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- Utica NY Observer - 10/29/1925
Miss Anna M. Schug, daughter of
Mr. and Mra. George Schug. 908
Court Street, and Wallace Byron
Bristol, were married at 9 o'clock
this morning in St. Joseph's
Church with a nuptial mass celebrated
by the Rev. Innocent Dres-
seL The bride was attended by her
niece, Mlss Loretta Schug and Jo-And'Jo-
seph N. Schug, brother of the bride,
acted as beat man.
The bride wore white crepe de
chine and carried a shower bou-
quet of. White roses. Her attendant
wore orange crepe and carr
ried tea. roses.
The ushers were Francis.Bristol,
brother of the bridegroom, and
Thomas Schug. brother -of the
Breakfast followed tbe ceremony
at the home of the bride's parents
and later a reception took place
with a lrge number of friends and
relatives In attendance.
The bridegroom. son of Mr. and
Mrs Charles Bristol, 1011 Nye Avenue
Is connected with the N. Y.
Telephone Co.. and the bride has
been assistant evening chief at the
same company
Mr. anl Mrs. Bristol left on a
trip to Rochester and Niagara
Fall, to make their home at 208
Court Street. "
The brlde has been honored at
many parties. Including showers by
employes, of the telephone com*
panny at the home of Miss Leola
Smith and showers by the Misses
Agnes and Margaret Cloonan,
Miss Elizabeth Owens. Miss Eliza-
beth Beyche, Mrs. Joseph Schug,
Mrs. William Schug. Mrs. George
Schug Jr. and Mrs. Thomas Schug.
The couple received a large array
of beautiful gifts.