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- Niagara Gazette - 10/10/1941
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bowman
of 2216 Twenty-first street, invited
their family to be home with them
for dinner Tuesday evening. Oct.
7, the occasion being their fortyfifth
wedding anniversary.
Two long dining tables were at
tractively arranged and centered
with a large cake, nicely decorated
with a miniature bridal couple on
top. Pink was the color scheme
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
and family, LaVern Jr, Richard,
John, Janette, Calvin and Sandia;
Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Bowman
and ther family. Maxine, Roxanna
and Charles Bruce; Mr. and Mrs.
Fred W. Bowman and their family,
Jean and Jimmie; Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hlldebrandt (nee Clara
Bowman) and Miss Beatrice Bowman,
at home; Mr. William Fltzgeral,
of Twenty-first street.
Sorrow came to the home of their
eldest son. Mr. Edgar P. Bowman,
Ontario avenue in the early morning.
Mrs. Bowman's father, Mr. J.
Snelllng, suddenly passed away.
But Mr. Bowman and daughter,
Miss Eva Bowman, and Mrs. Bowman's
son and wife. Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Coats, called for a brief
period at the dinner hour. Mrs.
Bowman and little daughters, Lily
and Beatrice, were not present.
Mr. and Mrs. Bowman were the
recipients of many lovely gifts-and
cards' of congratulations from their
family and friends, wishing them
many more happy returns of the