Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 6/6/1953
St. Francis of Assisi Church was
the setting of a pretty Spring wedding
May 16, when Miss Marie A.
Bacon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William G. Bacon became the,
bride of Robert R. Giuseppetti, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Giuseppetti.
The Rt. Rev. John A. Weismantel
officiated at the double-ring
ceremony. Miss Catherine Stalteri
sang the nuptial high mass, "Ave
Maria" and "Mother at Thy Feet
is Kneeling" accompanied by Mrs.
William Brick, organist.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a gown of white
nylon chantilly lace and nylon tulle
with a boat neckline, ° fitted bodice
and long sleeves that pointed over
her bands. The skirt was very full
and was made of alternating tiers
of lace and tulk which fell into a
chapel length train. Her finger tip
veil fell from a tiara made of lace
and seed pearls. Her bouquet was
a cascade of white roses and white
carnations with a white orchid in
the center.
Miss Patricia M. Jackson, the
maii of honor, wore a yellow gown
of lace and net fashioned with an
apron effect and a strapless bodice
with a lace jacket. Her head piece
was a tiara of feathers with, a short
veil over her face. She carried a
cascade of Talisman roses. The
bridesmaids were- Mrs. Allan B.
Hopkins, Miss Joyce A. Burt and
Miss Carol M. Nedell. Their gowns
were respective to the maid of
honor's only in blue. They carried
cascades of yellow roses. Nancy
Townsend, cousin of the bride,
was flower girl. She wore a yellow
dress similar to the maid of honor's
and carried a small cascade of
Talisman roses.
John Giuseppetti, the grooms'
brother, was best man. Ushers
were Allan B. Hopkins, Marino Di-
Simone and Vernon Walters
The bride's mother chose a dress
of navy blue lace. She wore pink
accessories and a corsage of pink
roses and carnations. The bride
groom's mother wore a dress of
pink lace accented by navy blue
accessories. Her corsage was of
white roses and carnations.
A reception was given in the eve
ning at the VFW Hall. The brides'
table was decorated with spring,
flowers and was centered with a
modernistic wedding cake.
For traveling to the Pocono Mts..
the bride chose a blue and white
coat dress ensemble with red accessories
and a white orchid cor-
sage. The couple are now at home
in 561 Woodward Ave.
Pre-nuptial parties for the bride
were given by Miss Josephine C.
Bacon. Mrs. Robert J. Bacon, Mrs.
George A. Bacon. Miss Patricia M.
Jackson, Mrs. Allan B. Hopkins.
Miss Joyce A. Burt. Miss Carol M.,
Nedell: Miss Lola Giuseppetti,
Miss Rita Giuseppetti and the girls
of the American Brass Company