Notes |
- Niagara Gazette - 1/28/1922
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at six o'clock Wednesday evening in
the. German Lutheran church at
Blairville, the Rev. W. Dauphne uniting
in marriage, in tho presence of
upwards of 100 guests, Ada Helena,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Carl Kolloff
Sr., of the Balmer road, and
and Clarence Carl Broeker of the
same road, the impressive ring service
being used.
The Wedding march was played
by Miss Helene, Koppke and little
Evelyn Lede-rhouse. niece of the
bride, was flower girl. The bride
v/as given in marriage, by her father.
The attendants were Miss Jennie'
Summers and Albert Kolloff-
the latter, a brother of the bride.
Miss Kolloff was attired in blue satin
and carried a shower boquet of
bride's roses. Her maid wore green
satin and carried for-get-me-nots
and narcissus.
Following tho ceremony, a dinner
was served at the home of the
bride's sister, Mrs. William Lederliotise
to tho members of the fami-
lies and the immediate friends,
vers being laid for 55. Tho same
evening Mr. and Mrs. Broeker departed
for a short wedding trip.
They will be at home soon, on the
Balmer road, this township.