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- Lockport NY Union Sun Journal- 1/5/1960
"Hard work, a big family and lots of love is the
tested and proven formula cited by Mr. and Mrs. Frank
H. Bradley on the eve of their 50th wedding anniversary
which will be celebrated at an open house Sunday
from 2 to 5 at the home of their daughter and son-in- .
law, Mr. and Mrs. Denton E. Hardison of 1885 S. Lake
St., Ransomville.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley were
married Jan. 12, 1910 by the late
Rev. C. M. Schaubacher at the
Methodist parsonage in Olcott.
They honeymooned in Buffalo,
after a trolley ride from Lock-
port where they left their horse
and cutter at a livery stable for
several days.
Mr. Bradlley was born n North
Ridge April 23, 1886,, the son of
the late Alfred and Lucy Belknap
Bradley, and his wife, the former
Theda Lafler,, was born July 23,,
1890, the daughter of the late Ed-
ward and Jessie Miles Lafler, also
of North Ridge.
Forty years ago the couple
moved from North Ridge to their
present farm home at 1060 Dick-
ersonville Rd., Ransomville. Mr.
Bradley still farms and takes
produce to market in season. As
a member of the Farm Bureau,
he has received his 25-year pin.
There are two sons, Miles Brad-
ley of East Otto, and Harvey
Bradley of Ransomville; five
daughters, Mrs. Marion Shippy,
Mrs.. Nettie Martin, both of
Youngsstown; Mrs.. Dora Chest-
nut, Mrs.. Mildred Hillman and
Mrs. Esther Hardison, all of Ran-
somvile; 24 grandchildren and
one great-grandchild.