Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 9/24/1949
The marriage of Miss Joyce E.
Collins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Elwin E. Collins, Ransomville, and
Mr. Robert B. Witkop, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Witkop, San-
born, was solemnized recently at
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran
church, North Tonawanda, with the
Rev. F. A. Hinners officiating at the
double-ring ceremony.
The bride wore a teal blue, lace
dress with brown accessories and a
corsage of white roses. Her matron
of honor and only attendant was
her sister, Miss Louise Collins.
Mr. Kenneth Witkop, brother of
the bridegroom was best man.
Following the ceremony, a wed-
ding dinner for the immediate
families was held at Liddell's, Lew-
iston. A three-tiered wedding cake
formed the cneterpiece at the bride's
After a short honeymoon, Mr. and
Mrs. Witkop will be at home in
Upper Mountain road, Sanborn.