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- Niagara Gazette - 8/18/1936
BEJACH RIDGE. Aug. 18Mrs. W.
D. Miller and Mrs. Fred Klein entertained
Sunday evening at the former's
home at a linen and bedroom
shower Tor Mrs. A. Risebrough, who
was formerly Miss Dorothy Stowell.
About 50 guests enjoyed an evening
of cards, followed by refreshments
served on the lawn from four long
tables. The veranda was decorated in
yellow, with a yellow crepe paper
umbrella with streamers hanging
down and suspended from the ceiling
and over a table where the bride sat
to open the many beautiful gifts. The
house was decorated throughout with
bowls of yellow marigolds and snapdragons.
Prizes in cards were won by
t h e following: pedro, Miss Mollie
Benthln. Henry Lenhart and Mrs.
Ernest Bush: pinochle. Mrs. W. D.
Miller, Charles Kramer and Fred
Klein. The winners presented the
prizes to the guest of honor.