Notes |
- Niagara Gazette
BEFORE AN altar graced by vases of white gladioli,
Miss Janice Boyle became the bride of John DiPofi Saturday
(Sept. 26,1959) at St. John de LaSalle Church.
The Rev. James Cahill of-
ciated at a double-ring nuptial
ceremony, uniting in
marriage the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William J. Boyle,
76th St., and the son of Mr.
and Mrs. J o s e p h DiPofi,
Woodlawn Ave.
Given in marriage- by her
father, the bride wore a
gown of satin with reembroidered
Alencon lace, fashioned
with a s c o o p neckline,
long tapered sleeves and a
bouffant skirt which continued
to a chapel-length train.
* * *
A CALOT OF matching
Alencon lace caught her
pearl-studded veil, and the
former Miss Boyle carried a
cascade bouquet of F u j 1-
Mrs. Gordon Whittham
was matron of honor, attired
in a ballerina-length skirt of
peppermint green. The peau
de soie gown was fashioned
on princess lines, with a
scoop neck and short sleeves.
A bow clip completed^ the
ensemble. She carried a'cascade
bouquet of white and
green carnations.
Miss Paula Armstrong was
bridesmaid, attired similarly
to the honor attendant, and
carrying a similar bouquet.
Thomas Damiano was best
man, while Frank DeCarlo
After a wedding trip to the
Pocono Mountains and New
York City, Mr. and Mrs. DiPofi
will be at home at 2236
Llnwood Ave.