Notes |
- Niagara Gazette
The marriage of Mrs. Esther
Marie Burt, Lockport Rd., Town
of Niagara, and George Edward
Shepherd, 17th St., was solemnized
Saturday, (June 11, 1955)
at the First Christian Church
with the Rev. Meyer A. Madscn
performing the double-ring ceremony.
Mrs. Robert Bower, Sanborn,,
was her sister's matron of honor
and Robert Bower was best
man. Performing the ushering
duties were Robert Burt and
Frederick Burt.
The reception was held at the
Home of the bride's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. August Schul, Youngstown.
When the bridal couple left
for a wedding trip to New York
City, the bride was attired in a
beige suit with white accessories
and a white orchid corsage. Upon
their return, Mr. and Mrs.
Shepherd will be at home at
1414 17th St.