Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 10/13/1926
The marriage of Miss Georgia
Baughman, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs.,
Baughman of Morburg. Pa.,
to Walter M. Bothnke. son of Mr
and Mrs. Hermany Boehhke of Tona-
wanda was solemnised Monday after-
noon at three-thirty o'clock at the
parsonage of Salem church, Rev.
Andrew Hils officiating. Miss Lena
Boehnke and Frank Joyce were attendants
Following the ceremony, a wedding
supper was served to thirty at the
home of the groom's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Boehnke left for Pennsyl-
vania and will be at home after Oc-
tober 18, in 48 Alexander street.