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- Niagara Gazette - 1/3/1946
EAST WILSON, N Y.. J a n 3 - A
pretty wedding took place Saturday
afternoon, December 19 at 3 o'clock
In the East Wilson Methodist
church. Chestnut road.when the
Rev Charles W Taylor united in
marriage at a double ring cere-
mony, Miss Rosemary Dorothea
Hahn, daughter of Mrs. Clara
Hahn of Lockport and Mr. Ray-
mond R. Thilk, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Thilk, of Chestsnut road
East Wilson.
The church was beautiful with
decorations of evergreens large
bowls of red roses cathedral can-
dles and illuminated cross. Preced-
ing the ceremony Mrs. Winifred
Groan, pianist, played the wedding
music and mrs. Violet Wrinklesas
sang, "Always" and "Because".
The bride who was given in mar-
riage by her uncle, William Rosen-
busch, of Buffalo, was lovely in a
gown of white satin made with full
skirt gathered at the waist and fall-
ing in a long train in the back. The
bodice, buttoned in the back to the
waist, was fashioned with a sweet-
heart neckline outlined by seed
pearls with long pointed sleeves and
slippers to match. Her finger-tip
illusion veil was caught with a halo
or orange blossoms set in pearls and
she carried a bridies bouquet of
white gardenias and pom poms and
wore a cross of small pearls on a
gold chain and pearl earrings, the
gift of the groom.
Mrs. Everett R. Gurnett, of Lock-
port, was bridesmaid and wore a
floor lenfth gown of blue chiffon
with full gathered skirt and right
bodice with matching slippers. Her
blue shoulder length illusion veil
was caught to a halo of blue blos-
soms and she carried a bouquet of
yellow chrysanthemums.
Mrs. Willis Rockwood, of War-
ren's Corners was matron of honor
and wore a floor length gown of
pink chiffon with full-gathered
skirt and slippers to match. Her
pink shoulder-length illusion veil
was caught to a halo of pink blos-
soms and she carried a bouquet of
pink chrysanthemums.
Merritt H. Thilk, brother of the
groom, was best man. The ushers
were Willis Rockwood and Everett
Gurnett. The bride presented her
attendants with compacts and trhe
grom gift to his attendants were tie
Mrs. Hahn, mother of the bride,
wore a gray and lavendar dress with
black accessories and shoulder cor-
sage of chrysanthemums and mixed
Mrs. Thilk, mother of the groom,
wore a black gown with sequins
and red accessories with corsage of
chrysanthemums and mixed flow-
ers. Mrs. Maud Woodcock, grand-
mother of the groom, wore black
with white accessories and shoulder
corsage of chrysanthemums and
mixed flowers.
After the ceremony a reception
was held at the home of the bride
where a buffet table was centered
with a tiered wedding cake, topped
with a miniature bride and groom
fashioned in a bell.
Following the reception, Mr. and
Mrs. Thilk left on a trip to Toron-
to and vicinity. The bride wore a
white wool suit with gold accessor-
ies and top coat of blue wool.