Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 2/21/1935
Mr. and Mrs. William Ellman celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Ellman. Washington street,
North Tonawanda. Dinner was served
to 50 guests on two long tables, centered
with a decorated tiered wedding
cake on a gold centerpiece, and gold
tapers In silver holders and yellow
tulips. A large wedding bell was suspended
from the celling above the
honored couple. The room was also
decorated with large baskets of flowers,
In a color scheme of gold. Rev.
Mr. Thiemecke, of St. John's Evangelical
church, of St. Johnsburg. gave
an address. Mrs. Thiemecke sang two
solos entitled. "Abide With Me," and
"Der Herr 1st Mine Hierthe." The
guest responded with several group
songs. Guests were present from Buffalo,
Niagara Falls, Tonawanda. North
Ridge and North Tonawanda. The
honored couple received many gifts,
flowers and cards.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellman have three
children, Herman and Gustave Ellman
and Mrs. William Urtel, of Niagara
Tails, eight grandchildren and nine
great grandchildren.