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- Niagara Gazette - 3/24/1956
JUNE BRIDE-Mr. and Mrs.
Irving Pokelwaldt. Baer Rd., Sanborn,
have announced the engagement
of their daughter, Ruth
Helena,' to Robert E. Wray, son
of Mr. and Mrs. .Austin Wray,
Upper Mountain Rd., P e k i n.
Miss Pokelwaldt is a graduate of
North Tonawanda High School.
Mr. Wray is a graduate" of Wilson
Central School and-is attending
Erie County T e c h n i c al
Institute, Buffalo. 'He served
three years in the Marine Corps.
A June wedding is planned.
North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 6/20/1956
Grace Evangelical Lutheran
Church, N i a g a r a
Falls, was the setting for
the marriage at 4:30, June
9, uniting Miss Ruth H. Po-
kelwaldt and Robert Edward
Wray. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Irving Pokelwaldt of Bear
Road, Sanborn, and the
bridegroom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Wray
of Upper Mountain Road,
The bride chose a gown of em-
broidered tulle with a chapel train.
The neckline was trimmed with
pearls and bridal sequins. She
wore a matching crown with a fin-
gertip veil and carried a prayer
book with white orchids. She was
given in marriage by her father.
Mrs. Ronald Coleman was ma-
tron of honor for her sister and
wore a gown of nylon chiffon in
romance blue. the bridesmaids
were Miss Sharin Miller, Miss Jo-
Ann McCulloch and Miss Janet
Hoover, all from Sanborn. They
were attired alike in ballet blue
gowns of nylon chiffon as were the
flowers girls. Deborah Pokelwaldt
and Linda Pokelwaldt, nieces of
the bride. Their cascade bouquets
were fashioned from blue and
white carnations.
The best man was Robert Barrand
and the ushers were J o hn
Rogers, Norbert Schultz and Robert
Bagwell. Marty Doan, cousin
of the bride, was ring bearer.
The bride's mother wore a blue
linen dress with white accessories
and a corsage of red roses. The
mother of the groom wore a blue
lace dress with white accessories
and a red rose corsage.
For a trip to the Pocono Moun-
tains, the bride chose a brown suit
with white accessories.