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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 1/21/1946
Mrs. Ida Stahl of Kohler street
entertained thirty guests on Fri-
day evening at a bedroom a n d
bathroom shower in compliment
to Miss Bertha Westra, whose
m a r r i a g e t o Norman O. Stahl will
take place Saturday, January 26
in St. Frances Rectory. Mr. Stahl
a sergeant with two years service
in the 8th Army Air Corps has
recently been discharged from
Cards formed the evening's entertainment
and prizes were presented
to Mrs. W. Licht, Mrs. J.
Westra, Mrs. G. Walters, Mrs. R.
Peterson and Mrs. Fred Claxton.
Refreshments were served at
small fables decorated in a theme
of blue and white, with a large
wedding bell centering the arrangement.
The bride-to-be received
a corsage and many
shower gifts.
Mrs. Stahl was assisted by Mrs.
Licht, Mrs. L. Havens and Mrs.
J Walker.
North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 1/28/1946
In a ceremony held in St. Frances
of Assisi Rectory, Saturday
morning, January 26, Miss Bertha
Elizabeth Westra, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Westra, Sr.,
of 67 Longs avenue, Tonawanda
and Norman O. Stahl, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Stahl of Kohler
street, Tonawanda were united
in marriage. The Rt. Rev. Msgr.
John A. Weismantel officiated.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a gown made
of German parachute silk, taken
from a captured German factory
during the war, and designed by
herself. It was fashioned with
torso bodice, long raglan sleeves
and full skirt. She wore a fingertip
veil held with a Dutch cap
and carried a bouquet of white
roses centered with an orchid
Miss Kathleen Keyes, the maid of-
honor and only attendant for
the bride, chose a blue gown with
lace bodice, three-quarter length
sleeves and net skirt over taffeta.
Her bouquet was of pink
roses. John L. Westra, Jr., brother
of the bride, was best man.
The bride's mother selected a
street dress, of printed blue crepe
with blue accesssories and the
mother of the bridegroom wore
Navy blue with white accessories.
Both wore corsages of mixed flowers.
A wedding breakfast in the Delaware
hotel for 20 guests was
followed by a reception beginning
at 3 p. m. in Cleveland hall. Buffet
refreshments were served to
300 guests from a table decorated
in blue and white and centered
with a wedding bell.
Out of town guests attending
were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chittenden
and daughter Ann of Saratoga
Springs, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Murphy and daughter of
Meadville, Pa., Mr. and Mrs.
James Blascock, Kenmore, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Wolf, Williamsville; Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Goda, Youngstown,
Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Stahl and son, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Luchterhands, Elmer Stahl, Getzville;
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Claxton,
Mrs. Kenneth Wagner, Mrs. Katie
Marks, Robert Brydges and Mrs.
Belle Bauers of Niagara Falls.
Following a wedding trip in
Canada Mr. and Mrs. Stahl will
be at home after February 2 in
Hamp's Apartments, 33 Adam St.,
Tonawanda. Mr. Stahl was recently
discharged after three years
service with the 8th Air Force.