Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 11/24/1934
The marriage of Miss Stella Kot.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kot.
of Highland avenue, to Royman
Beebe was solemnized at 9 o'clock.
Nov, 10 at St. Teresa's church, the
Rev. Patner John Ryan officiating
the double ring ceremony was used.
The bride, given in marriage by her
father, was lovely in a gown of white
transparent velvet, made on princess
lines with a short train. She wore a
halo cap with shoulder veil and long
train and carried a bride*s bouquet of
white rosea and lillies-of-the-vally.
Miss Marie Kazar, maid of honor-.
wore a gown of russet moire with
matching hat and brown accessories
and carried a .bouquet 'of talisman
roses. Little Misses Shirley May and
Betty Suchockl were flower girls in
colonial dresaes and hats of peach
crepe. They carried colonial bouquets.
Joseph Kot, brother of the bride.
acted as best man and Russell Beebe
and Truman Trueadale were ushers.
The bride's mother wore brown
crepe with matching accessories. The
groom's mother wore black lace with
black accessories. Each wore a shoulder
After the ceremony a wedding
breakfast was held for the family and
close friends. A reception was held
during the afternoon-and evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Beebe left on a motor
trip through Pennsylvania. Mrs. Beebe
traveled in a blue crepe dress with
matching accessories.
Pre-nuptiai affairs included a
variety shower given by Miss Maria
Kazar and Mrs. Frazar May ; a bed-
room shower by the bride's mother,
Mrs. Joseph Kot; a kitchen shower by
Mrs. Truman Truesdale; a bathroom
shower by Mrs. Elma Suchocki and a
bedroom shower by Mrs. Russell
Beebe and Miss Ruth Nichols.