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- Niagara Gazette - 5/31/1938
Marriage Licenses
Harold Suitor, 604 Niagara street,
and Ileane Elizabeth Caffo. St.
Mary's hospital.
Niagara Gazette - 6/14/1938
A very lovely wedding took place
Saturday morningi June 4, at 11
o'clock, when Miss Ileane Caffo, a
member of the nursing staff of Mt.
St. Mary's 'hospital, became the
bride of Harold B. Suitor, son of
Mrs. Percy Dales, of this city. The
Rev. John Donahue, of St: Mary's
(Church, oflfctated at the ceremony.
The bride was attractively attired
In ftcquamarihe linen lace, with
white accessories, and wore a corsage
of gardenias and pink roses.
Mrs. Thomas Collins, cousin of
the groom, was matron of honor.
She wpre copper linen lace, with
wheat accessories, and a corsage of
yelow daisies and yellow roses.
Miss Julia Mallette. a classmate
of the bride, was bridesmaid and
wore wheat lace, with aquamarine
Maurice Sullivan was best man
and Thomas Collins was usher.
Mrs. Percy Dales, mother of the
groom, chose ft navy lace gown,
with white accessories, and her
corsage was1 of gardenias.
Immediately after the ceremony
a dinner was held for the bridal
party at the home of the groom.
The bride's table was centered with
a bride's cake while red roses and
baby breath were used for decorations.
A reception folowed, A buffet
luncheon was served. Covers
were laid for 150. The table was
centered with a five-tiered wedding
cake With a miniature bride and
Mr. and Mrs. Suitor left for a
trip through Scranton. Jersey City
and New York City. The bride wore
a navy blue pin stripe alpaca crepe
frock with navy and white acces-
series, The young couple Is now at
home at 604 Niagara street.
The out-of-town guests were
Misses Irma and Elsie Iannon, of
Ehdlcott; Mr. and Mrs. L. Taylor,
of Tonawanda; Mr. and Mrs. H.
Milks, Of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. R.
House, of Buffalo, and Mrs. Ida
Mouse and Misses Edith and Ruth
House. oT Buffalo.