Notes |
- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 12/6/1917
Announcement Is made of ths engagsment
ot Miss Margaret Bewley
of Market street and Dr. C. Irvlng
Fisher of New York City.
Dr. Fisher was for many years Superintendent
ot the Presbyterlan Hospital.
New York City and is still
connected with It, being on the board
at managers of the same.
Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 1/5/1918
The marriage of Miss Margaret
Anna Bewley, daughter of Mr
Bewley of Lockport, N. ,Y.
Irving Fisher of New York City took
place at 11 o'clock this morning, .Jan.
5th, at Christ Episcopal Church, Rev.
W. H. G . Lewis officiating.
Dr. Fisher is now connected with
Harvard University and was formerly
port physician at Boston, superintentent
of Massachusetts State Infirmary
and superintendent of the Presbyterlan
Hospltal of New York City of which
he Is now one of the directors,
Among the out of town guests were
two daughters of Dr, Fisher, Mrs. V.
Warren Wright of Northampton,
Mass., and Mrs. William S, McCann,
M. V., of Now York City. Also Mrs.
Kate Hargreaves of Detroit, Mich. Dr,
and Mrs, Fisher plan to spend their
honeymoon in Florida.