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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 6/19/1925
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stevenson of
Eilieott Creek road announce the engagement
of their daughter, Lexy, to
Earl E. Ackerman of Niagara Falls
boulevard, the wedding to take place
this month.
North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 6/23/1925
Miss Florence Forton of Thompson
street entertained at a variety shower
last evening at her home in honor of
Miss Lexy Stevenson, whose marriage
to Earl E. Ackerman takes place July
3. Cards, games and dancing
enjoyed, prizes being awarded to Miss
Mary Barger. Miss Leona Walder.
Miss Zerelda Cameron, Miss Irene
Schultz and Mrs. E. A. Kohles,
presented them to Miss Stevenson.
Refreshments were served at a table
decorated in green with Bo Peeps para-
sol place marks. Covers were laid alike
for fourteen. Miss Stevenson was the
recipient of many attractive gifts