Notes |
- Lockport NY Daily Journal - 12/14/1897
A very pleasant weddiig occured at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brick
of Cambria, N. Y , on Thursday, Dec.
9, 1897. Their daughter, Miss Jennie
S., was united in marriage to Mr. Emmett
Clancy of Niagara Falls, N Y., at
2 p. m, The groom accompanied by
the (filiating clergyman. Rev. J. B
Dare of North Ridge, N. Y.t advanced
to the bridal arch of evergreen, followed
by the bride leaning on the arm of
her father, while a wedding march was
finely rendered by a sister of the bride
After the address by the minister the
friends assembled, the father of the
bride gave his daughter away by joining
the bride's right hand to that of the
Very cordial congratulations were
tendered tbem from relatives and near
friends. After which a delicious supper
was served.
The bride carried a handsome Jbunch
of white ehrlsan them urns and both bride
and groom were becoming y and charmingly
attired. Many and rich presents
were received.
The newly married couple, Mr. and
Mrs. Emmett Clancy, took the evening
train from Lockport on their wedding
trip. They will teside at Niagara