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- Niagara Gazette - 3/13/1950
One of the olden natives of Niagara
Falls. Mrs. Mary A. Wolf. 90.
died Saturday at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Lloyd B. Young, 1607
Sixteenth street, after being in failing
health for the last two years.
The daughter of the late Adam
and Chrlotte Einsfeld, who came
to this country from Germany in
1845, she was born in a house that
still stands in St. Joseph's ceme-
tery, Pine avenue.
At the age of two, Mrs. Wolf mov-
ed with her parents to a farm in
Military road at the corner of Lock-
port road and Pletcher's corners.
She was educated in th eschoolhouse
in Military road and, at the age of
ten, moved across the road to a farm
at what is now Six Corners.
She was married to Frederick W.
Wolf in 1885 and went to live on her
father-in-law's farm in Packard
road. Her husband died 52 years
After a short time, she moved Into
her own home at 1122 Michigan
avenue where she resided for more
than 60 years.
During her lifetime she was a
communicant of Zion Evangelical
Lutheran church, Michigan avenue
and Tenth street, and was a charter
rĀ»ember of the Mothers' club, being
the only member who had never
missed a meeting since its organization
30 vears ago. She was a member
of the Ladies' Aid society of the
rhurch. the Ladie5" Rural club and
FlasW chapter 355. Order of Eastern
One son. George W. Wolf, died
six years ago.
Surviving are three sons, Lewis
S. and Fred C., both of this city,
and Carl, Joliet, Ill.; her daugh-
ter, Mrs Ruby Young, this city;
13 grandchildren and ten great
Funeral services will be held to-
morrow at 2 p.m. at the home of
her daughter, 1607 Sixteenth street,
and at 2:30 o'clock at Zion Evan-
gelical Lutheran church. Interment
will be in Oakwood cemetery.
An Eastern Star service will be
held at 8 o'clock tonight at 1607
Sixteenth street.