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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 11/13/1974
Mr and Mrs Edward Zastrow
of 3722 Moyer Road.
Wheatfield. were honored last
night at a surprise dinner in
celebration of their 50th
wedding anniversary
The dinner, given at the
Union Station. Lockport. was
hosted by the couple's children
and their spouses: Mr and
Mrs. Elton Kropp of Wilson,
and Mr and Mrs Kenneth
Sprenger. Mr. and Mrs
Richard Zastrow and Mr. and
Mrs Douglas Robinson all of
North Tonawanda.
Mr and Mrs Zastrow will
also be honored at a party
Saturday in Adams Fire
Company hall by friends and
Mr Zastrow retired in 1973
from The Wurlitzer Co. in
North Tonawanda where he
was employed for 50 years.
They are members of St.
John Lutheran Church, where
Mr. Zastrow and the former
Clara Heschke were married
by the late Rev J.W
Thiemecke Attending last
night's festivities were the
Rev Rolf Buchmann. pastor of
St John, and Mrs. Buchmann.
The couple also belong to the
Wheatfield Senior Citizens and
Adams Fire Company and
Auxiliary. They were honored
at a dinner Friday by the
members of the auxiliary.
They have nine grandchildren:
Airmen l.C. Russell
Kropp. stationed in Okinawa:
Mrs. Susan Holls of Fitchburg.
Mass.; Patricia Kropp. Laurie
and Cindy Sprenger. Ross.
Robin and Christina Zastrow,
and Karl Robinson.