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- Niagara Gazette - 7/3/1935
Prttly Wedding Sotemnlxed at
Martin's Lutheran Church
pretty wedding was solemnised In
St. Martins Lutheran church at 8
o'clock 8unday morning when Miss
Elrthcr Mueller, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin Mueller, of 1765 Lllwood
avenue, became the bride of
Cecil 8trehlow of Hollywood, Calif.
Rev. Theophllus Bcrner officiated at
the ceremony and Miss Erma Muller,
slater of the bride, acted as maid of
honor. Franklin Hahn, cousin of the
groom, were the other attendants. The
church was artistically decorated with
baskets of flowers. A solo "Bacause".
wai sung by Eugene Thlele.
The bride wore a town of yellow
chiffon and the maid of honor pink
chiffon. Miss Miller was attired in
yellow mousscline do sole. All wore
corsages of bright summer flowers.
Following the ceremony a wedding
dinner was served at the home of the
bride's parents, covers being laid for
15. Immediately afterwards. Mr. and
Mrs. Strehlow. left for Hollywood.
Calif., where they will make their