Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 6/23/1920
La Salle, June 23.—A very pretty
wedding was performed at the Zion
church last
week Wednesday evening at eight
o'clock, when the Rev. Daniel Goerss
united in the bonds of matrimony Miss
Anna Grose, daughter of Albert Grose
of Pear avenue, and George Strasbnrg
also of Pear avenue, the impressive
ring ceremony being used. The bride
wore a gown and veil and white silk,
and carried a bouquet of bride's roses.
She was attended by Miss Emma
Grose of this place and Miss Zimmerman
of Toriawanda, while Harold
Strasburg acted as best man. The
Lohengrin wedding march was impressively
played by P. C. Schulze.
Following the ceremony, a reception
for 60 guests was held at the bride's
home, covers being laid for 20, at
the bride's table. The bride and groom
spent a few days in Cleveland, O.,
and have taken up their residence in
La Salle.