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- Niagara Gazette - 7/7/1925
Martinsville, July 7. - The marriage
of Miss Mary Wiegand, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Wiegand
of the Falls Boulevard, to Harry
Mueller of Fargo avenue, Buffalo,
was solemnized at 4. p.m. on July
4th at the Frleden's church on
Schenck street, the Rev. E. A.
Schuits officiating. Tho church was
very prettily decorated with lillies
and palms. Double ring service
was used." Ivan Wilder sang "Oh.
Promise Me.' The brlde wore a
white romalnc crepe gown with
Spanish lace and her veil was fashioned
in baronet style with orange
blossoms. Miss Ruth Werth, the
mold of honor, was gowned in pale
blue crepe, and Miss Beulah Forth,
the bridesmaid, in pale pink crepe.
The groom was attended by William
Wiegand, the bride's brother,
and Albert Mueller, the groom's
Mrs. Wiegand. mother of the
bride, was becomingly gowned In
black crepe.
Mrs. Mueller, mother of the
groom; wore blue crepe.
A wedding Supper was served at
the bride's home for 50 guests. Covers
were laid for ten at the bride's
Out-of-town guests Included sMr.
and Mrs. N. Peters of Alma. N. Y.
and Mr. and Mrs, Gusllck of Forks,
N. Y.
After a short motor trip In the
east. Mr, and Mrs. Mueller will be
at home in New Hampshire street,