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- North Tonawanda NY Evening News - 7/8/1921
The marriage of Miss'Ruth H. Lenz-
ner, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Samuel
Lenzner of 1226 Hubbard street. De-
troit Mich to Mr. Edgar G. Braun
was solemnized at the home of the
bride on Wednesday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock. Rev. Clarence Braun,
brother of the bridegroom and pastor
Of the Grace Lutheran church of this
city officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Braun
came to Niagara Falls yesterday. A
wedding reception was held by the
bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Valentine Braun, of Willard avenue
Niagara Falls, They left this morning
for a motor trip through the
Adirondack mountains and will re-
side in Detroit when they return.