Notes |
- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 9/27/1930
A pretty wedding was solemnized
this morning at eleven o'clock in St
Mary's rectory when Rev. John
Christman united in marriage Miss
Gertrude E. Albright, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs John Albright of Walnut
street to Martin L. Ball also
of this city.
The bride wore a stunning gown
of pink chiffon, hat and slippers to
match and corsage of Joanna Hill
roses. Miss Martha Mosure was
her only attendant. she was wear-
ing egg shell satin with matching
hat of velvet and corsage ol Tails-
man roses William Mosure acted
as best man
Immediately following the ceremony.
a wedding breakfast was served
at the Kenmore hotel for the
bridal party The bride groom pre-
sented his bride with a substantial
check, To his best man he gave a
belt and buckle: The bride's gift
to her maid was a silver vanity case
Mr and Mrs Ball have left via
motor for Philadelphia. Gloucester
City, N J and Washington. D C
The bride's traveling costume was an
old rose tweed suit with accessories
to match Upon returning from
their wedding trip they will reside
a: 362 Walnut street.