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- Niagara Gazette - 8/1/1950
Double Wedding, August
12, at St. John's Church
NASHVILLE - Aug. 1Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Severance, Errick
road, announce that the marriage Of
their daughter, Elenor Mat to Mr.
Mehin E. Sicgmann and Loretta June
to Mr. Howard St'egmann, will take
place Saturday, August 12. at 6:30
p.m. at St. John's church, Ward road
and FaUS boulevard. A reception
at St. Johnsburg firehall will follow.
Niagara Gazette - 1/14/1950
Two Sisters Engaged
To Marry Cousins
Sanborn, Jan 14 - Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Severance, Errick Road,
today announced the engagement of
their two daughters to two North
Tonawanda cousins. The wedding
dates have not been set but it will
probably be a double affair.
Miss Loretta June Severance is
engaged to Mr. Howard Frederick
Siegman, son of Charles Siegman,
RD 2, Pearce road, North Tona-
Miss Elinor Mae Severance is en-
gaged to marry Mr. Melvin Edward
Siegman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Siegman, RD 2, Pearce road,
North Tonawanda.