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- Niagara Gazette - 2/15/1933
Miss Mary Reid and Elwood Wahl
bothr of this city, were united In marriage
yesterday at the parsonage of
the Zlon Evangelical Lutheran church.
Following the ceremony, a lovely wedding
supper was given at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Webber, of
Thirty-fifth street, in honor of their
son and his bride.
The bride was charming: In her
wine-colored dress of transparent material
with hat to match. Hex corsage
bouquet was of pink roses and
sweet peas. The couple was attended
by Elton Hillman and Miss Laura
May Clarkson. The bridesmaid's dress
was of hyacinth blue and her hat,
too, matched her gown. She wore a
corsage- bouquet of yellow roses and
sweet peas.
A buffet supper was served at midnight.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Webber and their children,
Kathcrine, Edward, Violet, Jack and
Mary Lou, Mr. and Mrs. William
Hillman and sons. Elton and Elmer,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hillman, Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Stewardson and
daughter, Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Ivering, Mr. and Mrs. George Wahl
and daughter, Beverly Jean, Mrs.
Louise Notley, Samuel Hildcbrandt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lum, Carl
Wagoner and Miss Lula Craig. The
bride received many beautiful gifts.