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- Niagara Gazette - 12/1/1933
WILSON, Dec. 1-Rev. Fay H.
Chapman,'former pastor of the local
M. E. church, came from Nunda, N.
Y., to officiate at the marriage- of
Miss Kathryn Bradley, niece of Mrs.
H. Josephino McCormlck, and Mr.
James H. Berry, Jr. The ceremony
was performed before an arch of evergreens
and yellow chrysanthemums on
Thanksgiving Day at five o'clock in
the bride's home here on Seminary
Lohengrin's wedding march was
played by J. Earl McCormlck, a cousin
of the bride, and an uncle, Leigh
Bradley, gave her in marriage.
Miss Bradley, was attractive in her
white satin bridal gown made on
Princess lines with short train. and
veil of chantllly lace caught with
orange blossoms. She carried a spray
of bride's roses.'
The bride's atttendant, Miss Carmella
Berry, sister of the groom,
wore brown crepe with matching hat
and carried bronze chrysanthemums.
Richard Thlele of Lockport, acted as
best man.
The little flower girl, Helen Barry,
a cousin of the bride, wore yellow and
white organdy and carried a basket of
yellow roses. The ring bearer, Donald
Bradley, nephew of t he bride, wore
a navy blue suit. .
Mrs. McCormick, aunt of the bride,
wore blue and white crepe and the
groom's mother wore blue velvet,
Both wore corsages of yellow roses.
Following the ceremony a reception
for 50 guests was held at the bride's
home. Fourteen were seated at the
bride's table, which was..centered with
the pyramid cake and decorated with
tall white tapers and baskets of yellow
- After-Jan. 1, - Mr.- and -Mrs.- Berry
will be at home at 115 Main street,
Niagara Falls. N. Y.