Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 10/31/1930
The marriage of Miss Nina Wictor
to Mr. Elmer Bockhahn was
solemnized Saturday at 3 p.m. at
the Salem Evangelical church. The
bride was lovely in a long princess
model gown of peach satin, and
carried a bouquet of roses. Her
attendant was Mrs. Arnold W.
Graf, sister of the groom, who
wore a gown of powder blue silk
and carried a bouquet of roses.
Raymond Foels attended the
groom as best man. A reception
was held following the ceremony
at the home of the groom, covers
being laid for twelve at the bride's
table, which was beautifully decorated
in a color scheme of pink
and white, and centered with a
large wedding cake. Over the center
of the table a large wedding
bell was suspended. There were
about fifty guests present, amons
them being Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kelley of Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs.
Bookhahn will reside at 208 William
street, Tonawanda.