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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 5/21/1951
ANNOUNCEMENT IS MADE of the engagement of Miss Donna
Jean Bernt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Berndt of Lincoln
Ave., to Mr. Arthur Behrns, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Behrns
of Jackson Ave. Miss Berndt is a graduate of North Tonawanda
High School and the Millard Fillmore School of Nursing, class
of 1950. The wedding will take place August 24 in Redeemer
Lutheran Church.
North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 9/18/1951
Palms, ferns and vases
white gladioli and asters enhanced
the altar of Redeemer
Lutheran Church at 7 p.m. Aug
25 when Miss Donna Jean
Berndt, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Berndt of Lincoln
Ave. and Mr. Arthur Clarence
Behrns, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Behrns of Jackson
Ave. were united in marriage.
The Rev. H. G. Kleiner offi-
ciated at a candlelight and
double ring ceremony. Mr.
Richard Gurr sang Because and
With This Ring I Thee Wed.
The bride wore a gown of nylon
net over satin
of Chantilly lace had a Queen
Ann collar and long sleeves and
fastened with tiny lace buttons
to the waistline. A tiara of seed
pearls and rhinestonet held her
fingertip veil of French illusion.
She carried a bouquet of stephenotis
centered with a white or-
The maid-of-honor, Miss Irene
Pietak, wore a yellow lace ballerina
length dress over taffeta
and net with matching Jacket
and carried Talisman roses centered
with an orchid. Mrs. Ed
ward Stronowski and Miss Virginia
Wilson, as bridesmaids,
wore similar costumes of greenjbara
lace and carried pink Bountiful
roses centered with an orchid.'
All wore headpieces of roses to
match their bouquets.
Rita Wiethe, small niece of
the bridegroom, wore a white
net frock over yellow taffeta
trimmed with dainty lace. She
wore yellow roses in her hair
and carried a basket of rose
petals which she scattered in
the aisle before the bride.
The bridegroom's nephew,
Randy Behrns, carried the rings
on a white satin pillow with
a sprig of forget-me-nots. Mr.
Donald Behrns was his broth-
er's best man and the ush-
ers wee Messrs. Donald Strass-
burg and Richard Berndt.
A street length dress of brown
lace over beige taffeta was worn
by the bride's mother who chose
beige fugi chrysanthemums and
yellow roses for her corsage.
Mrs. Behrns wore a navy blue
lace dress with rhinestone trim-
ming and navy accessories and
a corsage of pink roses.
A reception was given at the
Elks Club for 200 guests. Yellow
roses decorated the bride's table
which was set for 16 guests. A
four tier wedding cake, en-
circled with flowers, was the
gift of the bride's aunt and
For a wedding trip to the Poc-
ono Mountains and New York
City the bride selected a cinna-
mon colored crepe dress and
dark brown accessories. She
wore a corsage or orchids. Mr.
and Mrs. Behrns are at home
in 7 Simson St.
Prenuptial parties were give
Mrs. Clarence Behrns, Mrs. Ar-
thur Ostwald, Mrs. Leo Schweit-
zer and her bridal attendants.
A Jack and Jill shower was
given the couple by Mr. and
Mrs. robert Ostwald. The bride
was guest of honor at a garden
shower given by friends at the
Millard Fillmore Hospita.