Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 1/6/1941
The marriage of Miss Caroline
Louise Baker, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Baker of 250 Fletcher
street to Mr. Fred Kolpack, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kolpack of
387 Oliver street was solemnized
on December 31 In Frieden's
church, the Rev. Theodore Mayer
The bride wore a gown of pink
supper satin with silver brocaded
jacket, silver dippers and rhinestone
cap. She carried a colonial
bouquet of sweetpeas, roses and
pom pons.
Miss Jane Neaman was maid
of honor wearing aqua silk jersey,
with a gold trimmed jacket and
rhinestone cap. Her colonial bouquet
was of sweetpeas, roses and
Pom pons. Mr. William Kinney
acted as best man. The wedding
music was played by Miss Newman.
Following the ceremony a reception
for sixty guests was given
at the home of . the bride. A
beautifully decorated wedding
cake centered the buffet table. Mr.
and Mrs. Kolpack are making
their home In 312 Broad street.
Among those who entertained
at pre-nuptial parties in the
bride's honor were Mrs. Ernest
Vigrass and Mrs. Paul Thunran