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- Buffalo NY Evening News - 3/26/1926
Mr. and Mrs. George Crook of
Prospect avenue announce the engagement
of their daughter, Mary, to
Mr. Cornelius F. Brick of North
Tonawanda, the wedding to take
place this summer.
North Tonawannda NY Evening News - 6/1/1976
Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius
F. Brick of Bennett
S t r e e t , N o r th
Tonawanda, celebrated
their 50th wedding anniversary
Saturday at a
private Mass in Ascension
Church, concelebrated
by the Rev. Msgr.
Julius Szabo, the Rev.
James Judge and the
Rev. Joseph Friel with
Ascension Men's Choir
The organist for the
Mass was Mr. and Mrs.
Brick's niece. Miss Mary
Lois Brick.
Following the Mass,
Dr Natacha J. Wilbur
entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Brick, their children,
grandchildren, greatgrandchildren
and out-oftown
guests at an open
house in her new home in
North Tonawanda.
Later in the afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. Brick's son,
Cornelius B. Brick Jr.,
h o s t e d a c o c k t a il
reception and dinner
party for his parents and
guests at Dom Polski
C l u b of N o r th
Tonawanda, followed, by
Mr. Brick, a native of
North Tonawanda, and
his wife, the former Mary
E. Byrne of Louisville.
Ky., were married at
Ascension Church on May
29, 1926. They were attended
by Mr. Brick's
brother, Cyril Brick, now
d e c e a s e d , and Mrs.
B r i c k ' s sister, Mrs.
Frank (Ruth) Dunn, who
attended the anniversary
Mr. Brick retired in
1968 as a vice president
after 45 years with
Marine Midland Bank.
He remains active in
c i v i c and f r a t e r n al
groups, as well as Mrs.
Brick, who is still
preparing fine meals in
her favorite kitchen.
A t t e n d i n g the anniversary
from out-ofs
t a t e were: Their
daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas F.
(Montine) O'Connor of
Park Forest, III.; their
grandchildren, Mr. and
M r s . N i c h o l a s F .
(Darleen) O'Connor Jr.
of Loves Park, Ill. and
Miss Janine O'Connor of
Park Forrest, Ill.; their
g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d r e n ,
Christopher, Jason and
Heather O'Connor of
Loves Park, Ill., Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel Byrne of
Louisville, Ky.. and Mrs.
Dorothy Kwak of Fort
Lauderdale. Fla.; and
Mr. and Mrs. Rick
Logigian of Marblehead,