Notes |
- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/3/1932
The marriage of Miss Anna
Baumgartner. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Anthony Baumgartner of 13
Simson street to Mr. Alex E.
Choboy of Buffalo was solemnized
this morning at nine o'clock in
St. Francis church, the Rev. John
A. Weismantel officiating.
The bride wore a gown of beetroot
red crepe with velvet trimming
and a small hat of matching
color felt. Her corsage bouquet
was of sweetpeas. Miss Lena
Baumgartner, sister of the bride,
was brides maid, her gown being
of brown crepe with which she
wore a hat to match and a corsage
of sweetpeas, Mr. John Papp of
Buffalo attended Mr. Choboy as
best man.
Mr. and Mrs.. Choboy will make
their home in Buffalo.