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- Niagara Gazette - 8/4/1925
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Strassel of No.
364 Sclienrk street announce the marriage
of their daughter, Sarah M., to
Arnold M. Maerten of No. 394 Miller
street. Saturday afternoon. August 1,
at 4 o'clock, in Salem. Evangelical
church, Rov. Andrew Hlls officiating.
Tho bride was attended by her sister.
Miss Reglna Strassel. and Norman
Maerten was his brother's best man.
A reception was held for about thirty guests
at the bride's home immediately
following the ceremony. The
house was attractively decorated in
pink and white and tho bride's table,
at which covers were laid for 12, was
centered with a wedding cake, decorated
with a miniature bride and
groom. Mr. and Mrs. Maerlon will
be at home after August 15th at No
247 Payne avenue. Among those
present from out of town were Mr.
and Mrs. C F. Diedrich and children
of Newfane, Miss Arllne Hochadel
and Mr. and Mrs. William Felsen-
heimer of Rochester. Mr. and Mrs.
Felsenhelmer. an aunt and uncle of
the bride, also celebrated their 20lh
wedding anniversary on that day.