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- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 5/20/1938
Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Fogle,
156 Erie street, announce the engagement
of their daughter Janice
Maie to Walter E. Blackman Jr..
son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E.
Blackman of Cambria.
Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 10/31/1938
A beautiful Fall wedding was solemnized when Miss
Janice M. Fogle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Fogle of
156 Erie street, became the bride of Walter E. Blackman, son
of Mr- and Mrs. Walter Blackman of Cambria, Wednesday
evening at 6 o'clock in Plymouth Congregational church, the
Rev. Harry H. Bergen performing the ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a gown of white
clipper satin made with a train and
finger-tip veil caught with orange
blossoms She carried white Killarney
roses and gypsophlla.
Miss Helen Blackman of Cambria
was maid of honor wearing old rose
raolre taffeta and the Misses Margaret
Hoffmaster and Flora Brown
were bridesmaids, wearing blue
moire taffeta gowns. Miss Blackman
carried pink and white Killarney
rases and the bridesmaids
carried pink briarcllff roses and
Glen Brick of Cambria was best
man and ushers were Raymond
Hoag of Niagara Falls and James
and Edward Murtaugh of Lockport.
Mrs. Helen Webb played the
wedding music and Elmer Om of
Cambria sang "I Love You Truly"
and "Because."
Mrs. Fogle wore a gown of brown
and tan suede lace and Mrs. Blackman
wore plum color trimmed with
sequins. Both wore corsages of roses.
Church decorations were of chry-
santhemurm and ferns, the church
being lighted with tapers. A wedding
supper was served at the Tuscarora
club, 50 guests attending.
Decorations there were of chrysanthemums,
roses and ferns.
Eight were seated at the bridal
table, centered with a large wedding
cake and roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Blackman left for
New York, Mrs. Blackman traveling
in a suit of maroon with black accessories.
While In New York they
attended the Army-Notre Dame
game on Saturday. The couple will
be at home after Dec. 1 In Cambria.
Out-of-town guests included Mr.
and Mrs. William Hoag and family
of Niagara Falls, Miss Daisy Blackman
and Herbert Blackman of Buffalo,
Miss Mftbel Fogle of Medina,
Mr. and Mrs. William Kopf of North
A number of others attended from
Boston, Buffalo. Niagara Falls and
Miss Focle was guest of honor at
numerous entertainments before her
marriage. A dinner and variety
shower were given by Mrs. William
Kopf at Warner's Tea Loft; a bedroom
shower bv Mrs. Harriet Capen
at her home in Locust street; a
towel shower by Mrs. Slyvia Cousins
at her home in Kenmore.
A personal shower by Mary Hoffmastar
at her home In Prospect
street; a linen shower by Mrs
Walter Blackman and daughter.
Helen, at there home in Cambria;
a kitchen shower by Mrs. William
Phillips and the Misses Ruth and
Doris Olds at Mrs. Phillips home in
A bathroom shower by Mrs. carl
Burl at her home In East avenue: a
variety shower by Mrs. John Laughton
anri the Misses Helen and Margaret
Ha lev at the Haley home in
East avenue; a grocery shower by
Mrs Howard Kruser at her home
In Wilson and a dinner bv Mr. and
Mrs William Hoag In Niagara Falls