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- Niagara Gazette - 11/26/1949
Miss Jane Spencer Servis Becomes Bride
Of Mr. Fred Luiclc in Youngstown Ceremony
A lovely home wedding was solem-
nixed this afternoon when Miss
Jane Spencer Servis. daughter of
Mr. 8pencer Servis. Youngstown.
became the bride of Mr. Fred O.
Lulck, son of Mrs. Jacob Lulck. this
city. The setting for the wedding
took place in the French doorway
of the Servis home, with a background
of ferns flanked by beauty
baskets of chrysanthemums shading
from yellow to deep bronze
Preceding the ceremony Miss
Geraldine Dewey, Fredonla, sang
Orieg's- "I Love Thee." and at the
end of the service. "The Lord's
Prayer." The musical background
was provided by Mrs. Spenoer Ser-
Given In marriage by her father,
the bride was lovely In a deep
brown, quilted taffeta, cocktail-
length dress with matching brown
felt hat 'with bronze feathers. She
wore a corsage of talisman roses•
and matching accessories. Her only
attendant was Mrs. Calvin Keller,
West Beverlyn drive, who wore teal
blue lace over taffeta, dark red felt hat
and dark red rose corsage.
The Rev. Lawrence Herfurth of
Zlon Evangelical Lutheran church,
Csgnjga drive, performed the cere-
The best man was Mr. Calvin Keller.
Following the ceremony, which
was witnessed by only members of
the immediate families, a reception
will be given at Liddell's Lewiston
from 4 to 6 p. m. Reclevlng with
the bridal couple will be Mrs. Spen-
cer Servis in a black suit dress with
light blue bodice and black Jacket
and black hat. and the mother of
the bridegroom, in a black ensemble.
The mantel will be banked
More than 100 guests will attend,
Mr and Mrs. Luick will leave
this evening for New York City, the
bride wearing a navy blue gabardine
suit with white feathered turban
and matching blouse. They will re-
side at 51 South Eighty-sixth street.
upon their return.