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- Niagara Gazette - 8/1911
A pretty wedding was solemnized at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Christian
Metzloff of 158 William street, Buffalo.
Thursday afternoon, when their daughter
Freda J., w a s united In m a r r i a ge
to Mr. Charles A. W i e n k e of N o 132
Keil street. The house w a s b e a u t i f u l ly
decorated In blue and white. The bride
was gowned in w h i t e batiste, trimmed
with baby Irish lace And carried a
shower bouquet of Bride roses. Miss
Bertha Metzloff. slater of the bride, was
maid-of-honor. while the bridesmaid
was Miss Cora Dominskl. The ceremony
look place In t h e parlor under an
arch of palms and ferns. Among
o u t - o f - t o w n guests were Mr. and
Mrs A Wienke of Niagara Falls, and
Mr. And Mrs. C. Wienke of Barkers
The young couple Will be At h o m e on
Lincoln avenue After September 5. They
left last night for Detroit. Mich.
North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 8/31/1932
Mr. and Mrs. Wienke Surprised by
Friends on Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Wienke were
pleasantly surprised last evening
at their home on Walter avenue,
by thirty of their friends, the occasion
being their twenty first
wedding anniversary. Bridge was
enjoyed, five tables being in play
with prizes awarded to Mrs. William
Smith, Mrs. Albert Shingeck,
Mrs. Herman Janke, and Messrs.
John Oswald, William Waterstrat
and Edward Struebing. A mock
wedding in which every guest
participated was a feature of the
Later in the evening a wiener
roast was held In the garden
which was attractively decorated
with colored lights. Mr. and Mrs.
Wienke were presented with a
beautiful gift by their guests.