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- Niagara Gazette - 10/25/1952
Carrying a colonial bouquet of
stepanotis centered with white orchids,
Miss Naomi Catherine Smith
i n escorted to the altar of Sacred
Heart church this morning by her
brotfier, Mr. Leonard Smith, to bexome
the bride of Mr. Samuel Anthony
The Rev. Francis Schwartz officiated
before the altar enhanced with
white pompoms and gladioli, joining
in marriage the daughter of
Mrs. Catherine Smith. Rhode Island
avenue and the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Romeo Bax, Twenty-fourth street.
Fashioned of nylon tulle and
French lace over skinner satin, the
bride's gown had a lace trimmed bodice
topped with ruffles of nylon
held in place with iridescent sequins,
.repeated in the skirt. A double layer
of nylon ruffles formed the long
train. . Her matching lace bonnet
trimmed with seed pearls and orange
blossoms outlined the frame of imported
silk illusoin, and the seed
pearls, formed into hearts on the
bonnet, reappeared in each scallop
of the veil.
Mrs. John Bonars was the matron
of honor and only attendant. She was
attired in a gown of nymph green,
the permanent pleats of which were
worn above a fluted velveteen bodice,
and the double net over taffeta full
skirt was complemented by her matching
stole and tiara. She carried
yellow roses centered with green
Best man was Mr. Louis Bax.
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs.
Smith chose a black lace dress with
matching accessories, while the
mother of the bridegroom favored
blue crepe with a sequin trim and
bjack accessories. Each wore an
.orchid corsage.
Breakfast was served at the home
of the bridegroom's parents, and the
dinner and reception this evening will
be held at-The Club. The bride's
table will be.decorated with white
and pink roses, and will be .centered
with a four-tiered wedding cake.
For traveling, the former Miss
Smith has selected a black velvet
dress with winter white accessories.
When they return after, their wedding
trip, by plane to Florida, Mr.
and Mrs. Bax will make their home
at 2311 Twenty-fourth street.