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- Niagara Gazette - 2/13/1928
BERGHOLTZ Feb. 13-The marrige
of Miss Viola Walck,.youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Walck to Martin Pfuhl was solemnized
last Thursday afternoon at the
S t Peter's Church at Walmore. the
Rev, Edward Grabou officiated.
Bridesmaids were Miss Esther Walck
and.Miss Edna Pfuhl. Miss Gertrude
Jagow was maid of honor. They were
all beautifully gowned in Rainbow
colored silk crepe gowns trimmed
with golf and silver lace crepe and
wore a wreath of orangeblossomss
and her veil was of embroidered mo-
line. She carried a shower bouquet of
white sweetheart roses, lilies of the
valley and similax tied with white
chiffon ribbon. Henry Mueller, Char-
ence Wienke, acted as ushers and Al-
bert Pfuhl acted as best man. A re-
ception was held right after the cere-
mony for 40 guests at the home of the
bride's parents. They received many
pretty gifts.were
nil beautifully .gowned In Rainbow
Colored silk cr*pe gowns trimmed
with gold and silver lace crepe nn<)
were a wreath of orange blossom*
and her veil was of embroidered moline.
She carried a shower bouquet of
white sweetheart roses, lilies of the
vrltcy and smllax tied with white
r.'hffon ribbon. Henry Mueller, Clnr-
(nc? Wlenke, acted as ushers and AI*
her* Pfuhl aet"d ns best man. A re-
< P'.'nn w*% **'d right after the cere*-
rY.v,? f,r (n eiies** At the home of tti*
t °« prortnts, They received many
p : u y gifts