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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 1/24/1956
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kuske, Dodge Center, Minn.,
announce the engagement of their daughter, Luella, to
William F. Wrege Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wrege Sr. of
Fredericks St.
Miss Kuske attended Concordia
Teachers' College. River Forest.,
Ill, and now is a member of the
faculty in St. Mark's Lutheran tomorrow in the
School. North Tonawanda.
A graduate of Valparaiso Univer- sity,
Mr. Wrege has completed graduate
study at the University
Buffalo. He teaches physical ed-.
ucation and is a coach at Remsen
Central School, Remsen, N. Y.
The wedding, in August, will take
place in Dodge Center.
North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/13/1956
A l t a r b o u q u e t s of w h i t e gladioli w i t h p a l m s and cand
e l a b r a iii G r a c e L u t h e r a n C h u r c h . Dodge Center. Minn.,
p r o v i d e d t h e s e t t i n g for t h e A u g . 4 w e d d i n g of Miss Lu- ,
ella Kuske, d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. K u s k e and
W i l l i am F. W r e g e J r . , .son of Mr. a n d Mrs. W r e g e Sr., of
Fredericka St.*
The Rev. H K
Miss Florence A. Grieser
Bride of Allan Schreiner
St, 1
t i n g for
' r a n d s of A s s i s i C h u r c h , on Aug.
t h e m a r r i a g e of Miss Florence
the adults with races and games
provided for the children by the d a u g h t e r ol Mr. a n d Mrs. H e r b e r t Greisei
Mesdames Sa- Kobel, Ralph Ja- and Allan G. S c h r e i n e r , son of Mr. a n d Ml
e r of A t t i c a.
The Rev. James BaU of Buifalo
officiated before an altar enhanced
with white gladioli.
The bride wore a gown of Chan
tilly-type lace and tulle with a
long-sleeved lace bodice and a
sweetheart V-n e c k 1 i n e embroidered
with iridescent sequins. Lace
panels were inserted in the front
and sides of the tulle skirt. A
scalloped cap. edged with , seed
pearls, held her fingertip veil ot
at their own artistic Was decided that the 1957 reunion illusion. The bride carried a white
while I am busy, ' she WOuld take place the second Sun
day of August at the same place
4, was t h e set-
Ann Grieser,
76 W i l l i am St..
. J o h n S c h r e i n -
nowsky, Melv... Foels and Arnold
Heim, who were in charge ot the
Since the 1933 reunion, one new
member has been added to the
family ranks. He is Henry Janowsky,
infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Janowsky.
A picnic supper was enjoyed by
45 members attending.
Mrs. Harry Metzger of Niagara
Falls and Mr. and Mrs. Glen .Janowsky
of Jamestown traveled to
the Tonawandas for the event. It
Miss Sass Engaged
To B. G. Gadefhsky
won a scholarship for an addi-' a n c j farnj]
tional year." Mrs. Kay said. t
"At Albright, I studied with
Pfeiffer, Sisti, Drumlevich and
Peter Boussa. I am now studying
modern art with Eugene Dyezkowsk;
in his Grand Island studio,"
she said.
"Modern art. so-called, used to
leave me .as cold as it does many
other people at first. I'm quite en-
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Kraft
y. 348 Payne Ave , re
turned Saturday after a week's vacation
fishing trip at Long Point.
Mrs. Mary Mileham. formerly o!
Young St.. is a patient in Buffalo
General Hospital.
Mrs David Stewart of lnverkip.
Scotland, was the recent guest of
thusiastic about good examples of M r an(j M w m | a n L a -4
tnis form now. she said. In this
Glasses Prescribed - Special Vttention to Children
Irving L. Shapiro
2061 D e l a w a r e Ave. I'hone UK 2I.">0
type of painting. I find I have acquired
a certain freedom of expression
that is lacking in traditional
Mr. and Mrs. Kay have been
looking forward trf their Florida
vacation. They left Saturday and,
en route will pass the spot where
Sirs. Vay's father and mother were
killed instantly in an automobile
accident in 1941
Mrs. Kay packed her paints and
brushes in order to indulge in her
favorite hobbv
Smith Family
Has 9th Reunion
Ferndale Drive, Town of Tonawanda.
her brother and sister-in-law.
While in this country Mrs. Stewart
visited with friends and relatives
in Boston, Detroit and Leamington.
Ont. She was also the guest oi
Mr. and Mrs. Roland W. Peters at
their summer home at Niagara-Onthe-
Lake. Mrs. Stewart also visited
her niece. Mrs. Franklin 81c-
Duff, Riverview Drive. Tonawanda.
She left for her home Saturday.
The Misses Pat and Linda Murphy.
33 Hill PI., have returned by
plane from Miami. Fla . where
they visited their sister. Miss Mary
Kllen Murphy, for the past three
orchid on a white mother-of-pearl
prayer book
Miss Lenore Schreiner, t h e
bridegroom's sister was the matron
of honor. Her gown of mintgreen
nylon tulle, was strapless and
fashioned with a fitted bodice and
floor length full skirt enhanced
with insertions of white flowers
Wearing gowns of powder blue
and orchid with matching stoles
were the bridesmaids, the Misses
Nancy and Barbara Blum, t h e
bridegroom's cousins. Rows Bl
small ruffles featured the skirt-.
of their gowns. They carried carnations
in colors to harmoni/i
with then' costumes.
Bonnie Ray buck, cousin of the
bride, as flower girl wore a frock
of yellow nylon tulle with lace
insertion in the skirt and a dainty
white hat. She carried carnations
Thomas Dzimian. the bridegroom's
cousin, was the be*st man
Ushers were Jack Kearly and Gordon
Burg in, cousins oi the bride.
For her daughter's wedding Mrs
Grieser chose a navy blue eyelet
tafleta over blue and white dotted
c*rcpe. Her accessories were white
and she wort" a corsage of yellow
roses A corsage oi white
roses accented the black lace dress
over red satin worn by the bridegroom's
mother. Her accessories
were black and white. i
A- breakfast for the wedding party
and immediate family in the
Isle View Restaurant was followed
by a reception .for 360 guests in
Labor Hall. Out ot town guests
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M Sass
of Downing Rd.. De Wnt. an-
Bounce the engagement ot their
daughter, Janet F. Sass, to Bernhardt
G Gademsky J r . son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt G. Gademsky,
241 Adam St
Miss Sass was graduated trom
Fayetteville High School and attended
Syracuse University. She
studied practical nursing at Morrisville
State University and is in
training at Cortland Memorial Hospital.
Mr. Gademsky is a graduate ol
tonawanda High School and the
school ol automotive technology at
Morrisville State University. The
wedding will take place Sept. 2it
in DeWitt, V V.
Couple Betrothed
In Local Church
The Broad Street Baptist Church
was the setting Friday afternoon
for the wedding of Miss Caroline
Carpenter, daughter ot Mr and
Mrs. Eugene F. Carpenter of Buifalo.
and Ralph R Young of Buffalo
The Rev. Paul Smithson officiated
m the double-ring ceremony.
The bride wore a hlye si reef -
length gown and carried a bouquet
ol white carnations. She was attended
by Mrs. .James Scott of
is on furlough from
amp Knox. Ky . and
by .James Scott He
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Stockbridge St., Buf
Sharieman officiated
at the nuptial service.
Carl Doepel. brother-in-law of
the bride, sang "Take Thou My
Hand and Lead Me." "0 Perfect
Love," and "The Lord's Prayer "
Mrs. Bertel Nelson of Dodge Center
was the organist.
The bride wore a gown featuring Mrs
a bodice of Chantilly lace, a seal-
Toped sweetheart neckline and a
skirt of accordion-pleated nylon
tulle. A lace bonnet, with tulle
leaves trimtned with pearls, held
her double illusion fingertip veil.
She carried a cascade ofV white
The matron of honor was Mrs
Franklin Kohagen. the bride's sister.
Bridesmaids were Mrs
George Phillips, the bridegroom's
sister; Mrs. Carl Doepel, Mrs
Gordon Moeller and Miss Sylvia
Kuske. sisters of the bride. (Cathy
Schuster was the flower girl
They wore floor length gowns of
Bermuda blue chiffon, strapless effect,
with fitted shirred chiffon
bodices and attached d o u b le
stoles, and fluffy gathered skirts
Their headpieces matched the
gowns All carried bouquets ot
Richard Johanns. Batavia. Ill.
was the best man. George Phillips,
brother-in-law of the bridegroom,
Niagara Falls, and Eugene
Ku.ske. the bride's brother, were
groomsman. Donald Ku.ske and
Wilmer Kuske. brothers of t he
bride, were ushers. The ringbearer
was Dennis Phillips of Niagara
falls, nephew of the bridegroom.
Mrs Kuske. the bride's mother,
chose a black and white dress with
matching accessories. The bridegroom's
mother wore a powder
blue lace dress with matching accessories.
Both wore corsages of
white roses and stephanotis
A reception for 200 guests was
given in the church "parlors Out
oi town guests included Mr. and
Wrege ST., North Tonawanda;
t&t. and Mrs. George Phillips
and their children. Sharon.
Dan, David and Dennis: Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Johanns, Batavia.
Ill ; Rodney Roemer, Milwaukee;
Mrs. Olga Doepel and Mrs. Henrietta
Johnson, Fort Smith, Ark
After a trip of several weeks duration.
Mr. and Mrs. Wrege .Jr,
will make their home in 171 Jackson
Ave., North Tonawanda.