Notes |
- Niagara Gazette
Dell, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank E. Dell, Norman
Street, and Richard James
Garrow, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Garrow, Pierce
Avenue, were united in
marriage Saturday (June
24, 1961) at Sacred Heart
Rev. Leo J. Glynn performed
the d o u b 1 e-ring
« » °
GIVEN in marriage by
her father, the bride was
gowi ed in silk mist taffeta
with a chapel-length
Mrs. Charles B. Stewart
was matron of honor with
Miss JoAnn Carter as maid
of honor. Mrs. Robert Dell
and Mrs. Charles Reynolds
were bridesmaids.
The best man was Robert
G a r r o w . David Ventry,
Donti Gipiletti and Robert
Belin ushered.
* * *
AN EVENING reception
was held at the Marlboro
Inn. Sanborn.
The mother of the bride
greeted guest wearing a
pink c h i f f o n dress with
white accessories. The bridegroom's
m o t h e r wore a
black and white polka dot
Mr. and Mrs. Garrow will
reside at 3805 Rhode Island
Ave. following a wedding
trip to t h e T h o u s a nd