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- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal - 12/2/1941
The wedding' of Private First
Class Robert H. Benton of . F t
Belvoir, Va., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Benton of Lockport and Miss
Eos Charlotte Wells of Washington,
daughter of Mr', and Mrs. Clarence
Wells Of Madison. Neb., was solemnised
at the Free Methodist
church Washington, in the presence
of 50 guests, Nov. 29. at 3 o'clock.
The Rev. F. S. Wheelock performed
the ceremony
Attendants Of Couple
The bride was attended by Miss
Sally Benton, sister of the groom
and Miss Jane Sweet of Scranton,
Pa. The groom's attendants were
Sergt William* Myhalyk and Benson
Benton, "brother of the groom-
The bride Was attired in a gold
afternoon dress, with a green orchid
corsage. Her bridesmaids wore corsages
of Talisman roses. Miss Sweet
wore a burnt orange afternoon
dress while Miss Benton chose beige
for her dress.
Mrs. McKendree Fulks sang "O
Promise Me" ad played both wedding
marches. She and the groom's
mother had yellow r o s e corsages.
After the: ceremony, the threetiered
wedding cake was cut and
served to the guests by Miss Orme
Walla and Miss Dorothy Fleck.
Anson* Gaests
Among the guests present were
Col. Edward L. White, Lt. John
T. Raye. Lt. Shaler Stidham, Lt
E F. Laughper.
Mrs. P. S. Wheelock, Miss Mable
Trumbauer. the Rev. and Mrs.
Walker Mayfield, Mr. and Mrs.
MacKendree Fulks and son, Pvt
Roy Anderson and Corp. Edward
At 6:30 a six-course dinner was
served to the wedding party at the
Fvt. and Mrs. Benton will reside
at 1411 38th street, S. Arlington,
Va.. after Dec. 8,