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- Niagara Gazette - 2/13/1909
The Kitchen Shower and Valentine
P a r t y given a t the home of Miss E t h e l
Woodward In No. 1635 Whirpool avenue
on Saturday evening was an unusually
pleasant affair. The party was given
in honor of Miss Lola Stricker and Al-
phonso Allen, who a r e to be m a r r i e d
at the Church of Sacred Heart o n
Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock.
Those that attended were: The Misses
Lola Stricker. Marie O'Hean. Clara
O'Hearn. Evelyn Hamilton. Carrie
Schumacher, Blanche Kelly. Mrs Wil
liam Squires, Alfonso Allen, William
Squires, John O'Hara, Fred Van Duser.
Charles Woodward and H a r r y Wilson.
Before entering t h e dining room, Miss
Strieker and.her fiance. Mr. Allen were
blindfolded and let Into an adjoining
room, where were assembled the sundry
kitchen utensils, furnished by t he
guests. The two young people opened
the various packages and many top a nd
practical presents for future use were
brought to view.