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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/27/1926
A lovely wedding took place Wed-
nesday afternoon at four o'clock
the marriage of Miss Evelyn Dohring.
daughter of Mrs. Anna Dohring of
Gasport. to Albert S. Allen of North
Tonawanda was solemnized at St.
P e t e r s church in Lockport, Rev. Paul
E. Zeller of Troy a former pastor or
the church officiating. Palms, gladi-
oli and a s t e r s were effectively used m
the church decorations.
The bride, who was given in mar-
riage by her brother, Herbert Dohring
wore a gown of ivory satin and Chan-
tilly lace and a tulle veil fastened
with orange blossoms. She carried a
shower bouquet of bride roses, snap-
dragons and gypsophelia. Miss Do-
othy Allen, sister of the groom, was
maid of honor, wearing orchid geor-
gette. The Misses mary and Esther
Dohring and Miss Marion Dale of Gas-
port were the bridesmaids, wearing
gowns of pink, yellow and green geor-
gette. Each attendant wore a black
hat and carried a bouquet of butter-
fly roses, snapdragons and gypsophe-
ila. The flower girls were Genet and
Alice Wendt of Gasport. William Doh-
ring was best man and the ushers
were Asa Hewitt and Milton Schultz of
North Tonawanda and Ralph Gorton
of Binghamton. Mrs. Dohring, the
bride's mother, was gowned in blue
figured crepe and wore a black hat.
A reception to 75 guests followed
at the home of the bride, where the
decorations were carried out in pink
and white. Covers were laid for four-
teen at the bride's table centered with
a floral fountain arrangement that
dated back half a century.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen left for a motor
trip to Boston and New York, the
bride wearing a dress of coral crepe
de chine with a black satin coat and
black moire hat. They will be at home
at 202 Falconer street, North Tona-
wanda upon their return.