Lutheran Church will be acceptable as tributes. Friends may call from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. today and Friday at Hardison-Ingram Funeral Home. | WAHL, Elmore Jacob (I9161)
654 | Niagara Gazette - 8/23/1923 5TRE1CHERSuddenly in this city. "Wcdnesday, August 22nd. John Kenneth, youngest child of. Mr. and Mrs. William Streicher of No. 604 Spruce avenue. Besides his. parents he is survived by .two brothers, William Harold and Carl J. Funeral announcement later. | STREICHER, John Kenneth (I9266)
655 | Niagara Gazette - 8/31/1964 HALLIDAYAnna K., at Memorial Hospital, August 291h, 1964, of 618 Elm wood Ave. Wife of Wilfred J. Halllday Sr., mother of Wilfred J. Halliday Jr. Kenneth R. Halliday, both of- Lewis ton, sister of William A. Schwenkbeck city, also surviving are 9 grandchil dren. Funeral from the GridIey Funeral Home Inc., 750 Main St. Wednesday at 1:30 P.m. The Rev. Paul R. Swank officiating. Interment Riverdale Cemetery. | SCHWENKBECK, Anna K (I6813)
656 | Niagara Gazette - 9/1/2008 Marian L. Burkard Hensel, formerly of 93rd Street and Bollier Avenue, died Saturday, August 30, 2008 in Weinberg Campus, Rosa Coplan Home, following a lengthy illness. She was 93. She was born in Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY on May 31, 1915, a daughter of the late Harold and Louella (Wallace) Stricker.She attended area schools. Mrs. Hensel was employed as a floor manager for Nabisco Shredded Wheat for 44 years. She retired in 1976. She was a long time member of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church and enjoyed crocheting, bingo and card playing. She was predeceased by husbands, Russell Burkard in 1960; and Paul Hensel in 2000.Survivors include a nephew, Edward Stricker, Jr. (Jean) of Niagara Falls; two nieces, Dana Menegatos (James) of Las Vegas and Janice Walter of Niagara Falls; also survived by several other nieces, nephews, great nieces and nephews. In addition to her parents and husbands, she was predeceased by her twin, Edward J. Stricker, Sr.; and her brother, Wallace H. Stricker.Friends may call Tuesday from 2-4, 7-9 PM in the LANE FUNERAL HOME, INC., 8622 Buffalo Avenue, Niagara Falls, where funeral services will be held Wednesday 10 AM. Interment will be in Riverdale Cemetery, Town of Lewiston.Visit for online guest register. | WALLACE, Marian Luella (I10403)
657 | Niagara Gazette - 9/15/1913 WAHL - In this city at his late re- sidence, 1710 Thirteenth street, Conrad Wahl, 77 years and 3 months. He is survived by a wife and one son Henry of San Francisco, Cal., and two daughters, Mrs. Frank Dixon of this city and Mrs. David Thaler of Breslau, Ont. Funeral will be held from the house Tuesday af- ternoon at 2 o'clock and at 2:30 from the Church of Christ Latter Day Saints, Rev. Mr. Place and Rev. Mr. Meale of- ficiating. Burial in Oakwood cemetery. ALSO Niagara Gazette - 9/16/1913 The funeral of Conrad Wahl. of No. 1710 Thirteenth street, was held from the residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock and at 2:30 from the Church of Christ's Latter Day Saints. He is survived by his wife, one son Henry of San Francisco, two daughters. Mrs, Frank Dixon of this city and Mrs David Thaler of Breslau, Ont. Burial in Oakwood. | WAHL, Conrad (I9231)
658 | Niagara Gazette - 9/16/1947 Mrs. Cora A. Baum, 70, of. 430 Eighty-second' street, died today In Mt. St Mary's hospital. Bom in Fonthlll, Ont., Mrs. Baum came to Niagara Falls 60 years ago and had lived here since. She was the wife of the late Frederick Baum, who died here eight years ago. Surviving are four daughters, Mrs. Paul Blessing; Mrs. Fred Spinner, of this city; Mrs. Martin Miller, Buf falo, and Mrs. Jesse A. Anderson, of Albany: two sisters,,Mrs. Fred Mas- len, and Mrs. Esther Brown, this city, and two brothers. Truman Robins, this city, and Roy Robins. Detroit, Mich; Seven grandchildren and one great grandchild also survive. Funeral services will be at the Cooler funeral home, 640 Park place. at a time to be announced later. The Rev. Arthur H. Schmoyer. minister of Zlon Lutheran church. Michigan avenue and Tenth street, will officiate. Burial will be In Riverdale cemetery. | ROBBINS, Cora Almeda (I10425)
659 | Niagara Gazette - 9/21/1940 John William Skivington, 49 years old 2238 Willow avenue, died in Memorial hospital early this morning of pneumonia, with which he became ill on Sept. 3. Funeral ser- vices will be held from the family residence at 1 p.m. Tuesday, with the Rev. Arthur H Schmoyer of- ficating. Burial will be in Me- merial Park cemetery. Born In Reynoldsville, Pa., Mr. Skivington had lived in this city for 37 years and for the last 20 years had been a moulder at the Niagara Foundry. A veteran of the World war, he was a member of Bellevue Lodge, No. 316, I. O. O. F.; of Prospect Encampment, No. 11, and of Rosebud Rebekah Lodge, No. 33. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Anna Skivington; two sons, Howard and Richard Skivington; two sisters, Mrs. Beatrice McGeachy, of this city, and Mrs. J Wallace, of Ran- somville and two brothers, William A. and Alexander Skivington both of this city. | SKIVINGTON, John William (I9242)
660 | Niagara Gazette - 9/22/1947 F. W. STRICKER, VETERAN OFFICIAL, IS DEAD AT 64 Funeral Services for Public Service Department Head To Be Held Wednesday. Funeral services for Frederick W. Strieker, 64, of 1357 Linwood avenue, superintendent of public service in this city, who died at 9:30 o'clock last night In Memorial hospital, will be held Wednesday at the family home at 2 p.m. Mr. Stricker a lifelong resident of Niagara Falls, and a public office holder for 41 years, succumbed to a second stroke late yesterday after- noon. He was first stricken with a cerebral hemmorrhage Thursday and was rushed to the hospital, where his condition grew steadily worse. Death came slightly more than two months before Mr. Stricker was scheduled to retire from public life on January 1. 33 Years in City's Service A conscientious public employee, mr. Sticker spent 33 years in the city 's service and was deputy super- intendent of Public Service depart- ment since 1924, being appointed superintendent in January, 1946. Mr. Strieker began his career as foreman In the city highway department in 1906, when automobiles were a rare sight and many of the city's streets were unpaved. He served as foreman until 1912 when he was elevated to the position of assistant F. W. STRICKER (Continued on Page Eight) | STRICKER, Frederick W (I9388)
661 | Niagara Gazette - 9/25/1942 JOHN STRICKER DIES City Employe, Descendant of Old Family. Heart Attack Victim. John C. Strieker. 54-vear-old city employe, of 23 Hyde Park boulevard died in Memorial hospital at 3 15 o'clock this morning He suffered a heart attack three months ago and yesterday was taken sud- denly ill and was rushed to theh hospital. A native of Niagara Falls Mr. Strieker was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Strieker, pioneer, residents. He had resided here all his life and for years was employed in the city;s ashes and garbage department. He is survived by his wife. Mrs Ida Strieker: a daughter. Mrs Martin Nelson; a son, Jack Stricker; brother. Frederick W. Stricker, all! of this city and two sisters Mrs. John Maunders of this city, and Mrs. Charles Kalias of Washington D C. Three grandchildren also survive. Funeral services will be held at the Gridley funeral home at 2 p.m. Monday. with tne Rev. Dr Philip W Mosher officiating. Burial will be in Oakwood cemetery. | STRICKER, John Conrad (I9386)
662 | Niagara Gazette - 9/30/1948 Mrs. Lucy L. Boeldt, 58, Ontario street, Wilson, a former resident of this city, died last evening at Mt. St. Mary's hospital after an illness of two months. Born at Cambria, Mrs. Boeldt was a resident of this city for 27 years before moving to Wilson five years ago. Surviving are her husband, Louis W. Boeldt; a daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Halliday, Jr.; a sister, Mrs. Ida Hildebrandt both of this city and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held on Saturday at 2:45 p.m. at the Grid- ley Funeral home and at 2 o'clock at Zion Evangelical Lutheran church where the Rev. Arthur A. Schmoyer, D.D., will officiate. Interment will be in Riverdale cemetery. | KOEPKE, Lucy Lydia (I7159)
663 | Niagara Gazette - 9/7/1921 HALLIIDAYIn this city. Sept. 6. 1921. Martha Halliday. aged 63 y e a r s . Beloved w i f e of Robert. S r . mother of George. Robert, Jr . Wilfred John, of this city. Charles and Mrs. Frank Dunmead of N i a g a r a F a l l s . Ont.. s i s t e r of George. Alfred and Thomas Tambling of Toronto. Ont., Mrs. Thomas Black of Toronto. Out. a nd Mrs. W i l l i am Collins of Indianapolis, Ind. She is a l s o survived by 13 g r a n d c h i l d r en and one g r e a t grandchild. The f a m i l y residence formerly at 616 Elmwood avenue. Funeral will be held from the home of her son George. No. 3 Halmor Apts . 363 Second s t r e e t . Thursday at 2:30 p m. and f r om the F i r s t B i p t i s t church. Main and F o u r t h s t r e e t s at 3 p m.. Rev. Mercer off i c i a t i n g Interment In R i v e r d a l e cemetery. | TAMBLING, Martha (I7157)
664 | Niagara Gazette - Abt 7/1957 By CLARENCE O. LEWIS Niagara County Historian IN 1810.JOHN WITMER and his family consisting of his wife and eight children left Lancaster, Pa., in a Conestoga wagon with a four horse team. AM their worldly possessions were in that wagon. They were bound for the Niagara Frontier. The trip was made in late August and early September and required 18 days. The route was circuitious until they reached Batavia from whence they followed the Buffalo road to Black Rock and thence down the river to Devil's Hole where they took a road which had been chopped out by Isaac Swain. This led to his clearing where the Military road crosses Gill Creek, close to the northern boundary of the Town of Niagara. Mr. Swain had. partially cleared the timber from about 40 acres and erected a good-size log house. John Witmcr had purchased this 100 acre farm of Mr. Swain who then moved to the Town of Porter and settled south of Youngstown. At this period (1810) there was only one other clearing on the Military road in the present town of Niagara. A short time before John Witmer brought his family from Pensylvania, he had ridden through on horseback and purchased his land. When he left his old home he had cut a slender branch from a Locust Tree to use as a switch. When he reached his new home he planted the switch in the rich soil in front of the log cabin. The switch, so the family tell me, took root and today one may see as I did, on the east side of the military road some 25 odd feet north of the Gill Creek crossing, a large gnarly old locust tree that has every earmark of being old enough to verify the family legend. * * WHEN THE TOWN of Niagara was organized in April 1812. John Witmer was elected one of the "pathmasters." In 1817 he built a small sawmill on Gill Creek near his home and in 1818 began to saw and sell lumber. "A great many of the first frame houses in that part of Niagara and adjacent towns were built of lumber from his sawmill. Last week I called on Mrs. Theresa Morrison and Miss Serena Witmer of 1024 Grove Ave., who are great granddaughters of John Witmer. They were most hospitable and very willing to help me complete this story. One incident they told me was about Benjamin Witmer son of John, and their great uncle who as a boy of 17 during the War of 1812, ventured down to the bank of the Niagara opposite one of the teaters of battle on the Canadian, side and as he peered through the bushes a four-pound cannon ball came whizzing across the river and took hit hat off his head. When be had recovered from the shock he found the cannon ball imbedded in the earth and took it home and it is still kept by these ladies as a memento of those troublous times of long ago. Abram Witmer, a brother of John, came to the Frontier in 1811 from the same place in Pennsylvania. His wife and four children came with him. Their trip was similar to John's. They settled on a tract of land purchased from the Holland Land Co. It was on the Saunder's Settlement road just east of Sugar Street, and on the west abutted on the Mile Reserve. He built, a log house and began to clear his land. At the first town meeting in 1812 he was also elected a pathmaster. When the War broke out he took his family back to Pennsylvania. The Witmer brothers were Mennonites and had religious scruple against war. « » * OUT OF AN estimated total of 337 homes along the Frontier, the English and Indians looted and burned all but a few that were somewhat isolated! Fortunately Abram Witmer's was one of these, so that when they returned everything was just as they had left it. When the weather was too bad to go to Porter's Grist, Mill at the Falls they used a hollowed out stump and a spring pole with a stone tied to it for a pestle to grind their grain. In the spring of 1836 Benjamin Rathbun came to Niagara Falls to invest in real estate and erect buildings. He heard that Abram Witmer Jr., had a brick kiln where he was making brick for his house. Mr. Rathbun entered into a contract with father and son to make 300,000 brick for him which he would pay for on delivery. They had made and delivered about two-thirds of the contract when Rathbun's business empire founded more or less on credit, failed partly, on account of the financial panic of that year and partly because of unscrupulous deals. The Witmers lost heavily but made the best of a bad deal, selling the bricks left on their hands wherever they could find a market. Abram Sr., was a carpenter and cabinet maker as well as a farmer. Among documents found in the old Court House attic were two legal papers dated 1853 containing the signatures of Abram Witmer and Tobias, another son. Abram, Sr., died Sept. 4, 1851. Christian H. Witmer, the oldest of Abram's seven sons operated Judge Porter's Grist mill near the present River end of First street He also had a mill of his own somewhat later, on the high bank of the River near the Whirlpool Bridge. On Sept. 17, 1859 while working on the raceway he fell into the water and was carried down into the River and to his death in the Whirlpool. ,* * TOBIAS WITM'ER was born in 1816 at Bellvue, (Suspension Bridge). He was one of the first surveyors of that region, his maps being still the main reliance for lot lines, etc. He was quite a genius, being an inventor, author, poet and a preacher besides a Civil Engineer. One of his inventions was the bicycle wheel. He made the spokes of the wires from an old hoop skirt. He also invented a corn sheller, an automatic rairoad switch,- pile driver, portable signal tower for use in the Army, fire escape, etc. He taught school for a time In 1861 although he had a family of 12 children he enlisted in a Civil War Regiment He died in 1897 in Williamsville, Erie Co., leaving a record of accomplishments that seldom is equalled. Elias Witmer, twin brother of Tobias, finished his schooling at the Lewiston Academy after which he learned the tailor's trade. Later he taught school, but finding his health impaired he stuck to farm- ing the rest of his long life. Practically all the advancement of the Niagara Frontier, from its wild state to the highly developed status of 1918, was. encompassed in his life. In his youth oxteams were a common sight along Portage road. He was in Buffalo on Oct 26, 1825, to see the official opening of the Erie Canal and saw DeWitt Clintonon the "Seneca Chief and heard the cannon "telegraph that carried the notice of the starting of the Seneca Chief on its voyage to the Atlantic Ocean. # ELIAS WITMER was greatly interested in the Niagara County Pioneer's Assoc, organized in 1877 and was one time vice president He was a regular attendant at the Olcott Pioneer's Picnics. In 1914 when he was 98 years old he planned to attend the picnic, writing, a card to the Secty., George S. Gooding in advance signifying his intentions. He died Feb. 23, 1918, aged 102 years, in the homestead built by his father in 1821. On the 1852 map of Niagara County there are shown nine families of Witmer's living at different points in the Town of Niagara. The two first Witmers, John and Abram, reared 17 children, most of whom survived and married. A few moved out of Niagara County, but the majority of them lived and operated various types of business in this County. The Witmer road connecting Hyde Park Blvd. with the Military road perpetuates the family name. There are today in Niagara Falls six families descended from the two pioneer brothers, .John and Abram. They are Orlando B. Witmer, 2215 Pierce Ave.; M. T. Witmer, 1301 Ferry Ave; Miss Emma A. Witmer, 1600 Cleveland Ave.; Christian H. Witmer. 1174 Haeberle Ave.; and my collaborators, Miss Serena T. Witmer and Mrs. Theresa Morrison, 1024 Grove Ave. Also a great great grandson, Robert C. Witmer, 2913 Michigan Ave. | WITMER, Johannes Christian (I10204)
665 | Niagara Gazette -10/20/1936 Stricken with a heart attack while seated In the McCarthy barbershop at j 1717 Eighteenth street this morning, Daniel H. Lippert, 74 years old, of 2468 Michigan avenue, toppled over and died within a few minutes. Coroner Joseph V. Farugla Investigated and reported that death was due to natural causes. A native of Ayton, Ont., Mr, Lippert came to Niagara Falls when he was 17 years old. Ho conducted a grocery business In Michigan avenue for many years and then worked for a short time at the plant of the Am- | erican Salesbook company, retiring several years ago. He was a member of the Exempt Firemen's association, Niagara Falls Lodge, No. 81, I. O. O. P., and the Zion Lutheran church. Surviving him are his wife, Mrs. Bertha Lippert, and three daughters, Mrs. Caroline Hermanson, Mrs. Hilda Wolfe and Mrs. Florence Hermanson, all of this city; a brother, Henry Lippert, of Scottsvilie, Mich., and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Maes, of this city, Mrs. Catherine Kister, of Ayton, Ont, and Miss Margaret Lippert, of Miami, Pla. Funeral services will be held at Mrs. Wolfe's home, 3416 Michigan avenue, Friday afternoon. | LIPPERT, Daniel H (I9460)
666 | Niagara Gazette obit - 1/22/2008 Tatroe, Lawrence J. Lawrence J. Tatroe, 59, of Niagara Falls, NY, died Thursday, January 17, 2008 at N.F. Memorial Medical Center. Born November 22, 1948 in Niagara Falls, NY, he was the son of the late Arnold W. and Jennie (Cappoccetti) Tatroe and attended local schools. Larry enjoyed motorcycles and surfing when visiting in Florida.He is survived by his daughter, Jennifer (Paul) Archie of Nevada; brother, Gary J. (Marjorie) Tatroe of Niagara Falls, NY; grandchildren, Amanda Archie, Joseph Archie; former wife, Esther Engeholm of Nevada; three nieces and one nephew. Besides his parents, he was also predeceased by his sister, Gloria Lauer.Friends may call Wednesday, Jan. 23rd from 2-4 and 7-9 PM at Zajac Funeral Home, Inc., 319-24th St., cor. Welch Ave., Niagara Falls, NY. Services and burial will be at convenience of the family. | TATROE, Lawrence J (I184)
667 | Niagara Gazette obit: Mrs. Miriam L. Bower, age 89, of Sanborn, NY passed away Monday, January 7, 2008 at her residence.Mrs. Bower was born in Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY on April 8, 1918; she was the daughter of the late August and Flora (Laur) Schul. She attended local schools and was a 1963 graduate of the LaSalle High School. Miriam worked as a telephone operator for the former Sanborn Telephone Company, until 1947; then worked at the Spirella Company, in Niagara Falls, and later for the former LeVan's Grocery Store in Sanborn.She was married to her husband, Robert L. Bower on November 22, 1941, in Niagara Falls, Niagara County, NY, and they lived all of there married life in Sanborn. They were married for 62 years. Mr. Bower was the Postmaster in Sanborn for many years prior to his death in 2004.Miriam was active in her church and in various local and civic organizations. She served as president of the Sanborn American Legion Auxiliary, lecturer of the Pekin Grange and Niagara County Pomona Grange, and belonged to the Sanbornite Senior Citizens and Newfane Golden Ager's Club. She was a longtime member of Hope United Methodist Church, and had always sang in the Church Choirs, since age 15; she was also and active in the Methodist Church Women's Group. Miriam was always interested in family genealogy, and always enjoyed bowling and traveling.Surviving is a daughter, Pauline Baker, of Dayton, OH; sisters, Doris O'Connor, of North Tonawanda, Niagara County, NY, Ruth Reedy, of Rockford, IL, Anita Ward, of Middleport, Niagara County, NY; a brother, Raymond Schul of Tavares, FL; grandson, Brian Baker; granddaughter, Andrea Ewart, and several nieces and nephews.She was predeceased by a sister, Esther Shepherd and brothers Gordon and Paul Schul.The family will be present on Thursday from 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 PM at the RHONEY FUNERAL HOME, SANBORN, 5893 Hoover Road, where funeral services will be held on Friday at 10 AM, with Rev. Janet Hubbard officiating. The Sanborn American Legion Ladies Auxiliary will conduct memorial services Thursday at 7 PM.Interment in North Ridge Cemetery Town of Cambria, NY.Visit, for guest register. | SCHUL, Miriam Lena (I8929)
668 | Nine children born; only three survived. | ERZ, Konrad (I8022)
669 | No children found born in Giengen. | HILSENBECK, Matthaus (I8001)
670 | No information in Gazette on Carl Streicher dod 2/1971 | STREICHER, Dr Carl Jacob (I9117)
671 | No records found | GUIMOND, Nina (I527)
672 | No records found | GUIMOND, Lucille (I529)
673 | Norma L. (Housman) Holland, 92, of Youngstown, NY, passed away on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, in the presence of her loving family, at Mount St. Marys Hospital. Born on January 12, 1926 in West Chester, PA, she was the daughter of the late Charles and Verna (Dewees) Housman. Norma came to Niagara Falls as a child with her family and graduated from Niagara Falls High School in 1945. She proudly served in the United States Navy, as the first Wave Station Keeper, until her honorable discharge on April 18, 1953. Norma was employed as a secretary for both Carborundum and Nabisco. She was the oldest member of the LDS Church and for over 50 years enjoyed genealogy. Norma is survived by children, Douglas (Constance Connie) Holland and Debra Targon; grandchildren, Dawn Jowett, Michael Targon, Amanda (John) Jacobs, Jr., Jeffrey Lentz, Tina Shugarts, John (Nicole) Shugarts, Tammy Shugarts and Mary Shugarts; great-grandchildren, Madeline, Matthew, Gabrielle, Alexzander, Zachary, Trevor, Andon, Tyler, Caleb, Alyssa, Sara, Lily, Sandra and C.J.; her brother, John (late Jeannette) Housman and several nieces, nephews and cousins. In addition to her parents, she was predeceased by her sister, Vee Housman. Family and friends are invited to attend a funeral service, concluding with Military Honors, on Sunday, July 29th at 1:00 p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Scovell Drive in Lewiston, with a luncheon to follow at the church. In lieu of flowers, memorial offerings may be made to Conquer Chiari (, go to sponsor walker then Buffalo NY and under name-Amanda Jacobs). Arrangements are under the direction of Michael R. Goodlander of OTTO REDANZ FUNERAL HOME. Please visit to leave your sympathies with Normas family. | HOUSMAN, Norma Louise (I481)
674 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 1/3/1977 MACK - Harvey R Mack Sr . of Andalusia, Ala,, formerly of York Road, In Mt. St. Mary's Hospital, Friday (Dec 31,1976) Husband of the late Vivian Mack; father of Harvey R. Mack Jr., Mrs. Floyd (Shirley) Pope, Mrs. John (Sandra) Paul and George E Mack, all of Niagara Falls; brother of Miss Alberta Mack of Providence, RI and the late Henry Mack, he Is also survived by thirteen grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Tuesday (Jan.4th) at 10a.m., from the Lane Funeral Home, Inc , 8622 Buffalo Ave., Niagara Falls with the Rev. John P. Seltzer officiating. A gravesfde service will be held Wednesday morning in Andalusia. The family will receive friends from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday. Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society. | MACK, Harvey Roy (I10346)
675 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 11/25/1931 Mrs. Joan Ondak delightfully entertained about fifty guests Monday evening at a variety showat in honor of Miss Bertha Wysko officiating. whose marriage to Albert Soos will t a k e Pl a c e tomorrow morning. The shower took place at the home of the bride's parents in 122 Center street. Bridge was enjoyed and those who won prizes presented them to the bride-to-be, who received many attractive gifts. Refreshments were served from a table decorated in orchid and yellow, centered with cut flowers and tapers. | Family: SOOS, Albert Steven / WYSKO, Bernice Anna (F1498)
676 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 12/14/1945 Charles F. Wilke,,79, a lifelong resident of North Tonawanda, died this morning at his home, 592 Falls boulevard, following a heart attack. He was ernployed at the Rudolph Wurlitzer manufacturing Company's plant until he retired nine years ago. Surviving are his wife, Louise, ree Luedersdorf; three daughters Mrs. Edmund Kenyon, Mrs. Lynn Griffis and Mrs. Oscar Muck, of North Tonawanda; six grandchildren, two great grandchildren and a brother, William, of North Ton- awanda. Rites will be held Mon- day afternoon at 2 o'clocl from the residence and at 2:30 from the St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The Rev. F. A. Hinners will officiate Burial will be in St. Paul's ceme- tery. | WILKE, Charles F (I1378)
677 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 12/7/1957 St. Joseph's Church was the s e t t i n g Nov. 23 for the wedding of Miss Patricia A. Soos, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Albert Soos, 80 Washington St., to Howard C. Neuman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Neuman, 384 Schenck St. The Rev.Chester Polewicz of- ficiated before an altar enhanced with white gladioli and chrysan-- themums. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a gown of Chantilly lace and tulle over net and bridal satin. The lce bodice featured an empie waist, a por- trait neckline, and long sleeves. The full skirt had three tiers of tulle, each accented with lace. Her fingertip veil was held in place with a crown of iridescent pearls. She carried a cascade bou- quet of white roses, button chry- santhemums and carnations and placed fowers at the altar of the Virgin Mary. Mrs. Gary Meisenburg was ma tron of honor for her sister. The Misses Janice Kovach and Jud- ith Wysko, the bride's cousins, and Miss Alice Berry were brides- maids. They wre gowned in crys- talette ballerina length dresses, the matron of honor in Ballet blue and the bridesmaids in Romance blue. The gowns were styled with snug bodices, scoop necklines and flared skirts. They wore queen's crowns of velveteen and circular veils. The matron of honor carried a casade bouquet of pink roses,, white chrysanthemums and car- nations and the bridesmaids bou- quets combined yellow roses with white chrysanthemums and car- nations. John Koszelak was best man and Sherwood Body, John Stein- er and Richard Broecker, the ushers. Mrs.. Soos chose a blue lae over blue satin dress for her daughter's wedding. A navy blue dress was the choice of the bridegroom's mother. Each wore a corsage of pink roses, white carnations and chrysanthemums. Breakfast was served in Am- vets Post 26 hall following the ceremony and a reception for 350 guests was given in the hall. Hostesses at parties for the bride before her marriage wre Mrs. Ronald Topolski, Mrs. Mei- senburg,, Mrs. Soos, Mrs. August Toth, Mrs.. Neuman, Mrs. James Howland, Mrs. Lena Braeges and Mrs. Albert Drier. | Family: NEUMAN, Howard Carl / SOOS, Patricia Amelia (F1507)
678 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/17/1939 Please note the left side was not copied beautiful wedding was solemnized Saturday afternoon 'clock in the Redeemer Lutheran church, Falconer and pson streets, when Miss Marguerite L. Kenyon, daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Kenyon of 280 Bryant street, ie the bride of LeGrand G. Siefke, son of Mr. and George Siefke of 654 Niagara Falls boulevard, the I. G. Kleiner performing the ceremony. The church ecorated with palms and baskets of hydrangeas, gypsomd baby breath. On the altar were sets of white canas. bride, given in marriage by her, wore a gown of white larquisette trimmed with dared moire sleeves. Her ip veil of silk net was d with an orange blossomshead band. She wore white i and carried a shower st of white roses, baby and gypsophila. Oscar Muck, matron of wore a blue net marquijown with matching aces. She wore a half brim- 'rench velvet hat with pink ed design and carried a il bouquet. i Violet Strassburg was maid, wearing peach silk isette, with matching accesand she carried a colonial Bt. iond Kenyon, Jr., brother to ide, was the groom's best Ushers were Edward Kolbe iscar Muck. Mrs. Alexander played the organ and Jack nd sang, Where Thou Goest, i Perfect Love. . Kenyon, the bride's mother, a blue flowered chiffon with white accessories and a shoulder corsage of pink Mrs. Siefke, tho groom's r, wore green printed chiffon white accessories and a ler corsage of pink roses, bride's grandmother, Mrs. ?s Wilke, was attired in a crepe dress and wore a ler corsage. redding supper was held at i Tea Room with thirty-five present. the tables were decorated in a blue and white color scheme. The bride's table, with covers laid for twelve, was adorned with tall white tapers and white lilies, and centered with a tiered wedding cake adorned with a miniature bride and groom. Later, a reception was held at the bride's home, which was decorated with baskets of cut flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Siefke have left for a wedding trip to the Adirondack mountains and when they return will make their home at 146 Bryant street. Pre-nuptial showers were given by Mrs. George Siefke, Miss Mildred Primeau and Mrs Francis Primeau, Mrs. Kenneth Hemmerling and Mrs. Albert Weigand, Miss Violet Strassburg, Mrs. Oscar Muck and Mrs. Lyn Griffon, and Mrs. Dale Luther. | Family: SIEFKE, LeGrand G / KENYON, Marguerite L (F5406)
679 | North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/4/1959 ENGAGED: Mr. and Mrs. LeGrand Siefke, 280 Bryant St., North Tonawanda, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Louise, to Gary J. Vlaovich, son of Mrs. Lena Goal, 490 Delaware St., Tonawanda. Miss Siefke is a graduate of North Tonawanda High School. Mr. Vlaovich recently completed three years of service in the U.S. Marine Corp. No date has been set for the wedding. | Family: VLAOVICH, Gary J / SIEFKE, Mary Lou (F1540)
680 | North Tonawanda NY Evenings News - 1/14/1947 William F. Wilke, 86, a lifelong resident of North Tonawanda, died at noon today in his home, 399 Wheatfield street. He was preceded in death by his wife. Bertha W., who passed away last Friday. He was a member of St. Matthews Church, and a lake tug captain for manv years. Survivrs include four nieces, Miss Louise Fuerch, of Lockport, and Mrs. Edward Kenyon, Mrs. Lynn Griffis and Mrs. Oscar Muck, all of North Tonawanda. The funeral will be from the late residence at 2:30 p. m. Thursday, the Rev. Carl Frankenstein officiating Burial will be in St. Paul's Cemetery. | WILKE, William F (I3310)
681 | North Tonawanda NY News - 12/6/1965 CRETSINGER - Rose (nee Taylor) Cretsinger of 148 Heim Rd., Williamsville, Sunday (Dec. 5. 1965'. Wife of Alvin Cretsinger; daughter of Mrs. Phoebe Taylor of Buffalo, sister of Mrs. Sarah Dodds of Hylands, Calif.; James and Sam Cretsinger of North Tonawanda, Leroy and Lytle Cretsinger of Tonawanda and Clifford Cretsinger of Inkster, Mich. Funeral at Beach- Tuyn Funeral Home, 5541 Main St. at Cayuga Road, Williamsville, at 1 p.m. Wednesday. Friends invited. The family will be present from 2-5 and 7-10 p.m. | TAYLOR, Rose (I518)
682 | NORTH TONAWANDA Charles H. Wright, of North Tonawanda, age 57, passed away suddenly November 28, 2010. Mr. Wright was born July 25, 1933 in North Tonawanda, son of the late Harry and Isabelle Wright. Mr. Wright graduated from North Tonawanda High School and Erie Community College. Mr. Wright was a Welfare Examiner for the Niagara County Department of Social Services in Niagara Falls. Prior to this he had worked for ABC Photo. Mr. Wright was a longtime member of the Gratwick Hose Fire Company, a member of "The Group" and a Buffalo Sabres fan. He also enjoyed hunting and cooking. Beloved husband of 31 years to Christine (Vanderlaan) Wright; devoted father of Allison, Michael and Kelsey Wright; brother of the late Sherry (Paul) Kenyon; son-in-law of Donald and Patricia Vanderlaan; brother-in-law of Donald Vanderlaan, John (Jennie) Vanderlaan, Amy (Doug) Pike and Donna Vanderlaan; uncle of Shawn, Jamie, Jennifer, Sydney, Frank, Adam and Amy; also survived by aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. No prior visitation. Family and friends are invited to attend a Memorial Mass of Christian Burial SATURDAY at 10:00 AM from St. Jude the Apostle Parish, 800 Niagara Falls Blvd., North Tonawanda. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to by Wattengel Funeral Home. Online guest registry at | WRIGHT, Charles H (I3289)
683 | Not sure if these parents are correct | LOHRMANN, Jakob (I0202)
684 | Not the Jacob HIller who was buried from Zion in September of 1959. Utica Daily Press - 10/2/1959 JACOB L. HILLER Sherrill Jacob L. Hiller 83. of 314 Primo Ave. died yesterday after a heart attack. He was bom Sept. 4, 1876, in Lachingen, Germany, son of Michael and Anna Hiller. He came to America in 1892, and to Sherrill in 1914. On May 29, 1900, he married Agnes Schwenkbeck m Niagara Falls. Mr. Hiller was a foreman in the black buff department of Oneida Ltd. for more than 50 years, retiring in 1952. His wife died in Jan. 15, 1958. He was a member of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Utica; charter member of Sherrill Lodge 1073, F&AM. He leaves a son, Carl Hiller of Rutland, Vt. ; a daughter. Mrs. Edward Carlton of DesPlains, Ill.; eight grandchildren; 13 great grandchildren. Another son, Konrad, died in 1956 Funeral arrangements by Craig W. Crowell are incomplete. Burial will be in Valley View Cemetery, Oneida. | HILLER, Jacob L (I6716)
685 | Note - June 2005 spoke with Calvin Stahley - 741-2464 -- NOT related to the StaHley family from Swormville - this family came to the US in 1848 from Switzerland and purchased property from Jacob Metz. 1920 census says she was born in Pennsylvania????? | STALEY, Julia Ann (I9112)
686 | Note at St. Paul's German Lutheran Church the name was listed as Kraetzinger for the death of both Heinrich and Lillie. Owned property in 1880 about 40 acres - perhaps on Dodge Road | CRETSINGER, Heinrich (I324)
687 | Note cemetery plot says 1928 as birth year. | CREED, Frances C (I9085)
688 | Notes for Elvin Bruce Hilsenbeck: Elvin worked for Clarence Hall when he got married. In July, 1936, they moved in with Alva Bomar. He and Zella, then moved in with his brother, Elmer, and after Barbara was born , they moved back in with Bomar's. From there, they moved to the Dowdy farm for 2 years., in 1938. Elvin got a government loan to buy Livestock in 1939. Lived on Empire Prairie [near King City, MO.] in 1942. Then to the Finkbeiner Farm, north of Rea, MO. After that, they were farming south and east of St. Joseph, Mo. for one year. In 1947, they bought and moved to the farm, where they now reside, about nine mile north of Savannah, MO. | HILSENBECK, Elvin Bruce (I7412)
689 | Notes for Johann Friedrich Hilsenbeck: Johann Friedrich Hilsenbeck brought all his children to the United States arriving at Crystal Garden, in New York, on June 23, 188l, aboard ship, Schiedam. Johann's wife passed away in Germany. I believe Carl Wolfgang changed his name to Charles Edward. Johann Friedrich was confirmed, April 18, 1841. The Johann Friedrich Hilsenbeck family moved to Auendorf in 1871. | HILSENBECK, Johann Friedrich (I7400)
690 | Notes for Johann Jacob Hilsenbeck: PETITION FOR NATURALIZATION Circuit Court of Holt County, MO In the matter of the petition of Jacob Hilsenbeck to be admitted a citizen of America To the Honorable the Circuit Court of Holt County: The petition of Jacob Hilsenbeck hereby filed respectfully shows 1. My full name if Jacob Hilsenbeck 2. My place of residence is Oregon, State of Missouri 3. My occupation if Farming. 4. I was born on the 5th day of June, Anno Domini 1870, Wertemberg, Germany 5. I emigrated to the United State from Rotterdam, Holland, on or about the 1st day of June, Anno Domini 1881, and arrived at the port of New York, N.Y. in the United States, on the vessel "Cheatam". 6. I declared my intention to become a citizen of the United States on the 9th day of February, Anno Domini 1917 at Saint Joseph, MO, in the District Court of United States. 7. I am married. My wife's name is Etta Jackson Hilsenbeck. She was born in Oaks, WI, and now resides at Oregon, MO. I have seven children and the name, date and place of birth, and place of residence of each of said children is as follows: (1) Alfred William, April 8, 1892, Fillmore, MO; (2) Jacob Fredrick, May 20, 1893, OR, MO, residence, Fillmore, MO; Pearl Lilly, June 17, 1897, OR, MO, residence, OR, MO; Emma Jane, April 10, 1902, Fillmore, MO, residence Oregon, MO; John Edward, September 8, 1899, OR, MO, residence, OR, Missouri; Earl Raymond, Oct 9, 1906, OR, MO, residence Oregon, MO; Mabel May, March 5, 1909, OR, MO, residence Oregon, MO. 8. I am not a disbeliever in or opposed to organized government or a member of or affiliated with any organization or body of persons teaching disbelief in organized government. I am not a polygamist nor a believer----next page missing. Certificate of naturalization. No. 27128, issued on the 16th day of May, A.D. 1921. | HILSENBECK, Johann Jacob (I7406)
691 | Notes for LILLIAN MAE "LILLY" SIMMONS: Lilly lived to be 106 years of age and was of sound mind. She wrote in the Simmons bible the following: John Thomas Simmons family: John was born March 4, 1853 I think in Iowa. He married Dora Able March 18 in 1880, she was born March 5, 1853. Their 1st baby a girl Stella Elizabeth born Dec. 16, 1881. A son William Thomas born July 5, 1884. He died in infancy and his mother died too. They lived in Holt County, MO. east of Oregon, where they were burried in a cemetery east of Oregon. Broad Creek Cemetery south of Woodville Church. Then on Sept. 15, 1885 John Thomas Simmons married Christina Hilsenbeck who had come to U.S. from Hanover Germany. She had a baby girl Anna Lydia Sept 5, 1884 then Lillian Mae born Dec 13, 1886, who married Roy Messick Oct. 1, 1913. Then a boy Henry Harrison Simmons born Oct. 4, 1888, then James Albert Simmons born March 8, 1891. Dec. 29, 1894 had a baby born dead. Anna Lydia married, but divorced and died Feb. 11, 1950. And a 1/2 sister Stella died June 14, 1960. Lilly's mother, Father, baby Brother and half sister Stella and Anna all burried in Fillmore. Brother Albert and wife live in Savannah. I hear my mother came from Gruibingen Germany and later moved to Auendorf in 1871. Their was 2 sisters later last name was Linbe. | SIMMONS, Lillian Mae (I7747)
692 | November 2, 2011 Walter Davidson The Tonawanda News NORTH TONAWANDA — Walter Davidson, 94, of North Tonawanda, Tuesday (November 1, 2011), at home, surrounded by family under the care of Niagara Hospice. Mr. Davidson was born in Niagara Falls, NY on February 8, 1917 to Harry and Anna (Thiele) Davidson. Walter was a Machine Tender for Kimberly Clark, an avid sports fan who liked the New York Yankees and the Buffalo Sabres, as well as an avid golfer and bowler. Mr. Davidson was predeceased by his wife, Gladys (Sinko) Davidson; his daughter, Linda Brick; three brothers and two sisters. Walter is survived by his children, Jerauld W. (Susan), Richard J. (Linda) Davidson, the late Linda (Kevin) Brick, Sr.; brother-in-law of Stella Davidson; grandfather of 10 and great-grandfather of 11; also survived by his nurse’s aide, Liz LaBelle; and many nieces and nephews. Friends may call Friday from 2-4 and 7-9 PM at the Wattengel Funeral Home, 307 Oliver St., North Tonawanda, NY, where funeral services will be held Saturday at 10:30 AM. Interment, Holy Trinity Cemetery, Lewiston, NY. Memorials may be made to Niagara Hospice. Online guest registry at | DAVIDSON, Walter (I10359)
693 | Now lives in Bemidgi, MN (1997) July 3, 2012 John A. Schwenkbeck Niagara Gazette APPLE VALLEY, MN — John A. Schwenkbeck, of Apple Valley, MN, passed away on June 26, 1912, after a short illness. He was born in Niagara Falls, New York, on February 17, 1948 to Jack and Edna (Eldridge) Schwenkbeck. John was a graduate of Niagara Falls High School (1967). He proudly served in the US Navy from 1968-1972 aboard U.S.S. Wainwright. John worked in the food industry. He enjoyed entertaining and cooking for family and friends. He especially enjoyed the time he spent with his grandson, Walker. John is survived by his wife, Mary; daughter, Shayna (Scott) Clute; grandson, Walker; sisters, Ruthie Schwenkbeck, Niagara Falls, NY, Nancy (Tom) Gillis; brothers, Karl (Mickey), Lewiston, NY, Robert (Donna), Ransomville, NY. He is also survived by many other loving relatives and friends. Funeral services were held on Saturday, June 30, 2012, at White Funeral Home in Apple Valley. Interment, Fort Snelling National Cemetery. Visit for online guest register. | SCHWENKBECK, John Alvin (I6745)
694 | NYC Archives ship log search 4/29/97 (this all from Kh Schoenfeld). Age 15, arrived 8 jun 1888 via the California. Death per Zion. He was shown as shoemaker by trade. Obit shows survived by sister in Buffalo and brother, Henry, local. | SCHWENKBECK, Johannes (I5674)
695 | Obit - Buffalo News Of Town of Tonawanda, NY. August 6, 2005. Beloved wife of the late Joseph P. Soos; dearest mother of Sharon (John) Stoll; very proud and adoring grandmother of Katie and Julia; daughter of Helen and the late John Gareau; sister of Ellie (Nick) Ceglia, Madonna (Andy) DiPalma, George, John (Dawn), Gregory (June) and the late Paul Gareau; daughter-in-law of Sophie and the late Joseph S. Soos; sister-in-law of Kathey (John) Niedzialowski. Friends received Tuesday from 2-4 and 6-8 PM at the GRECO FUNERAL HOME, INC., 2909 Elmwood Ave. (near Sheridan Dr.) where funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 9:15 and in St. Timothy's Church at 10. Louise was a retired employee of the Erie County Department of Social Services. | GAREAU, Mary Louise (I1217)
696 | Obit in Amherst Bee - children included Mrs. Benjamin Hirsch, Mrs. Ed Moulin, Mrs. Robert Klute, Mrs. John Wittman | LAUER, Philip (I299)
697 | Obit in Amherst Bee 9/26/1895 - Henry and John lived at that time in Michigan | SNYDER, Elizabeth (I296)
698 | Obit in Amherst Bee stated sister Winifred Rose of Hornell - brother Walter of Los Angeles | CRETSINGER, Charles B (I277)
699 | Obit said life long resident of North Tonawanda??? | WYSKO, Emily (I231)
700 | Obit stated: died at Spoth's mills and 77 years, 3 months, 17 days - funeral from Eggertsville on 11/30/1883 | RUSSELL, Dorothy (I323)